25 research outputs found

    A real-life study of the effectiveness of different pharmacological approaches to the treatment of smoking cessation: re-discussing the predictors of success

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion, nortriptyline and combination therapy and describe factors associated with treatment success. INTRODUCTION: Clinical trials clearly demonstrate the efficacy of pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation. However, it is only after its use in real-life settings that clinical effectiveness and limitations of a treatment are fully known. METHODS: Patients attended a four-session cognitive-behavioral program and received medicines free of charge. Abstinence from smoking was assessed at each visit. RESULTS: A total of 868 smokers (68.8% women) were included. Their mean age was 49.6 years; the amount smoked was 25 cigarettes/day and the Fagerströ m Score was 6.6. Abstinence rates after 6 months and 1 year were 36.5% and 33.6%. In univariate analysis, male gender, age (>;50), higher number of cigarettes smoked, cardiovascular comorbidities, longer interval from the last cigarette and combined treatment of nortriptyline plus NRT were predictive of abstinence, while neuropsychiatric comorbidities and the answer ''yes'' to the question ''Do you smoke more often during the first hours after waking'' were correlated with failure. In a multivariate model, predictors of abstinence were neuropsychiatric comorbidities, the answer ''yes'' to the question ''Do you smoke more often during the first hours after waking'' and combined treatment of nortriptyline plus NRT. Male gender and a longer period from the last cigarette were correlated with lower abstinence rate. CONCLUSION: Satisfactory success rates were obtained in a teaching hospital. Factors such as age, daily cigarette consumption, number of pack-years and dependency score were not reliable markers of abstinence. The combination nortriptyline+NRT was independently associated with higher abstinence rates

    A real‐life study of the effectiveness of different pharmacological approaches to the treatment of smoking cessation: re‐discussing the predictors of success

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion, nortriptyline and combination therapy and describe factors associated with treatment success. INTRODUCTION: Clinical trials clearly demonstrate the efficacy of pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation. However, it is only after its use in real-life settings that clinical effectiveness and limitations of a treatment are fully known. METHODS: Patients attended a four-session cognitive-behavioral program and received medicines free of charge. Abstinence from smoking was assessed at each visit. RESULTS: A total of 868 smokers (68.8% women) were included. Their mean age was 49.6 years; the amount smoked was 25 cigarettes/day and the Fagerströ m Score was 6.6. Abstinence rates after 6 months and 1 year were 36.5% and 33.6%. In univariate analysis, male gender, age (>50), higher number of cigarettes smoked, cardiovascular comorbidities, longer interval from the last cigarette and combined treatment of nortriptyline plus NRT were predictive of abstinence, while neuropsychiatric comorbidities and the answer ''yes'' to the question ''Do you smoke more often during the first hours after waking'' were correlated with failure. In a multivariate model, predictors of abstinence were neuropsychiatric comorbidities, the answer ''yes'' to the question ''Do you smoke more often during the first hours after waking'' and combined treatment of nortriptyline plus NRT. Male gender and a longer period from the last cigarette were correlated with lower abstinence rate. CONCLUSION: Satisfactory success rates were obtained in a teaching hospital. Factors such as age, daily cigarette consumption, number of pack-years and dependency score were not reliable markers of abstinence. The combination nortriptyline+NRT was independently associated with higher abstinence rates

    Smoking: what has been addressed in brazilian journals

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    O tema tabagismo, em seus vários aspectos, vem recebendo crescente atenção entre os pesquisadores ao longo dos últimos anos, o que tem se refletido em maior e mais sólida produção científica sobre o assunto em periódicos nacionais. Este artigo tem como objetivo comentar os estudos que abordaram o tema tabagismo publicados entre janeiro de 2010 e junho de 2012, nas revistas Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Clinics (São Paulo), Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira e Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular. No período foram publicados 58 artigos, 52 originais, abordando variados aspectos, como efeitos na saúde, epidemiologia, cessação e estudos experimentais

    Cardiopulmonary effects of biomass-burning outdoor air pollution on sugarcane workers

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    A colheita não-mecanizada da cana-de-açúcar, precedida por sua queima, expõe os trabalhadores e pessoas de cidades vizinhas a altas concentrações de poluentes. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os impactos cardiopulmonares e os biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo e atividade inflamatória sistêmica desencadeados pela exposição à poluição proveniente da queima da cana. Cortadores de cana (safristas, n = 113) e voluntários saudáveis da cidade de Mendonça - São Paulo, Brasil - (população de referência, n = 109) foram avaliados com espirometria, variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC), enzimas antioxidantes, dosage do nível plasmático do malonaldeído e de interleucinas pró-inflamatórias durante a pré-safra e a safra. A concentração de PM2.5 aumentou de 8g/m3 durante a pré-safra para 23.5g/m3 na área urbana e 61g/m3 nas plantações de cana, durante a safra. Na safra, evidenciou-se uma diminuição mais acentuada na VFC, função pulmonar e da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes entre os cortadores de cana, em comparação com os voluntários da população de referência. Houve elevação do Malonaldeído em ambos os grupos durante a safra, com um maior aumento entre os safristas. Além disso, encontramos um aumento na pressão diastólica apenas nos cortadores de cana. Tanto os cortadores de cana quanto os voluntários da população local exibiram impactos cardiopulmonares e metabólicos da exposição à poluição durante a safra, com maior magnitude dessas alterações entre os safristas, o que destaca o impacto deletério da poluição atmosférica na população exposta. Esses achados pré-clínicos podem sinalizar processos fisiopatológicos desencadeados pela poluição advinda da queima de biomassa nas populações estudadasNon-mechanized sugarcane harvesting preceded by burning exposes workers and people of neighboring towns to high concentrations of pollutants. This study was designed to assess cardiopulmonary impacts and biomarkers of oxidative stress triggered by exposure to pollution from sugarcane burning. Sugarcane workers (n=113) and healthy volunteers of a reference population (n=109) from the city of Mendonça (São Paulo, Brazil) were evaluated with spirometry, heart rate variability (HRV), antioxidant enzymes, plasma malonaldehyde and proinflammatory interleukins during non-harvest and harvest periods. Concentration of PM2.5 increased from 8g/m3 during nonharvest to 23.5g/m3 in the urban area and to 61g/m3 in sugarcane fields, during harvest. It was evidenced a more remarkable decrease in lung function, HRV and in activity of antioxidant enzymes among sugarcane workers, compared to individuals from the reference population. Malonaldehyde had elevated in both groups during harvest, with a higher increase among sugarcane workers. Furthermore, we found an increase in diastolic pressure only in sugarcane workers. Both sugarcane workers and volunteers from the local population exhibited significant cardiopulmonary and metabolic impacts of exposure to outdoor air pollution during harvest, with a higher magnitude of these alterations among sugarcane workers, which highlights the deleterious impact of air pollution. These preclinical findings may signal pathophysiological processes triggered by biomassburning outdoor pollution in the populations studie

    Tabagismo: o que tem sido abordado em periódicos brasileiros Smoking: what has been addressed in brazilian journals

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    O tema tabagismo, em seus vários aspectos, vem recebendo crescente atenção entre os pesquisadores ao longo dos últimos anos, o que tem se refletido em maior e mais sólida produção científica sobre o assunto em periódicos nacionais. Este artigo tem como objetivo comentar os estudos que abordaram o tema tabagismo publicados entre janeiro de 2010 e junho de 2012, nas revistas Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Clinics (São Paulo), Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira e Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular. No período foram publicados 58 artigos, 52 originais, abordando variados aspectos, como efeitos na saúde, epidemiologia, cessação e estudos experimentais.The topic of tobacco smoking, in its several aspects, has been receiving increasing attention among researchers over the past few years, which has been reflected in more data and more solid scientific literature on the subject in national journals. This article aims to review the studies that focused on smoking published between January 2010 and June 2012, in Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Brazilian Archives of Cardiology), Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Clinics (Sao Paulo), Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia (Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology), Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (Journal of the Brazilian Medical Association) and Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery). During the aforementioned period 58 articles were published, 52 of which were original ones, addressing several aspects of smoking, such as effects on health, epidemiology, cessation and experimental studies

    Comparison between objective measures of smoking and self-reported smoking status in patients with asthma or COPD: are our patients telling us the truth?

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    OBJECTIVE: Smoking prevalence is frequently estimated on the basis of self-reported smoking status. That can lead to an underestimation of smoking rates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the difference between self-reported smoking status and that determined through the use of objective measures of smoking at a pulmonary outpatient clinic. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 144 individuals: 51 asthma patients, 53 COPD patients, 20 current smokers, and 20 never-smokers. Smoking status was determined on the basis of self-reports obtained in interviews, as well as through tests of exhaled carbon monoxide (eCO) and urinary cotinine. RESULTS: All of the asthma patients and COPD patients declared they were not current smokers. In the COPD and asthma patients, the median urinary cotinine concentration was 167 ng/mL (range, 2-5,348 ng/mL) and 47 ng/mL (range, 5-2,735 ng/mL), respectively (p < 0.0001), whereas the median eCO level was 8 ppm (range, 0-31 ppm) and 5 ppm (range, 2-45 ppm), respectively (p < 0.05). In 40 (38%) of the patients with asthma or COPD (n = 104), there was disagreement between the self-reported smoking status and that determined on the basis of the urinary cotinine concentration, a concentration > 200 ng/mL being considered indicative of current smoking. In 48 (46%) of those 104 patients, the self-reported non-smoking status was refuted by an eCO level > 6 ppm, which is also considered indicative of current smoking. In 30 (29%) of the patients with asthma or COPD, the urinary cotinine concentration and the eCO level both belied the patient claims of not being current smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that high proportions of smoking pulmonary patients with lung disease falsely declare themselves to be nonsmokers. The accurate classification of smoking status is pivotal to the treatment of lung diseases. Objective measures of smoking could be helpful in improving clinical management and counseling