100 research outputs found

    Conditional Sampling of Variational Autoencoders via Iterated Approximate Ancestral Sampling

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    Conditional sampling of variational autoencoders (VAEs) is needed in various applications, such as missing data imputation, but is computationally intractable. A principled choice for asymptotically exact conditional sampling is Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG). However, we observe that the tendency of VAEs to learn a structured latent space, a commonly desired property, can cause the MWG sampler to get “stuck” far from the target distribution. This paper mitigates the limitations of MWG: we systematically outline the pitfalls in the context of VAEs, propose two original methods that address these pitfalls, and demonstrate an improved performance of the proposed methods on a set of sampling tasks

    Bayesian Optimization with Informative Covariance

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    Bayesian Optimization is a methodology for global optimization of unknown and expensive objectives. It combines a surrogate Bayesian regression model with an acquisition function to decide where to evaluate the objective. Typical regression models are Gaussian processes with stationary covariance functions, which, however, are unable to express prior input-dependent information, in particular information about possible locations of the optimum. The ubiquity of stationary models has led to the common practice of exploiting prior information via informative mean functions. In this paper, we highlight that these models can lead to poor performance, especially in high dimensions. We propose novel informative covariance functions that leverage nonstationarity to encode preferences for certain regions of the search space and adaptively promote local exploration during the optimization. We demonstrate that they can increase the sample efficiency of the optimization in high dimensions, even under weak prior information

    Conditional Sampling of Variational Autoencoders via Iterated Approximate Ancestral Sampling

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    Conditional sampling of variational autoencoders (VAEs) is needed in various applications, such as missing data imputation, but is computationally intractable. A principled choice for asymptotically exact conditional sampling is Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG). However, we observe that the tendency of VAEs to learn a structured latent space, a commonly desired property, can cause the MWG sampler to get "stuck" far from the target distribution. This paper mitigates the limitations of MWG: we systematically outline the pitfalls in the context of VAEs, propose two original methods that address these pitfalls, and demonstrate an improved performance of the proposed methods on a set of sampling tasks

    Improving variational autoencoder estimation from incomplete data with mixture variational families

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    We consider the task of estimating variational autoencoders (VAEs) when the training data is incomplete. We show that missing data increases the complexity of the model’s posterior distribution over the latent variables compared to the fully-observed case. The increased complexity may adversely affect the fit of the model due to a mismatch between the variational and model posterior distributions. We introduce two strategies based on (i) finite variational-mixture and (ii) imputation-based variational-mixture distributions to address the increased posterior complexity. Through a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed approaches, we show that variational mixtures are effective at improving the accuracy of VAE estimation from incomplete data

    Statistical applications of contrastive learning

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    The likelihood function plays a crucial role in statistical inference and experimental design. However, it is computationally intractable for several important classes of statistical models, including energy-based models and simulator-based models. Contrastive learning is an intuitive and computationally feasible alternative to likelihood-based learning. We here first provide an introduction to contrastive learning and then show how we can use it to derive methods for diverse statistical problems, namely parameter estimation for energy-based models, Bayesian inference for simulator-based models, as well as experimental design.Comment: Accepted to Behaviormetrik

    Variational Gibbs inference for statistical model estimation from incomplete data

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    Statistical models are central to machine learning with broad applicability across a range of downstream tasks. The models are controlled by free parameters that are typically estimated from data by maximum-likelihood estimation or approximations thereof. However, when faced with real-world datasets many of the models run into a critical issue: they are formulated in terms of fully-observed data, whereas in practice the datasets are plagued with missing data. The theory of statistical model estimation from incomplete data is conceptually similar to the estimation of latent-variable models, where powerful tools such as variational inference (VI) exist. However, in contrast to standard latent-variable models, parameter estimation with incomplete data often requires estimating exponentially-many conditional distributions of the missing variables, hence making standard VI methods intractable. We address this gap by introducing variational Gibbs inference (VGI), a new general-purpose method to estimate the parameters of statistical models from incomplete data. We validate VGI on a set of synthetic and real-world estimation tasks, estimating important machine learning models such as VAEs and normalising flows from incomplete data. The proposed method, whilst general-purpose, achieves competitive or better performance than existing model-specific estimation methods.Comment: Improved clarity and references. Added algorithms 2-5. Experiment results remain unchange
