11 research outputs found


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    The development of the increasingly advanced digital world makes the speed of information also faster and more complex. However, with all the facilities available, the use of information technology is still a little applied in local communities. The learning documentation process at TPQ Aisyah Maulidah Hasanah still uses the conventional method, where students and parents of students can only see learning outcomes through paper media. The recording of monthly contribution payments also still uses a notebook which has the potential to lose data if a lost book is replaced or a book is lost. Information technology can be used to help TPQ Aisyah Maulidah Hasanah and parents of students so that data recording is safer through a website-based information system which is expected to facilitate the processing and receipt of information by TPQ managers and parents of students regarding recording the development of student achievements and payment of dues. Using the waterfall method and the Laravel framework, this website-based information system is expected to streamline the process of recording information related to the development of students' achievements and to minimize the potential for data lossPerkembangan dunia digital yang semakin maju membuat kecepatan informasi juga semakin cepat dan kompleks. Namun dengan segala fasilitas yang ada, penggunaan teknologi informasi masih sedikit diterapkan di masyarakat setempat. Proses dokumentasi pembelajaran di TPQ Aisyah Maulidah Hasanah masih menggunakan cara konvensional, dimana siswa dan orang tua siswa hanya dapat melihat hasil belajar melalui media kertas. Pencatatan pembayaran iuran bulanan juga masih menggunakan buku catatan yang berpotensi kehilangan data jika buku hilang diganti atau buku hilang. Teknologi informasi dapat digunakan untuk membantu pihak TPQ Aisyah Maulidah Hasanah dan orang tua siswa agar pencatatan data lebih aman melalui sistem informasi berbasis website yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam pengolahan dan penerimaan informasi oleh pengelola TPQ dan orang tua siswa mengenai perkembangan pencatatan prestasi siswa dan pembayaran iuran. Dengan menggunakan metode waterfall dan framework Laravel, sistem informasi berbasis website ini diharapkan dapat mengefisienkan proses pencatatan informasi terkait perkembangan prestasi siswa dan meminimalisir potensi kehilangan data


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    With the development of science and technology, traditional musical instruments are starting to be abandoned, one of the factors is the ease of playing modern musical instruments, and traditional musical instruments are also rarely found in everyday life. With the progress of today's era, AR (Augmented Reality) technology was born. The way Augmented Reality works is by scanning a sign or marker. This research aims to build an application with augmented reality technology to introduce traditional shadow puppets musical instruments. This research was designed using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method. They were testing the application using blackbox testing on two smartphones with different specifications, with the result that both smartphones could run the application properly. Then for testing the use of the application using the heuristic evaluation method carried out by an expert with the highest severity rating value on the visibility of system status with a value of 0.625. The result of this research is the application of traditional shadow puppets musical instruments based on augmented reality, which is expected to be used to introduce traditional shadow puppets musical instruments


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    Current developments the mission to achieve innovation through the use of technology. This technology makes interactions between government and citizens more accessible. Technological life forced Baubau City to create ALINGKA software that can help people in emergency situations. The success of your software can be determined by usability testing. Though, this application has not been tested. Usability testing is to find out how far the ALINGKA application can run properly. The goal is to find the results of applying ALINGKA with the cognitive walkthrough method, and provide recommendations for improvement. Respondent data was collected by questionnaire. Respondents in this study were the people of Wolio District, Baubau City who were obtained according to the Taro Yamane formula, then filtered using purposive sampling according to predetermined criteria so that 15 specific respondents were obtained. Obtained by calculating the success rate of 84% which is the average success rate of the respondent's work situation. Respondents spent time working on task scenarios which were calculated using the time to complete the task at a rate of 0.118 goals/second. Calculations from this study show that from a usability point of view the ALINGKA application there are still many application menus that need to be updated.Perkembangan saat ini mengemban misi untuk mencapai inovasi melalui pemanfaatan teknologi. Teknologi ini membuat interaksi antara pemerintah dan warga lebih mudah diakses. Kehidupan teknologi memaksa Kota Baubau menciptakan software ALINGKA yang dapat membantu masyarakat dalam situasi darurat. Keberhasilan perangkat lunak Anda dapat ditentukan oleh pengujian kegunaan. Padahal, aplikasi ini belum diuji. Usability testing adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana aplikasi ALINGKA dapat berjalan dengan baik. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan ALINGKA dengan metode cognitive walkthrough, dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan. Data responden dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Kecamatan Wolio Kota Baubau yang diperoleh menurut rumus Taro Yamane, kemudian disaring menggunakan purposive sampling sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan sehingga diperoleh 15 responden tertentu. Diperoleh dengan menghitung tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 84% yang merupakan rata-rata tingkat keberhasilan situasi kerja responden. Responden menghabiskan waktu mengerjakan skenario tugas yang dihitung menggunakan waktu untuk menyelesaikan tugas dengan laju 0,118 gol/detik. Perhitungan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari segi kegunaan aplikasi ALINGKA masih banyak menu aplikasi yang perlu diperbarui


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    “During the pandemic, the education sector experienced a decline where students and teachers had to do online learning due to the increasingly widespread Covid-19 outbreak. Therefore, the Indonesian government decided to reduce activities that cause crowds in order to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia. With such problems, the author can provide a solution by using a Virtual Tour which is used as a medium to introduce Karangkobar 1 State Junior High School to students who want to register when PPDB takes place. Virtual Tour in the form of 360-degree panoramic images provided with a hotspot and several features such as popups such as images and information that appear in real time. In the functional testing of the Espensaka Virtual Tour application, it was carried out using the Blackbox Testing method on eight different smartphones which produced functions that could run well but had problems with the Gyroscope which could not run on laptops and computers. Then the test using the SUS (System Usability Scale) method with 90 respondents who filled out 10 questions on the questionnaire resulted in an average value of 73.8 which the score according to the System Usability Scale Grade was included in a good rating. From the results of testing using the method on the application, it can be concluded that the Espensaka Virtual Tour application can be run well but has problems with the Gyroscope which cannot be run on laptops and computers. The Espensaka Virtual Tour application can still be used by making an improvement on the recommended hotspot

    Pengujian Validitas dan Reliabilitas System Usability Scale (SUS) Untuk Perangkat Smartphone

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    Untuk mengukur suatu perangkat lunak lebih spesifik berbasis telepon seluler smartphone dapat diterima oleh pengguna maka dilakukan pengujian Usability.  Untuk membuat quisioner yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian System Usability Scale (SUS) yang dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Kuisioner diuji menggunakan Expert Review dan Product-Moment Coefficient untuk uji validitas, serta Cronbach Alfa untuk uji reliabilitas. Berdasarkan hasil uji yang dilakukan didapatkan 10 butir quisioner untuk uji SUS dengan seluruh butir dinyatakan valid secara Expert Review dan Product-Moment Coefficient, serta reliabel dengan skor Cronbach Alfa 0,778086452. Terdapat beberapa penelitian terkait pembuatan kuisioner untuk uji SUS dimana bahasa yang digunakan bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris dengan jumlah pertanyaan sebanyak 10 butir. Penelitian ini sendiri memberikan opsi lain quisioner dengan mengadopsi penelitian yang sudah dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian validitas dan realibilitas untuk menguji suatu perangkat lunak menggunakan uji SUS.To measure a more specific software based on smartphone cellular phones can be accepted by users, usability testing is carried out. To make a questionnaire that can be used to test the System Usability Scale (SUS) which is declared valid and reliable. The questionnaire was tested using an Expert Review and the Product-Moment Coefficient for validity testing, and Cronbach's Alpha for reliability testing. Based on the results of the tests carried out; there were 15 questionnaire items for the SUS test with all items declared valid by an Expert Review and Product-Moment Coefficient, and reliable with a Cronbach Alpha score of 0.835095216. Several studies related to making questionnaires for the SUS test where the language used is Indonesian and English with a total of 10 questions. This study itself provides another option for a questionnaire by adopting research that has been done by testing the validity and reliability to test software using the SUS test