138 research outputs found


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    Digital platforms have emerged as a new, innovative and powerful way of organizing business. One area where digital platforms have disrupted traditional business models and organizational forms is the taxi business, with Uber as the most well-known example. As in many countries, the entrance of Uber has come to shake the Swedish taxi industry. In this paper, we analyze how Uber interact with institutional forces in the Swedish taxi market. We do this by the means of a discourse analysis. The analysis concludes that the digital artefacts and conceptual universe of Uber needs to be merged with the Swedish Taxi discourse for Uber to get foothold within the same. The challenge for Uber then becomes to be successfully incorporated, made meaningful and understood as a natural part of an already existing discursive system. Consequently, digital platforms do appear in various discursive systems as contenders and competitors to already established actors

    Algorithms and Their Work: A Performativity Perspective

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    Algorithms are becoming increasingly prominent. More and more aspects of our everyday lives are being mediated, produced and directed by digital artefacts and connected systems which in turn are powered by algorithms. In this paper, we engage with algorithms and their performative aspects during development, implementation, and performances in the world. Based on theorizing, we develop an algorithmic perspective of performativity which centres on how algorithms evolve from initially being shaped to becoming those who shapes. Our proposed research opportunities address pressing conditions where the presented framework can prove beneficial as a conceptual device

    Platformization of a Cloud Service

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    The digital platform has in a few years emerged as a key concept to depict a new kind of business model, organizational form and technical architecture. The transformational power of platforms is manifested by the notion of “platformization”, referring to the drive towards the platform as a dominant infrastructural and economic model.  In this paper, we analyze the nature of platformization processes and platform dynamics. We do this by applying a historical case study approach to the evolution of one digital platform, Microsoft Azure. By presenting three narratives we show how Microsoft Azure, has evolved from being mainly an efficient cloud computing and storage service to become a cloud platform, enabling digital capabilities and innovation at an unprecedented scale. We then discuss how this transformation towards a platform, was shaped by both the evolving digital materiality of the artefacts especially in terms of convergence and generativity, and the discursive work conducted by Microsoft through their official Microsoft Azure blog. We contribute with increased knowledge of innovative cloud platforms more specifically, and platform dynamics and platformization processes more generally

    One-Bit Massive MIMO: Channel Estimation and High-Order Modulations

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    We investigate the information-theoretic throughout achievable on a fading communication link when the receiver is equipped with one-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The analysis is conducted for the setting where neither the transmitter nor the receiver have a priori information on the realization of the fading channels. This means that channel-state information needs to be acquired at the receiver on the basis of the one-bit quantized channel outputs. We show that least-squares (LS) channel estimation combined with joint pilot and data processing is capacity achieving in the single-user, single-receive-antenna case. We also investigate the achievable uplink throughput in a massive multiple-input multiple-output system where each element of the antenna array at the receiver base-station feeds a one-bit ADC. We show that LS channel estimation and maximum-ratio combining are sufficient to support both multiuser operation and the use of high-order constellations. This holds in spite of the severe nonlinearity introduced by the one-bit ADCs

    FrÀmjande av kÀllkritisk kunskap vid de offentliga arkiven : en jÀmförande analys av det arkivpedagogiska arbetet vid fyra offentliga arkiv

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    This Master’s thesis aims to examine how the archive educators whitin the public archives in Sweden mediate knowledge about source criticism for pupils in elementary- and upper secondary schools. Internet sites like Wikipedia and the social network site Facebook have been the primary inforamtion resource for children och young adults for many years. Previous Research and scrutiny have also shown that pupils and teachers knowledge about source criticism is bursting. The public archives in Sweden have for a long time offered pedagogical programs for pupils. It is Therefore of high relevance to examine how the archive educators whitin the public archives in Sweden mediate knowledge about source criticism for pupils. The archive educators that have been examined in this thesis are operative at Helsingborgs Stadsarkiv, Malmö Stadsarkiv, Landsarkivet in Uppsala and Landsarkivet in Göteborg. They are all public archives and offers pedagogical programs for pupils. The method used to understand how the archive educators works with promotion of knowledge about source criticism for pupils in elementary- and upper secondary schools are interviews. The theory being used to analyze and to compare the interviewed archive educators is derived from Terry Cooks article ”Evidence, memory, identity, and community: four shifting archival paradigms” and the article ”Archival science and postmodernism: new formulations for old concepts”. I have also used the terms ”Edutainment” and ”Tacit/experiential learning”. A result of this study is that pupils and teachers have little or none knowledge and experience about archives and archival matererials. The archival educators are therefore taking into account pupils previous knowledge when they construct pedagogical programs for pupils that aims to promote knowledge about source criticism

    Economic interests cloud hazard reductions in the European regulation of substances of very high concern

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    Here we investigate how the conflicts between hazard reduction and economic interests have shaped the regulation of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) under the Authorization program of the European chemical regulation Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Since regulation starts with listing SVHCs on the Candidate List, we analyze the relative importance of toxicological properties, economic motivations, and available scientific knowledge on the probability of inclusion on the Candidate List. We find that the most important factor in whether a substance is listed is whether it is being produced in, or imported into, the European Economic Area (EEA), with the regulators less likely to place a substance on the list if it is currently being produced or imported in the EEA. This evidence suggests that regulators have listed chemicals of secondary importance leading to lesser than anticipated hazard reductions, either because production and imports had already ceased before the listing, or because the compound has never been produced or imported in the EEA at all

    SkogstillstÄndet och dess förÀndring i naturreservatet Lindbergska ytan i Mariestads kommun

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    The aim of the study is to describe the state of the forest and changes in the Lindberg nature reserve. The study area is a nature reserve with an old coniferous forest, which has not been touched since 1950. The pines in the area have a very big diameter and are 150 – 200 years old. The spruces are up to 150 years old. 1943 became "Lindbergska ytan" a reserve by the state forest owner and 1992 it became a nature reserve. All trees with a diameter at breast height of 6 cm and thicker were calipered. Smaller trees are only counted. On sample trees in all diameter classes (tree number 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100), age, height and the height to the first living twig have been measured. The total volume 2004 is 2313 m3sk and there are 4616 trees in the reserve. The area is 4.27 ha, the average volume is 542 m3sk/ha, but in some small areas it is over 800 m3sk/ha.Arbetet syftar till att beskriva tillstĂ„ndet och förĂ€ndringen över tiden i naturreservatet ”Lindbergska ytan”. OmrĂ„det som undersöks Ă€r en delvis gammal sluten barrskog, som lĂ€nge har fĂ„tt stĂ„ orörd. Tallarna i omrĂ„det Ă€r grovstammiga med en Ă„lder pĂ„ ca 150 – 200 Ă„r. De Ă€ldsta granarna Ă€r ca 100 – 150 Ă„r. OmrĂ„det blev domĂ€nreservat och fick namnet Lindbergs DomĂ€nreservat 1943, och naturreservat 1992. OmrĂ„det har inventerats genom totalklavning. Alla trĂ€d med en brösthöjdsdiameter pĂ„ minst 6 cm har diametermĂ€tts och registrerats i klasser om 2 cm. ProvtrĂ€d har valts ut bland levande trĂ€d i respektive diameterklass. Ålder, höjd och krongrĂ€ns har mĂ€tts pĂ„ trĂ€d nr 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 och 100 i klavordning. PĂ„ alla lĂ„gor och torra trĂ€d har mĂ€tts höjd/lĂ€ngd och diameter. För volymberĂ€kning av provtrĂ€den anvĂ€ndes volymfunktioner av Brandel (1990). Totalvolymen i varje diameterklass har berĂ€knats som genomsnittsvolymen för provtrĂ€den i en diameterklass multiplicerad med antalet trĂ€d. TillstĂ„ndet 2004 jĂ€mförs med resultaten vid mĂ€tningen 1997. TyvĂ€rr kunde inte resultaten av inventeringen 1938 jĂ€mföras som planerat eftersom den yta som uppmĂ€ttes dĂ„ inte kunde lokaliseras. Totalvolymen 2004 Ă€r 2313 m3sk och 4616 trĂ€d finns i reservatet, vilket med arealen 4.27 ha blir 542 m3sk per hektar. OmrĂ„det bestĂ„r av 7 delomrĂ„den. I vissa omrĂ„den finns det över 800 m3sk/ha. Granarna kommer att ta över skogen pĂ„ mycket lĂ„ng sikt om ingen Ă„tgĂ€rd görs. Det Ă€r frĂ€mst gran men Ă€ven den del lövtrĂ€d som föryngras pĂ„ ett naturligt sĂ€tt. SmĂ„granarna (>0.5 m) kommer upp i stormluckor. DĂ€remot finns inte en enda yngre tall i hela omrĂ„det. Medelvolymen per stam har minskat för granarna, men inte för tallarna. Även den döda vedens diameter har minskat eftersom mĂ„nga av de smĂ„ trĂ€den i stormluckorna har dött genom sjĂ€lvgallring eller av den tunga blötsnön som knĂ€cker de höga och smala trĂ€den

    Does the scientific knowledge reflect the chemical diversity of environmental pollution? – A twenty-year perspective

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    Environmental policymaking relies heavily on the knowledge of the toxicological properties of chemical pollutants. The ecotoxicological research community is an important contributor to this knowledge, which together with data from standardized tests supports policy-makers in taking the decisions required to reach an appropriate level of protection of the environment. The chemosphere is, however, massive and contains thousands of chemicals that can constitute a risk if present in the environment at sufficiently high concentrations. The scientific ecotoxicological knowledge is growing but it is not clear to what extent the research community manages to cover the large chemical diversity of environmental pollution. In this study, we aimed to provide an overview of the scientific knowledge generated within the field of ecotoxicology during the last twenty years. By using text mining of over 130,000 scientific papers we established time-trends describing the yearly publication frequency of over 3500 chemicals. Our results show that ecotoxicological research is highly focused and that as few as 65 chemicals corresponded to half of all occurrences in the scientific literature. We, furthermore, demonstrate that the last decades have seen substantial changes in research direction, where the interest in pharmaceuticals has grown while the interest in biocides has declined. Several individual chemicals showed an especially rapid increase (e.g. ciprofloxacin, diclofenac) or decrease (e.g. lindane and atrazine) in occurrence in the literature. We also show that university- and corporate-based research exhibit distinct publication patterns and that for some chemicals the scientific knowledge is dominated by publications associated with the industry. This study paints a unique picture and provides quantitative estimates of the scientific knowledge of environmental chemical pollution generated during the last two decades. We conclude that there is a large number of chemicals with little, or no, scientific knowledge and that a continued expansion of the field of ecotoxicology will be necessary to catch up with the constantly increasing diversity of chemicals used within the society

    Effects of pesticides and metals on penaeid shrimps in Maputo Bay, Mozambique – A field study

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    Estuaries are important nursery areas for many species and these habitats are often affected by anthropogenic activities. We investigate possible negative effects of pesticides and metals on penaeid shrimps in Maputo Bay, Mozambique. Shrimps and water samples were collected in three estuaries and one coastal area for biomarker and chemical analysis. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutathione-S transferase activities were analysed as biomarkers for pollutants. 37 different pesticides were analysed in water samples and shrimp muscle tissue was analysed for 10 metals. Risk assessment showed that the environmental thresholds were exceeded for several herbicides in three of four of the assessed nursery areas. Lower AChE activities were detected in shrimps captured close to an agriculture area and this location had the lowest shrimp densities. Metal analysis in shrimp showed low levels. Despite localized effects, results highlight the need to improve the regulation of pollutants in the Esp\uedrito Santo estuary in Maputo bay

    Towards ‘one substance – one assessment’: An analysis of EU chemical registration and aquatic risk assessment frameworks

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    With the Green Deal the EU aims to achieve a circular economy, restore biodiversity and reduce environmental pollution. As a part of the Green Deal a ‘one-substance one-assessment’ (OS-OA) approach for chemicals has been proposed. The registration and risk assessment of chemicals on the European market is currently fragmented across different legal frameworks, dependent on the chemical\u27s use. In this review, we analysed the five main European chemical registration frameworks and their risk assessment procedures for the freshwater environment, covering 1) medicines for human use, 2) veterinary medicines, 3) pesticides, 4) biocides and 5) industrial chemicals. Overall, the function of the current frameworks is similar, but important differences exist between the frameworks\u27 environmental protection goals and risk assessment strategies. These differences result in inconsistent assessment outcomes for similar chemicals. Chemicals are also registered under multiple frameworks due to their multiple uses, and chemicals which are not approved under one framework are in some instances allowed on the market under other frameworks. In contrast, an OS-OA will require a uniform hazard assessment between all different frameworks. In addition, we show that across frameworks the industrial chemicals are the least hazardous for the freshwater environment (median PNEC of 2.60E-2 mg/L), whilst biocides are the most toxic following current regulatory assessment schemes (median PNEC of 1.82E-4 mg/L). Finally, in order to facilitate a successful move towards a OS-OA approach we recommend a) harmonisation of environmental protection goals and risk assessment strategies, b) that emission, use and production data should be made publicly available and that data sharing becomes a priority, and c) an alignment of the criteria used to classify problematic substances
