2 research outputs found

    Desejo de democracia: Perspectivas dos pais impactadas em 2013 fechamentos escolares de Chicago

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    In this article, we discuss the historical shifts in the purposes of public education and examine how neoliberal education policies, like Chicago’s school closings, attempt to limit the purpose of public education to be in service to and at the whim of the market. We juxtapose this dominant neoliberal narrative of public education with the voices of the parents from closed schools, whose deep involvement with and beliefs about public schools counter neoliberalism’s shallow concept of the public purpose of public education. Drawing upon a 2014 qualitative study of parents and caregivers who were impacted by school closures and actions, as well as publically available data, we find that parents believe school closings cause great harm to students, families and communities, aim to reduce citizens to consumers in an educational marketplace, and seek to further undermine democracy in education toward a “thin democracy” (Gandin Apple, 2002) of marketized education. However, we argue that there is an alternative to the neoliberal narrative reflected both in the ongoing historical struggle about the purposes of schooling and in the wisdom, experiences, and desires of parents most directly impacted by neoliberal education policies.En este artículo, discutimos los cambios históricos en los propósitos de la educación pública y examinamos cómo las políticas educativas neoliberales, como el cierre de las escuelas de Chicago, intentan limitar el propósito de la educación pública para el servicio y el capricho del mercado. Nosotros yuxtaponemos esa narrativa neoliberal dominante de educación pública con las voces de los padres de escuelas cerradas, cuya profunda implicación y creencias sobre escuelas públicas cuestionan el concepto superficial del neoliberalismo del propósito público de la educación pública. En base a un estudio cualitativo de 2014 sobre padres y cuidadores que se vieron afectados por cierres y acciones escolares, así como datos públicamente disponibles, creemos que los padres creen que el cierre de las escuelas causa grandes daños a los estudiantes, familias y comunidades, Ciudadanos a los consumidores Un mercado educativo, y tratan de minar aún más la democracia en la educación para una "democracia delgada" (Gandin Apple, 2002) de educación comercializada. Sin embargo, argumentamos que existe una alternativa a la narrativa neoliberal reflejada tanto en la lucha histórica en curso sobre los propósitos de la escolaridad como en la sabiduría, experiencias y deseos de los padres más directamente impactados por las políticas de educación neoliberales.Neste artigo, discutimos as mudanças históricas nos propósitos da educação pública e examinamos como as políticas educacionais neoliberais, como o encerramento das escolas de Chicago, tentam limitar o propósito da educação pública para o serviço e ao capricho do mercado. Nós justaponemos essa narrativa neoliberal dominante de educação pública com as vozes dos pais de escolas fechadas, cujo profundo envolvimento e crenças sobre escolas públicas contestam o conceito superficial do neoliberalismo do propósito público da educação pública. Com base em um estudo qualitativo de 2014 sobre pais e cuidadores que foram afetados por fechamentos e ações escolares, bem como dados publicamente disponíveis, achamos que os pais acreditam que o encerramento das escolas causa grandes danos aos estudantes, famílias e comunidades, visam reduzir os cidadãos aos consumidores Um mercado educacional, e procuram minar ainda mais a democracia na educação para uma "democracia delgada" (Gandin Apple, 2002) de educação comercializada. No entanto, argumentamos que existe uma alternativa à narrativa neoliberal refletida tanto na luta histórica em curso sobre os propósitos da escolaridade quanto na sabedoria, experiências e desejos dos pais mais diretamente impactados pelas políticas de educação neoliberais

    Shaping the Common Sense of Chicago’s Racialized Neoliberal Education Project, A Comparative Analysis

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    This research is focused on race and the dialectic of Chicago neoliberal education reform and resistance. In this study, I analyze the racial discourses and the cultural politics of race of key school choice policy moments under the administration of former mayor Rahm Emanuel (2011-2019), during which the contradictions of and contestations to Chicago’s racialized neoliberal education project intensified the crisis of legitimacy of this neoliberal conjuncture. Using a comparative racialization analysis, the three policy moments I examine include: 1) the resumption of school closings in 2018—after a moratorium following the historic closures of 50 public schools in 2013—during which Chicago Public Schools targeted majority low income and African American schools; 2) the 2015 charter school expansion into the Latinx southwest side and whiter north side of the city; and 3) the increase in appointments of people of color to head the district, what I call a new racialized managerialism. I find that during this crisis period, Chicago Public Schools shifted toward what Jodi Melamed calls neoliberal multiculturalism as the official state anti-racist discourse to manage the crisis, and that neoliberal austerity and school choice intensify and are relegitimized by anti-black racism which undermine opportunities to build solidarity to challenge neoliberal education policy. Thus, to build toward a more transformative, anti-racist, redistributive educational reform agenda requires a deeper understanding of anti-blackness as a structure that shapes the common sense of neoliberal school choice and undermines collective life