324 research outputs found

    Temporal trends in concentrations and total serum burdens of organochlorine compounds from birth until adolescence and the role of breastfeeding

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    Introduction: The aims of the present study are to assess the temporal trends of organochlorine compounds (OCs) concentrations and total serum burdens from birth until adolescence and the influence of breastfeeding in these temporal trends. Methods: In 1997 two birth cohort studies were set up in Ribera d'Ebre (N=102) and the island of Menorca (N=482), Spain. Concentrations (ng/mL) of OCs [pentachlorobenzene (PeCB), four isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (4,4'-DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (4,4'-DDE) and seven polychlorobiphenyl congeners (σ7PCBs)] were measured in cord blood and at the age of 4 and 14years. The total serum burdens (ng) of these compounds were estimated based on the total blood volume (mL) of children at the different ages. We compared median concentrations and total serum burdens of these OCs at the different time-points of follow-up between children of Ribera d'Ebre and Menorca and between breastfed and non-breastfed children. Results: From birth until adolescence concentrations of all OCs drastically reduced. These reductions were mainly derived from the dilution of OCs, associated to an increase in total blood volume of children at the age of 4 and 14years. Despite the reduction in OCs concentrations, the total serum burdens of 4,4'-DDE and σ7PCBs, were higher in adolescents than at birth. Increases in OCs total serum burden occurred both in breastfed and non-breastfed children, but were significantly higher in the first. Conclusions: Even after decades of banning OCs production and use, current young generations in westernized countries are still bioaccumulating these compounds. Given the potential health effects of OCs, especial attention should be paid in the control of secondary emissions in the environment and in the control of food production and contamination. In countries with endemic malaria it is important to work towards effective alternatives to the use of DDT. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS-97/1102, FIS 97/0588, 00/0021-2, PI061756, PS0901958 and FIS PS09/00362), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176 and CB06/02/0041), Fundació La Caixa (97/009-00 and 00/077-00), and the Generalitat de Catalunya-CIRIT 1999SGR 00241. Finally, the authors would like to be grateful to the families in Flix and Menorca participating in the study, to the high school management team of Flix for their interest and collaboration, and to Rosa Maria Sabaté, the nurse of the health center of Flix, for her support and commitment.Peer reviewe

    Temporal trends and geographical variability of the prevalence and incidence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnoses among children in Catalonia, Spain

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    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral disorders in childhood. According to a recent systematic review, the worldwide estimate of ADHD prevalence is 7.2% in children. This study aims to assess the prevalence of ADHD diagnoses in 2017 and the incidence of ADHD diagnoses in 2009-2017 in children living in Catalonia, Spain, as well as their temporal and geographical variability, and stratifying by sex and age. We used administrative data for all children aged 4 to 17 years who were insured in the public Catalan Health System in 2009-2017. We identified all ADHD cases diagnosed in 2009-2017 (ICD-9 code 314). We estimated the prevalence of ADHD diagnoses in 2017 and the overall annual incidence of ADHD diagnoses in 2009-2017. We used Poisson regression models to assess temporal trends in the incidence. We estimated a prevalence of ADHD diagnoses of 4.06% (95%CI 4.03, 4.10) in 2017, being 5.81% (95%CI 5.75, 5.87) for boys and 2.20% (95%CI 2.16, 2.24) for girls, the highest prevalence being in 13-to-17-year-olds (7.28% (95%CI 7.20, 7.36)). We did not observe a statistically significant increase of the incidence of ADHD diagnoses during the study period. Geographical differences were found across the healthcare areas in both prevalence and annual incidence and constant during the study period. In conclusion, the prevalence of ADHD diagnoses observed in this study was 4.06%, which was lower than the estimates reported in previous systematic reviews, but in line with the prevalence estimates from other recent European studies. The prevalence was higher in boys than girls, with a sex ratio consistent with previous studies. We did not observe an increase in the temporal trend of incidence of ADHD diagnoses in recent years, but we found geographical differences

    Relation of prenatal and postnatal PM<sub>2.5</sub> exposure with cognitive and motor function among preschool-aged children

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    The literature informing susceptible periods of exposure on children's neurodevelopment is limited. We evaluated the impacts of pre- and postnatal fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure on children's cognitive and motor function among 1303 mother-child pairs in the Spanish INMA (Environment and Childhood) Study. Random forest models with temporal back extrapolation were used to estimate daily residential PM2.5 exposures that we averaged across 1-week lags during the prenatal period and 4-week lags during the postnatal period. The McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) were administered around 5 years to assess general cognitive index (GCI) and several subscales (verbal, perceptual-performance, memory, fine motor, gross motor). We applied distributed lag nonlinear models within the Bayesian hierarchical framework to explore periods of susceptibility to PM2.5 on each MSCA outcome. Effect estimates were calculated per 5 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 and aggregated across adjacent statistically significant lags using cumulative β (βcum) and 95% Credible Intervals (95%CrI). We evaluated interactions between PM2.5 with fetal growth and child sex. We did not observe associations of PM2.5 exposure with lower GCI scores. We found a period of susceptibility to PM2.5 on fine motor scores in gestational weeks 1–9 (βcum = −2.55, 95%CrI = −3.53,-1.56) and on gross motor scores in weeks 7–17 (βcum = −2.27,95%CrI = −3.43,-1.11) though the individual lags for the latter were only borderline statistically significant. Exposure in gestational week 17 was weakly associated with verbal scores (βcum = −0.17, 95%CrI = −0.26,-0.09). In the postnatal period (from age 0.5–1.2 years), we observed a window of susceptibility to PM2.5 on lower perceptual-performance (β = −2.42, 95%CrI = −3.37,-1.46). Unexpected protective associations were observed for several outcomes with exposures in the later postnatal period. We observed no evidence of differences in susceptible periods by fetal growth or child sex. Preschool-aged children's motor function may be particularly susceptible to PM2.5 exposures experienced in utero whereas the first year of life was identified as a period of susceptibility to PM2.5 for children's perceptual-performance.</p

    Susceptible windows of prenatal and postnatal fine particulate matter exposures and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in early childhood

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    Few prior studies have explored windows of susceptibility to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in both the prenatal and postnatal periods and children's attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. We analyzed data from 1416 mother-child pairs from the Spanish INMA (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) Study (2003–2008). Around 5 years of age, teachers reported the number of ADHD symptoms (i.e., inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity) using the ADHD Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Around 7 years of age, parents completed the Conners' Parent Rating Scales, from which we evaluated the ADHD index, cognitive problems/inattention, hyperactivity, and oppositional subscales, reported as age- and sex-standardized T-scores. Daily residential PM2.5 exposures were estimated using a two-stage random forest model with temporal back-extrapolation and averaged over 1-week periods in the prenatal period and 4-week periods in the postnatal period. We applied distributed lag non-linear models within the Bayesian hierarchical model framework to identify susceptible windows of prenatal or postnatal exposure to PM2.5 (per 5-μg/m3) for ADHD symptoms. Models were adjusted for relevant covariates, and cumulative effects were reported by aggregating risk ratios (RRcum) or effect estimates (βcum) across adjacent susceptible windows. A similar susceptible period of exposure to PM2.5 (1.2–2.9 and 0.9–2.7 years of age, respectively) was identified for hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms assessed ~5 years (RRcum = 2.72, 95% credible interval [CrI] = 1.98, 3.74) and increased hyperactivity subscale ~7 years (βcum = 3.70, 95% CrI = 2.36, 5.03). We observed a susceptibility period to PM2.5 on risk of hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms ~5 years in gestational weeks 16–22 (RRcum = 1.36, 95% CrI = 1.22, 1.52). No associations between PM2.5 exposure and other ADHD symptoms were observed. We report consistent evidence of toddlerhood as a susceptible window of PM2.5 exposure for hyperactivity in young children. Although mid-pregnancy was identified as a susceptible period of exposure on hyperactivity symptoms in preschool-aged children, this association was not observed at the time children were school-aged.</p
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