7 research outputs found


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    scripts and readme files used in processing of all data. Same directory structure kept


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    All transcripts categorized as venom from all species. The headers are sequence ID, species, gene superfamily, and coverage


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    Expression result output from RSEM for all species


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    Genotypes for all individuals for the eight outlier loci identified as potential targets of local selection. The file is in GenAlEx format, alleles coded as either "1" or "2". Individual and sampling location IDs are provided


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    Genotypes of all individuals for loci from the core distribution of Fst, i.e. excluding loci in the upper and lower 5% of the Fst distribution. This is the "neutral" dataset used in the manuscript for analyses of neutral genetic variation. The file is in GenAlEx format, alleles coded as either "1" or "2". Individual and sampling location IDs are provided


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    Information on DArT loci genotyped in this study, including locus sequences for both alleles, read depth, genotype reproducibility and heterozygosity