3,666 research outputs found

    Optimising Humanness: Designing the best human-like Bot for Unreal Tournament 2004

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    This paper presents multiple hybridizations of the two best bots on the BotPrize 2014 competition, which sought for the best humanlike bot playing the First Person Shooter game Unreal Tournament 2004. To this aim the participants were evaluated using a Turing test in the game. The work considers MirrorBot (the winner) and NizorBot (the second) codes and combines them in two different approaches, aiming to obtain a bot able to show the best behaviour overall. There is also an evolutionary version on MirrorBot, which has been optimized by means of a Genetic Algorithm. The new and the original bots have been tested in a new, open, and public Turing test whose results show that the evolutionary version of MirrorBot apparently improves the original bot, and also that one of the novel approaches gets a good humanness level.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Studying the capacity of cellular encoding to generate feedforward neural network topologies

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    Proceeding of: IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2004, Budapest, 25-29 July 2004Many methods to codify artificial neural networks have been developed to avoid the disadvantages of direct encoding schema, improving the search into the solution's space. A method to analyse how the search space is covered and how are the movements along search process applying genetic operators is needed in order to evaluate the different encoding strategies for multilayer perceptrons (MLP). In this paper, the generative capacity, this is how the search space is covered for a indirect scheme based on cellular systems, is studied. The capacity of the methods to cover the search space (topologies of MLP space) is compared with the direct encoding scheme.Publicad

    Decomposing generalized transport costs using index numbers: A geographical analysis of economic and infrastructure fundamentals

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    We use the economic theory approach to index numbers in order to improve the existing definitions and decompositions of generalized transport costs (GTCs), and thus to obtain a better understanding of their economic and infrastructure determinants. Using this approach we accurately measure the contribution made to reducing GTCs by the variation in operating costs and accessibility variables, and discuss to what extent transportation policy has been successful in reducing GTCs in terms of market competition and infrastructure investments. To implement the optimizing behaviour of transportation firms when choosing minimum cost itineraries, we compile a new economic database on road freight transportation at a highly detailed provincial level, which is then embedded into a GIS to show the digitalized road networks corresponding to five-year intervals between 1980 and 2007. Average GTCs weighted by trade flows have decreased by -16.3% in Spain, with infrastructure policy leading the way in providing notable accessibility improvements in terms of lower times and distances. The contribution of infrastructure is double that of economic cost, whose trends are mainly driven by technological and market determinants rather than by specific competition and regulatory policies promoted by the administrations. We find large territorial disparities in GTC levels and variations, but also significant clusters where the market and network effects on GTC reduction show relevant and diverse degrees of spatial association. We finally conclude that after three decades of active transportation policy aimed mainly at intensifying investment in road infrastructure, there has been a significant increase in territorial cohesion in terms of GTCs and their components.Generalized transport costs; Index number theory; Infrastructure; GIS; Territorial cohesion.

    Coordinación global basada en controladores locales reactivos en la RoboCup

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    Actas del Primer Workshop Hispano-Luso en Agentes Físicos, Tarragona, 12/13-X-2000El principal problema a que nos enfrentamos al diseñar sistemas multi-agente es cómo coordinar los agentes que pertenecen a este sistema para obtener un comportamiento global eficiente. En algunos trabajos, el comportamiento coordinado de los agentes se obtiene gracias a un conocimiento total del dominio en el que se pueden aplicar planificadores tradicionales. Sin embargo, en muchos dominios esta aproximación no es posible por tratarse de dominios demasiado grandes y la comunicación y capacidad de memoria de los agentes muy limitada. En este trabajo se presenta un diseño multi-agente que permite obtener un comportamiento global coordinado basado en los comportamientos reactivos de los agentes que son controlados o dirigidos por la información local que poseen. En el diseño se ha minimizado la comunicación entre los agentes, ya que el proceso de coordinación se basa en reglas locales reactivas. Esta propuesta tiene una primera aplicación en el dominio de la RoboCup (Robot World Cup Iniciative), proyecto ampliamente utilizado por la comunidad investigadora. Palabras Clave: Inteligencia artificial distribuida, sistemas multi-agente, comportamientos cooperativos, comportamientos reactivos, RoboCupComisión Interministerial de Ciencia y TecnologíaRed Temática EUROBOT-IBEscola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria (ETSE)Grup de Robótica i Visió Intel•ligents (RIVI)Departament d'Enginyeria Electrónica, Eléctrica i Automática (DEEEA)Departament d'Enginyeria Informática i Matemática (DEIM)Publicad

    Cooperación en sistemas distribuidos de robots reactivos minimizando la cantidad de información comunicada

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    Actas de: Simposio Español de Infomática Distribuida (SEID 2000), Ourense, 25-27 de septiembre de 2000La coordinación emergente pretende obtener comportamientos colaborativos entre diversos agentes sin que eso implique que cada individuo deba tener un conocimiento global del dominio, y sin que ese conocimiento deba estar centralizado. Al no requerir conocimiento global, se minimiza la comunicación entre los agentes de forma que cada uno de ellos puede comportarse de forma reactiva y totalmente autónoma. En este trabajo se presenta una primera aproximación a este modelo de coordinación aplicado al dominio de la RoboCup.Publicad

    Generative capacities of cellular automata codification for evolution of NN codification

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    Proceeding of: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. ICANN 2002, Madrid, Spain, August 28-30, 2002Automatic methods for designing artificial neural nets are desired to avoid the laborious and erratically human expert’s job. Evolutionary computation has been used as a search technique to find appropriate NN architectures. Direct and indirect encoding methods are used to codify the net architecture into the chromosome. A reformulation of an indirect encoding method, based on two bi-dimensional cellular automata, and its generative capacity are presented.Publicad