176 research outputs found

    A note on retrodiction and machine evolution

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    Biomolecular communication demands that interactions between parts of a molecular system act as scaffolds for message transmission. It also requires an evolving and organized system of signs - a communicative agency - for creating and transmitting meaning. Here I explore the need to dissect biomolecular communication with retrodiction approaches that make claims about the past given information that is available in the present. While the passage of time restricts the explanatory power of retrodiction, the use of molecular structure in biology offsets information erosion. This allows description of the gradual evolutionary rise of structural and functional innovations in RNA and proteins. The resulting chronologies can also describe the gradual rise of molecular machines of increasing complexity and computation capabilities. For example, the accretion of rRNA substructures and ribosomal proteins can be traced in time and placed within a geological timescale. Phylogenetic, algorithmic and theoretical-inspired accretion models can be reconciled into a congruent evolutionary model. Remarkably, the time of origin of enzymes, functional RNA, non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) complexes, and ribosomes suggest they gradually climbed Chomsky's hierarchy of formal grammars, supporting the gradual complexification of machines and communication in molecular biology. Future retrodiction approaches and in-depth exploration of theoretical models of computation will need to confirm such evolutionary progression.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Ribosomal History Reveals Origins of Modern Protein Synthesis

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    The origin and evolution of the ribosome is central to our understanding of the cellular world. Most hypotheses posit that the ribosome originated in the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosomal subunit. However, these proposals do not link protein synthesis to RNA recognition and do not use a phylogenetic comparative framework to study ribosomal evolution. Here we infer evolution of the structural components of the ribosome. Phylogenetic methods widely used in morphometrics are applied directly to RNA structures of thousands of molecules and to a census of protein structures in hundreds of genomes. We find that components of the small subunit involved in ribosomal processivity evolved earlier than the catalytic peptidyl transferase center responsible for protein synthesis. Remarkably, subunit RNA and proteins coevolved, starting with interactions between the oldest proteins (S12 and S17) and the oldest substructure (the ribosomal ratchet) in the small subunit and ending with the rise of a modern multi-subunit ribosome. Ancestral ribonucleoprotein components show similarities to in vitro evolved RNA replicase ribozymes and protein structures in extant replication machinery. Our study therefore provides important clues about the chicken-or-egg dilemma associated with the central dogma of molecular biology by showing that ribosomal history is driven by the gradual structural accretion of protein and RNA structures. Most importantly, results suggest that functionally important and conserved regions of the ribosome were recruited and could be relics of an ancient ribonucleoprotein world

    The evolutionary history of protein fold families and proteomes confirms that the archaeal ancestor is more ancient than the ancestors of other superkingdoms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The entire evolutionary history of life can be studied using myriad sequences generated by genomic research. This includes the appearance of the first cells and of superkingdoms Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. However, the use of molecular sequence information for deep phylogenetic analyses is limited by mutational saturation, differential evolutionary rates, lack of sequence site independence, and other biological and technical constraints. In contrast, protein structures are evolutionary modules that are highly conserved and diverse enough to enable deep historical exploration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we build phylogenies that describe the evolution of proteins and proteomes. These phylogenetic trees are derived from a genomic census of protein domains defined at the fold family (FF) level of structural classification. Phylogenomic trees of FF structures were reconstructed from genomic abundance levels of 2,397 FFs in 420 proteomes of free-living organisms. These trees defined timelines of domain appearance, with time spanning from the origin of proteins to the present. Timelines are divided into five different evolutionary phases according to patterns of sharing of FFs among superkingdoms: (1) a primordial protein world, (2) reductive evolution and the rise of Archaea, (3) the rise of Bacteria from the common ancestor of Bacteria and Eukarya and early development of the three superkingdoms, (4) the rise of Eukarya and widespread organismal diversification, and (5) eukaryal diversification. The relative ancestry of the FFs shows that reductive evolution by domain loss is dominant in the first three phases and is responsible for both the diversification of life from a universal cellular ancestor and the appearance of superkingdoms. On the other hand, domain gains are predominant in the last two phases and are responsible for organismal diversification, especially in Bacteria and Eukarya.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The evolution of functions that are associated with corresponding FFs along the timeline reveals that primordial metabolic domains evolved earlier than informational domains involved in translation and transcription, supporting the metabolism-first hypothesis rather than the RNA world scenario. In addition, phylogenomic trees of proteomes reconstructed from FFs appearing in each of the five phases of the protein world show that trees reconstructed from ancient domain structures were consistently rooted in archaeal lineages, supporting the proposal that the archaeal ancestor is more ancient than the ancestors of other superkingdoms.</p

    Host-Symbiont Specificity Expressed during Early Adsorption of <i>Rhizobium meliloti</i> to the Root Surface of Alfalfa

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    Early (4 h) adsorption of Rhizobium melioti L5-30 in low numbers to alfalfa roots in mineral solution was examined for competition with other bacterial strains. All tested competitor strains decreased the adsorption of L5-30 by extents which depended on the strain and its concentration. The decrease of adsorption by R. meliloti competitors (all of them infective in alfalfa) was nearly complete at saturation (97 to 99% decrease). AU other heterologous rhizobia and Agrobacterium tumefaciens at saturating concentrations (106 to 107 per ml) decreased adsorption of L5-30 only partially, less than 60%. The differential effects of homologous and heterologous competitors indicate that initial adsorption of R. meliloti to the root surface of its host occurs in symbiont-specific as well as nonspecific modes and suggest the existence of binding sites on roots which are highly selective for the specific microsymbiont in the presence of other heterologous bacteria even in very unfavorable (less than 10-4) symbiont-competitor concentration ratios.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Quantitation of adsorption of rhizobia in low numbers to small legume roots

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    Bacteria adsorbed in low numbers to alfalfa or clover root surfaces were counted after incubation of seedlings in mineral solution with very dilute inocula (less than 105 bacteria per ml) of an antibiotic-resistant strain under defined conditions. After specified washing, bacteria which remained adsorbed to roots were selectively quantitated by culturing the roots embedded in yeast extract-mannitol-antibiotic agar and counting the microcolonies along the root surface; the range was from about 1 bacterium per root (estimated as the most probable number) to 50 bacteria per cm of root length (by direct counting). This simple procedure can be used with any pair of small-rooted plant and antibiotic-resistant bacterium, requires bacterial concentrations comparable to those frequently found in soils, and yields macroscopic localization and distribution data for adsorbed bacteria over the root surface. The number of adsorbed bacteria was proportional to the size of the inoculum. One of every four Rhizobium meliloti cells adsorbed in very low numbers to alfalfa roots resulted in the formation of a nodule. Overall adsorption of various symbiotic and nonsymbiotic bacterial strains to alfalfa and clover roots did not reflect the specificities of these legumes for their respective microsymbionts, R. meliloti and R. trifolii.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Comparative Analysis of Proteomes and Functionomes Provides Insights into Origins of Cellular Diversification

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    Reconstructing the evolutionary history of modern species is a difficult problem complicated by the conceptual and technical limitations of phylogenetic tree building methods. Here, we propose a comparative proteomic and functionomic inferential framework for genome evolution that allows resolving the tripartite division of cells and sketching their history. Evolutionary inferences were derived from the spread of conserved molecular features, such as molecular structures and functions, in the proteomes and functionomes of contemporary organisms. Patterns of use and reuse of these traits yielded significant insights into the origins of cellular diversification. Results uncovered an unprecedented strong evolutionary association between Bacteria and Eukarya while revealing marked evolutionary reductive tendencies in the archaeal genomic repertoires. The effects of nonvertical evolutionary processes (e.g., HGT, convergent evolution) were found to be limited while reductive evolution and molecular innovation appeared to be prevalent during the evolution of cells. Our study revealed a strong vertical trace in the history of proteins and associated molecular functions, which was reliably recovered using the comparative genomics approach. The trace supported the existence of a stem line of descent and the very early appearance of Archaea as a diversified superkingdom, but failed to uncover a hidden canonical pattern in which Bacteria was the first superkingdom to deploy superkingdom-specific structures and functions

    MANET: tracing evolution of protein architecture in metabolic networks

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    BACKGROUND: Cellular metabolism can be characterized by networks of enzymatic reactions and transport processes capable of supporting cellular life. Our aim is to find evolutionary patterns and processes embedded in the architecture and function of modern metabolism, using information derived from structural genomics. DESCRIPTION: The Molecular Ancestry Network (MANET) project traces evolution of protein architecture in biomolecular networks. We describe metabolic MANET, a database that links information in the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP), the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and phylogenetic reconstructions depicting the evolution of protein fold architecture. Metabolic MANET literally 'paints' the ancestries of enzymes derived from rooted phylogenomic trees directly onto over one hundred metabolic subnetworks, enabling the study of evolutionary patterns at global and local levels. An initial analysis of painted subnetworks reveals widespread enzymatic recruitment and an early origin of amino acid metabolism. CONCLUSION: MANET maps evolutionary relationships directly and globally onto biological networks, and can generate and test hypotheses related to evolution of metabolism. We anticipate its use in the study of other networks, such as signaling and other protein-protein interaction networks

    Comparative Analysis of Barophily-Related Amino Acid Content in Protein Domains of Pyrococcus abyssi

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    Amino acid substitution patterns between the nonbarophilic Pyrococcus furiosus and its barophilic relative P. abyssi confirm that hydrostatic pressure asymmetry indices reflect the extent to which amino acids are preferred by barophilic archaeal organisms. Substitution patterns in entire protein sequences, shared protein domains defined at fold superfamily level, domains in homologous sequence pairs, and domains of very ancient and very recent origin now provide further clues about the environment that led to the genetic code and diversified life. The pyrococcal proteomes are very similar and share a very early ancestor. Relative amino acid abundance analyses showed that biases in the use of amino acids are due to their shared fold superfamilies. Within these repertoires, only two of the five amino acids that are preferentially barophilic, aspartic acid and arginine, displayed this preference significantly and consistently across structure and in domains appearing in the ancestor. The more primordial asparagine, lysine and threonine displayed a consistent preference for nonbarophily across structure and in the ancestor. Since barophilic preferences are already evident in ancient domains that are at least ~3 billion year old, we conclude that barophily is a very ancient trait that unfolded concurrently with genetic idiosyncrasies in convergence towards a universal code