29 research outputs found

    Distribution of the minutiae in palmprints: Topological andsexual variability

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    Palmprints have been systematically less studied than fingerprints, despite being of great use in the identification process. In Spain, they were not included in Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) until 2009. Very few investigations performed within the field of palmprints have assessed the sexual and population variability of the number and distribution of minutiae on its surface, despite the fact that these particularities are the basis for personal identification in forensic science. That is why a study was conducted to assess total, bimanual and sexual density per morphological regions (superior or distal, thenar and hypothenar) and per counting areas of 1cm2 on 120 palmprints obtained from 30 male and 30 female individuals of Spanish nationality. Also, the frequency in the location of each type of delta or triradius (a, b, c, d and t) per count area was calculated. Results have shown a topological variability in the distribution of the density of minutiae, which is similar between sexes and a specular effect between both hands. The most frequent locations of the deltas coincide with areas of high minutiae density. It has also been shown that there are sexual differences in the total number of minutiae, which cannot be due to sexual dimorphism in adult hand size, since minutiae are established at an early stage of fetal development and their number will not change during later postnatal growth. These differences can only be attributed to genetic factors related to the number and type of sex chromosomes

    Assessment of the methodology for estimating ridge density in fingerprints and its forensic application

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    In recent times, some studies have explored the forensic application of dermatoglyphic traits such as the epidermal ridge breadth or ridge density (RD) toward the inference of sex and population from fingerprints of unknown origin, as it has been demonstrated that there exist significant differences of fingerprints between sexes and between populations. Part of the population differences found between these studies could be of methodological nature, due both to the lack of standardisation in the position of the counting area, as well as to the differences in the method used for obtaining the fingerprint. Therefore, the aim of this study was to check whether there are differences between the RD of fingerprints depending on where the counting area is placed and how the fingerprints are obtained. Fingerprints of each finger were obtained from 102 adult Spanish subjects (50 females and 52 males), using two methods (plain and rolled). The ridge density of each fingerprint was assessed in five different areas of the dactylogram: two closer to the core area (one on the radial and the other on the ulnar side), two closer to the outermost area of each of the sides (radial and ulnar), and another one in the proximal region of the fingertip. Regardless of the method used and of the position of the counting area, thumbs and forefingers show a higher RD than middle, ring, and little fingers in both sexes, and females present a higher RD than males in all areas and fingers. In both males and females, RD values on the core region are higher than those on the outer region, irrespective of the technique of fingerprinting used (rolled or plain). Regardless of the sex and location of the count area (core or outer), the rolled fingerprints exhibit RD greater than that of the plain ones in both radial and proximal areas, whereas the trend is inverted in the ulnar area, where rolled fingerprints demonstrate RD lesser than that of the plain ones. Therefore, in order for the results of different studies to be comparable, it is necessary to standardise the position of the count area and to use the same method of obtaining the fingerprint, especially when involving a forensic application

    Fingerprint ridge density in the Argentinean population and its application to sex inference: A comparative study

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    Fingerprint ridge density (RD) is known to vary according to sex and population, and such variation can be used for forensic purposes. The aim of this study was to analyze the fingerprint RD of two samples of the Argentinean population in order to assess their topological, digital, bilateral, sexual, and population differences for subsequent application in the inference of sex. Data were collected from the fingerprints of 172 individuals from the Buenos Aires province and 163 from the Chubut province. RD was assessed for three different count areas for all 10 fingers of each individual. In both sexes and both samples, significant differences among areas were obtained, so that radial-RD > ulnar-RD > proximal-RD. Females presented greater RD than males in all areas and on all fingers. Regarding population differences, no significant differences were found between the Buenos Aires and Chubut samples (except for proximal RD in males). However, both samples showed RD significantly different from that of the Jujuy province. The application of Bayes? theorem allowed for the identification of an RD threshold for discrimination of sexes in these Argentinean samples. In conclusion females consistently exhibit narrower epidermal ridges than males, which may evidence a universal pattern of sexual dimorphism in this trait that can be useful in forensics in the identification of individuals.Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarroll

    Impact of aging in fingerprint ridge density: Anthropometry and forensic implications in sex inference

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    The variation in the epidermal ridge's width between the sexes, during various growth stages, and among different populations has been previously assessed. However, the changes that occur with aging are barely known. The goal of this study was to analyse the degree of variation in epidermal ridge width due to aging. So that, fingerprint ridge density was estimated to establish their relationship with body and hand size changes that typically occur in adulthood. In this study, a sample of 213 adults of both sexes from a Spanish native population of different age ranges?18?30?years old (?junior? group) and 50?66?years old (?senior? group)?was used. Ridge density was assessed in three counting areas of the distal phalanx of each finger (radial, ulnar, and proximal). Height, weight, and a set of anthropometric measurements for both hands were also taken. Our results show that ridge density is higher in females than males throughout adulthood and decreases with aging in the radial and ulnar areas (as the hands widen) but not in the proximal region. Thus, a relationship between hand dimensions and ridge density was found. The data indicate that aging changes may conceal the recognized sex differences in ridge density, and so a better understanding of the topological variations in the epidermal ridge width throughout the life cycle and the factors involved would facilitate the interpretation of the differences between the sexes and different age groups

    Diversity of human lip prints: a collaborative study of ethnically distinct world populations

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    Background: Cheiloscopy is a comparatively recent counterpart to the long established dactyloscopic studies. Ethnic variability of these lip groove patterns has not yet been explored. Aim: This study was a collaborative effort aimed at establishing cheiloscopic variations amongst modern human populations from four geographically and culturally far removed nations: India, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Nigeria. Subjects and methods: Lip prints from a total of 754 subjects were collected and each was divided into four equal quadrants. The patterns were classified into six regular types (A?F), while some patterns which could not be fitted into the regular ones were segregated into G groups (G-0, G-1, G-2). Furthermore, co-dominance of more than one pattern type in a single quadrant forced us to identify the combination (COM, G-COM) patterns. Results and conclusion: The remarkable feature noted after compilation of the data included pattern C (a bifurcate/branched prototype extending the entire height of the lip) being a frequent feature of the lips of all the populations studied, save for the Nigerian population in which it was completely absent and which showed a tendency for pattern A (a vertical linear groove) and a significantly higher susceptibility for combination (COM) patterns. Chi-square test and correspondence analysis applied to the frequency of patterns appearing in the defined topographical areas indicated a significant variation for the populations studied

    Mortalidad infantil por malformaciones congénitas y condición socioeconómica: el caso de la Argentina Infant mortality due to congenital malformations and socioeconomic status: the case of Argentina

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    OBJETIVO: Relacionar la tasa de mortalidad infantil por malformaciones congénitas (TMIMC) y el porcentaje de muertes por malformaciones congénitas (%MMC) con las características sociodemográficas y económicas en la Argentina. MÉTODOS: La población estudiada de la Argentina reside en 511 departamentos de 23 provincias, agrupadas en cinco regiones geográficas (Noroeste, Noreste, Centro, Cuyo y Patagonía). Las variables analizadas fueron la TMLMC y el %MMC calculados a partir de los nacimientos y las defunciones del quinquenio 2002-2006. Además, se utilizaron 21 variables del Censo de Población y Vivienda del 2001 (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de Argentina) para construir el Indicador Sociodemográfico y Económico (ISDE) mediante el análisis de componentes principales. Se realizaron pruebas de comparación para valorar si aparecían diferencias significativas entre las distintas regiones y las correlaciones entre indicadores, y de estos con la latitud y longitud departamental. RESULTADOS: La TMIMC no presentó correlación significativa con el ISDE ni con las coor denadas geográficas. El %MMC y el ISDE presentaron una correlación positiva significativa (P OBJECTIVE: Compare the infant mortality rate due to congenital malformations ( IMRCM) and the percentage of deaths due to congenital malformations (%DCM) with sociodemographic and economic characteristics in Argentina. METHODS: The Argentine study population resided in 511 departments of 23 provinces, grouped into five geographic regions (Northwest, Northeast, Central, Cuyo, and Patagonia). The analyzed variables were the IMRCM and the %DCM calculated on the basis of births and deaths during 2002-2006 period. In addition, 21 variables were used from the 2001 Population and Housing Census (National Census and Statistics Institute of Argentina) to construct the Sociodemographic and Economic Indicator (SDEI) through the analysis of principal components. Comparison tests were carried out in order to assess the significant differences among the various regions and the correlations between indicators, and of these with the departmental latitudes and longitudes. RESULTS: There was no significant correlation between the IMRCM and the SDEI, nor with geographic coordinates. However, there was a significant positive correlation between the IMRCM and the SDEI (P < 0.05) at all levels of political organization. The SDEI explained 41% of the %DCM. CONCLUSIONS: The IMRCM was not significantly associated with the country's marked socioeconomic heterogeneity; the highest %DCM values, on the other hand, were observed in the populations of the central and southern areas of the country. Given the relationship between the %DCM and socioeconomic development of the population, use of this indicator as a proxy of well-being and quality of life is suggested