1,090 research outputs found

    A quasi-experimental evaluation of parents as sexual health educators resulting in delayed sexual initiation and increased access to condoms.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention for parents of first year high school students in the State of Morelos, Mexico, whose aim was to impact adolescents' sexual behavior, knowledge and access to contraception. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Quasi-experimental prospective study with eleven control and eleven intervention schools using self-administered questionnaires for parents and adolescents pre- and post-intervention. Parent-child dyads in the control and intervention schools were matched according to parents' propensity score; the average treatment effect (ATE) was estimated for adolescent's outcome variables. RESULTS: At follow-up, we found significant differences for adolescents in the intervention schools: 6.8% delayed initiation of sexual intercourse, 14.4% had correct knowledge about emergency contraception (EC), and 164% reported having received condoms from their parents, when comparing with students in control schools. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that parent-focused interventions could be an innovative and effective strategy to promote adolescents sexual health

    Effects of Online Tutorial System on Classroom and Support In-Service Teachers in the Canary Islands for the Early Instruction of Students at Risk for Mathematics Difficulties

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    Resumen:El principal objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar los efectos del programa tutorial Primate sobre los conocimientos y la valoración que realiza el profesorado tutor de aula y el profesorado de apoyo en las Islas Canarias. Se trata de un sistema de aprendizaje tutorial que utiliza la plataforma Moodle para crear un ambiente educativo virtual, dirigido para que el profesorado que atiende al alumnado en riesgo de presentar Dificultades Específica de Aprendizaje en Matemáticas (DEAM), pueda tener una formación sobre la instrucción temprana de las matemáticas en niños que se encuentran en situación de riesgo a partir de lo que prescribe la investigación científica. Se encontró que ambos grupos mejoraron sus conocimientos en las distintas áreas evaluadas a través del sistema tutorial. Finalmente, tanto el profesorado de apoyo como los profesores tutores de aula realizaron una valoración positiva de todos los módulos que componen el Primate Effects of Online Tutorial System on Classroom and Support In-Service Teachers in the Canary Islands for the Early Instruction of Students at Risk for Mathematics Difficulties Abstract:The main objective of this study was to analyze the effects of the Primate online tutorial system on classroom and support in-service teachers in the Canary Islands for the early instruction of students at risk for mathematics difficulties. This is a tutorial learning system that uses the Moodle platform to create a virtual educational environment, aimed at teaching teachers that attends at-risk students who are considered to have a higher probability of failing academically in math. Teachers receive a training on how to instruct early mathematics in children who are at risk based on scientific research. A sample of classroom and support in-service teachers from the Canary Islands participated in the online course. It was found that both groups improved their knowledge in the different areas evaluated through the tutorial system. Finally, positive ratings were received by both the classroom and support in-service teachers</jats:p

    Design and implementation of an instrumented pedal for cycling biomechanics research

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    Cycling is a common, low-impact activity used for recreation, exercise, and rehabilitation. Knee joint loading can be predicted using inverse dynamic analyses of pedal load cell and kinematic data measured during cycling biomechanics experiments. Several studies have successfully measured foot loading at the pedals, e.g. by using custom instrumented pedal spindles outfitted with strain gauges and a potentiometer to measure crank angle [1-3]. Such designs are relatively complex, requiring difficult machining and component fabrication, and require post-processing of strain gauge data. The long-term goal of this study is to calculate knee joint loading and, ultimately, cartilage tissue stress to provide evidence-based prescriptions for rehabilitative and fitness sustainment exercises for those who are at high risk for knee osteoarthritis. The objective of this project was to design, fabricate, and implement an instrumented pedal system using existing load cells for use in cycling biomechanics research. Measured data retrieved from the load cells during cycling experiments will be compared to similar studies to verify that this project was successful

    Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level

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    Supergenes govern multi-trait-balanced polymorphisms in a wide range of systems; however, our understanding of their origins and evolution remains incomplete. The reciprocal placement of stigmas and anthers in pin and thrum floral morphs of distylous species constitutes an iconic example of a balanced polymorphism governed by a supergene, the distyly S-locus. Recent studies have shown that the Primula and Turnera distyly supergenes are both hemizygous in thrums, but it remains unknown whether hemizygosity is pervasive among distyly S-loci. As hemizygosity has major consequences for supergene evolution and loss, clarifying whether this genetic architecture is shared among distylous species is critical. Here, we have characterized the genetic architecture and evolution of the distyly supergene in Linum by generating a chromosome-level genome assembly of Linum tenue, followed by the identification of the S-locus using population genomic data. We show that hemizygosity and thrum-specific expression of S-linked genes, including a pistil-expressed candidate gene for style length, are major features of the Linum S-locus. Structural variation is likely instrumental for recombination suppression, and although the non-recombining dominant haplotype has accumulated transposable elements, S-linked genes are not under relaxed purifying selection. Our findings reveal remarkable convergence in the genetic architecture and evolution of independently derived distyly supergenes, provide a counterexample to classic inversion-based supergenes, and shed new light on the origin and maintenance of an iconic floral polymorphism.European Research Council (ERC) 757451Swedish Research Council 2019-04452, 2018-0597

    Using OpenSim to predict knee joint moments during cycling

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    Cycling is a relatively low impact activity conventionally recommended as a rehabilitative or fitness sustaining exercise for patients at a high risk for knee osteoarthritis (OA) [1,2]. Expanding our understanding of knee joint loads is necessary to develop and improve evidence-based prescriptions for cycling as a rehabilitative and fitness therapy that limits the risk for knee OA. OpenSim (www.simtk.org) is an open source biomechanical analysis software that can partition predictions of external joint loads (or net muscle moments) into muscle and joint contact loads [3]. Joint contact loads more accurately represent cartilage tissue loading and hence risk for cartilage damage and/or OA [4]. As a first step towards predicting knee joint contact loads during cycling, we hypothesized that OpenSim can predict external knee joint moments that are consistent with published data [5,6]. To address this hypothesis, we conducted cycling experiments and used OpenSim’s scale tool, inverse kinematics (IK) solver, and inverse dynamics (ID) solver to model the recorded activity

    Inflammation, organomegaly, and muscle wasting despite hyperphagia in a mouse model of burn cachexia.

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    BACKGROUND: Burn injury results in a chronic inflammatory, hypermetabolic, and hypercatabolic state persisting long after initial injury and wound healing. Burn survivors experience a profound and prolonged loss of lean body mass, fat mass, and bone mineral density, associated with significant morbidity and reduced quality of life. Understanding the mechanisms responsible is essential for developing therapies. A complete characterization of the pathophysiology of burn cachexia in a reproducible mouse model was lacking. METHODS: Young adult (12-16 weeks of age) male C57BL/6J mice were given full thickness burns using heated brass plates or sham injury. Food and water intake, organ and muscle weights, and muscle fiber diameters were measured. Body composition was determined by Piximus. Plasma analyte levels were determined by bead array assay. RESULTS: Survival and weight loss were dependent upon burn size. The body weight nadir in burned mice was 14 days, at which time we observed reductions in total body mass, lean carcass mass, individual muscle weights, and muscle fiber cross-sectional area. Muscle loss was associated with increased expression of the muscle ubiquitin ligase, MuRF1. Burned mice also exhibited reduced fat mass and bone mineral density, concomitant with increased liver, spleen, and heart mass. Recovery of initial body weight occurred at 35 days; however, burned mice exhibited hyperphagia and polydipsia out to 80 days. Burned mice had significant increases in serum cytokine, chemokine, and acute phase proteins, consistent with findings in human burn subjects. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes a mouse model that largely mimics human pathophysiology following severe burn injury. These baseline data provide a framework for mouse-based pharmacological and genetic investigation of burn-injury-associated cachexia

    LanderPick, a Remote Operated Trawled Vehicle to cost-effectively deploy and recover lightweight oceanographic landers.

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    Landers are modular structures equipped with miscellaneous sensors and monitoring equipment which are positioned directly on the seabed to operate autonomously for a defined timeframe. A drawback of landers intended to operate for prolonged periods in the deep ocean is the high cost of recovery systems, typically depending on buoyancy modules plus expendable ballast, or requiring ROVs assistance. LanderPick concept consists of the design of a specific trawled vehicle to deploy and recover lightweight oceanographic landers not provided with recovery elements, but having a capture mesh that facilitates their hitching. The LanderPick vehicle is technically a ROTV (Remote Operated Trawled Vehicle) controlled through a standard coaxial electromechanical cable that allows real-time control from the vessel. Navigation is enabled by a low-light high-definition camera, aided by spotlights and laser pointers. Small propellers aid in the final precision approach maneuvers. A mechanical release allows the precise placement at the sea bottom of landers carried as a payload, as well as their recovery by means of a triple hook. First sea missions of the system were carried out successfully in 2021 in southern Biscay. A 4-month deployment of a lander array equipped with current-meters along an energetic canyon axis provided unprecedented detail in the progression of the internal tidal bore. Short (48-hours) deployments of a fully-instrumented lander, including lapse-time image and baits in a deep seamount summit within a marine protected area, provided insights on the biodiversity of a unique ecosystem. The LanderPick novel approach to cost-effectively and precisely deploy and recover lightweight oceanographic landers allows to conceive (i) monitoring systems based on the deployment of arrays or fleets of low-cost landers and (ii) experiments associated with deep habitats such as coral reefs in which it is necessary to locate landers with great precision