17,034 research outputs found

    Quantum-enhanced gyroscopy with rotating anisotropic Bose–Einstein condensates

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    High-precision gyroscopes are a key component of inertial navigation systems. By considering matter wave gyroscopes that make use of entanglement it should be possible to gain some advantages in terms of sensitivity, size, and resources used over unentangled optical systems. In this paper we consider the details of such a quantum-enhanced atom interferometry scheme based on atoms trapped in a carefully-chosen rotating trap. We consider all the steps: entanglement generation, phase imprinting, and read-out of the signal and show that quantum enhancement should be possible in principle. While the improvement in performance over equivalent unentangled schemes is small, our feasibility study opens the door to further developments and improvements

    Evolution of the Nutritional Quality During Big Bale Ensilage of Temperate Multispecies Pastures

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    The objective of this work was to assess the evolution of the nutritive quality of big bales composed of multispecifies pastures (Phalaris acuática, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne and Medicago sativa). Ten big bales were analysed after 90 and 120 days for the following: dry matter (%DM); crude protein (CP, %DM); pH; neutral detergent fibre (NDF, %DM); digestibility in vitro of DM (IVDMD, %DM); ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N/%TN); soluble protein (SP, %NT) and non structural carbohydrates (WSC, %DM).The results were analyzed through variance of the means and significant differences (p\u3c0.05) were found in percentages of DM (32.9% and 27.8%); CP (12.1% and 8.6%); pH (4.6 and 6.7); IVDMD (61.1% and 53.2%); N-NH3/TN (11.8% and 36.0%); SP (8.6% and 12.6%) and no differences were found in NDF (60.2% and 61.6%) and WSC (2.8% and 1.9%) (p\u3e0.05)

    Engineering entanglement for metrology with rotating matter waves

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    Entangled states of rotating, trapped ultracold bosons form a very promising scenario for quantum metrology. In order to employ such states for metrology, it is vital to understand their detailed form and the enhanced accuracy with which they could measure phase, in this case generated through rotation. In this work, we study the rotation of ultracold bosons in an asymmetric trapping potential beyond the lowest Landau level (LLL) approximation. We demonstrate that while the LLL can identify reasonably the critical frequency for a quantum phase transition and entangled state generation, it is vital to go beyond the LLL to identify the details of the state and quantify the quantum Fisher information (which bounds the accuracy of the phase measurement). We thus identify a new parameter regime for useful entangled state generation, amenable to experimental investigation

    Comparação de métodos de extração sobre o teor e composição de óleo de abacate (Persea americana)

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    Avocado (Persea americana cv. Pollock) samples were used to compared two methods of oil extraction: the samples were dried at 70°C and treated with petroleum ether. Fresh samples were treated with chloroform-methanol (2:1, v/v). Significant differences were not observed between these two methods in relation to oil conten, non-saponifiable fraction, total fatty acids and fatty acid composition of oil avocado. Oil content of the sample varied from 5.88 to 7.02% on a fresh weight basis while non-saponifiable fraction from 2.17 to 4.34% on oil weight basis. Palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic, oleic and linoleic acids were detected and quantified.Amostras de abacate (Persea americana) da raça Antilhano, variedade Policek utilizadas no ensaio para comparação de dois métodos de extração de óleo: amostras secas em estufa a 70°C tratadas por éter de petróleo e amostras frescas extraídas com clorofórmio metanol (2:1, v/v). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os dois métodos empregados em relação aos teores de óleo, fração insaponificável, ácidos graxos totais e na composição em ácidos graxos do óleo de abacate. O teor de óleo variou de 5,88 a 7,02%/peso fresco enquanto a fração insaponificável de 2,17 a 4,34%/peso óleo. Foram detectados os seguintes ácidos graxos: palmítico, esteárico, palmitolêico olêico e linolêico

    Composição em ácidos graxos de óleo de café: comparação de métodos de esterificação

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    Green bean coffee (Coffea arábica L., cv. Mundo Novo) was treated with petroleum and oil was analised in relation to fatty acid composition. Three methods of esterification were used and the results statistically analised. Significant differences were not observed between methods of LUDDY et alii (1960) and A.O.A.C. (1965). The method with previous saponification showed significant difference only to linoleic acid when was compared with A.O.A.C. method.Óleo de grãos de café verde (Coffea arábica L.) variedade Mundo Novo, foi extraído com éter de petróleo e analisado quanto a composição em ácidos graxos. Foram utilizados três métodos de esterificação e os resultados analisados estatisticamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os métodos de LUDDY et alii (1969) e da A.O.A.C. (1965). O método que utilizou a saponificação prévia apresentou diferença significativa no teor de linolêico em relação ao método A.O.A.C. (1965)