45 research outputs found

    The Sustainable Market Model – Strategic Market Analysis Emphasizing Sustainability and Growth

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    Bakgrund HĂ„llbarhet Ă€r ett koncept som har fĂ„tt uppmĂ€rksamhet och som har gĂ„tt frĂ„n att vara ett ”modeord” till nĂ„got som Ă€r integrerat i de flesta företags strategi. Författarna Ă€r intresserade av hur affĂ€rsmöjligheter kan bli utvĂ€rderade frĂ„n ett hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv och hur hĂ„llbara produkter kan skapa ett marknadsvĂ€rde. Företaget, som Ă€r verksamma inom kemi industrin, Ă€r intresserade av att kartlĂ€gga den hĂ„llbara kemi marknaden, nuvarande trender och hitta affĂ€rsmöjligheter inom marknaden för HĂ„llbar Kemi. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r primĂ€rt att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk och metodverktyg, The Sustainable Market Model, som ska underlĂ€tta för företag att kartlĂ€gga och utvĂ€rdera en given marknad ur ett hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv samt att hitta och utvĂ€rdera affĂ€rsmöjligheter pĂ„ denna marknad. Det sekundĂ€ra syftet Ă€r att utföra en kartlĂ€ggning över marknaden för HĂ„llbar Kemi för att förstĂ„ nuvarande trender, kunders behov och konkurrenters agerande och bistĂ„ Företaget med en rekommendation för potentiella affĂ€rsmöjligheter inom denna marknad. Metodik Eftersom det syftet Ă€r att utföra en kartlĂ€ggning av en befintlig marknad kan detta projekt beskrivas genom en sĂ„ kallad deskriptiv undersökning, med en deduktiv relation mellan empiri och teori. BĂ„de kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har nyttjats för att samla in nödvĂ€ndig data. PrimĂ€r data har blivit insamlat via intervjuer som har genomförts med nyckelpersoner. SekundĂ€r data, bestĂ„ende i statistik och generell marknadsfakta, har ocksĂ„ insamlats. Alla nyttjade kĂ€llor har blivit noggrant utvĂ€rderade för att uppnĂ„ önskad kvalitĂ© pĂ„ uppsatsen. Master Thesis – Production Management Lund Faculty of Engineering v Slutsats The Sustainable Market Model anses vara ett effektivt verktyg för att kartlĂ€gga och utvĂ€rdera trender pĂ„ ett strukturerat sĂ€tt för att hitta affĂ€rsmöjligheter. Det bör poĂ€ngteras att vikterna och poĂ€ngsĂ€ttningen som anvĂ€nds i urvalsprocessen Ă€r subjektiva för företaget och borde bestĂ€mmas med eftertanke. HĂ„llbar Kemi Ă€r en vĂ€xande marknad och det existerar en efterfrĂ„gan bĂ„de frĂ„n företag och slutkonsumenter. Dock sĂ„ pĂ„verkas utvecklingen av marknaden för HĂ„llbar Kemi utav makrotrender sĂ„ som priset pĂ„ rĂ„olja, tullar för den hĂ„llbara rĂ„varan och frĂ„nvaron av lĂ„ngsiktiga politiska strategier. PĂ„ grund utav det lĂ„ga oljepriset har HĂ„llbara Kemiska produkter svĂ„rt att konkurrenskraftiga ur ett kostnadsperspektiv. Vissa produktgrupper anses ha högre marknads potential, faststĂ€llt genom nyttjandet av The Sustainable Market Model, nĂ€mligen Bio-­‐PE, Bio-­‐PET och Cellulosic Ethanol. Den förstnĂ€mnda produktgruppen anses ha högst potential för Företaget baserat pĂ„ dess kompabilitet med Företagets verksamhet och kompetens

    Improved variance estimation of classification performance via reduction of bias caused by small sample size

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    BACKGROUND: Supervised learning for classification of cancer employs a set of design examples to learn how to discriminate between tumors. In practice it is crucial to confirm that the classifier is robust with good generalization performance to new examples, or at least that it performs better than random guessing. A suggested alternative is to obtain a confidence interval of the error rate using repeated design and test sets selected from available examples. However, it is known that even in the ideal situation of repeated designs and tests with completely novel samples in each cycle, a small test set size leads to a large bias in the estimate of the true variance between design sets. Therefore different methods for small sample performance estimation such as a recently proposed procedure called Repeated Random Sampling (RSS) is also expected to result in heavily biased estimates, which in turn translates into biased confidence intervals. Here we explore such biases and develop a refined algorithm called Repeated Independent Design and Test (RIDT). RESULTS: Our simulations reveal that repeated designs and tests based on resampling in a fixed bag of samples yield a biased variance estimate. We also demonstrate that it is possible to obtain an improved variance estimate by means of a procedure that explicitly models how this bias depends on the number of samples used for testing. For the special case of repeated designs and tests using new samples for each design and test, we present an exact analytical expression for how the expected value of the bias decreases with the size of the test set. CONCLUSION: We show that via modeling and subsequent reduction of the small sample bias, it is possible to obtain an improved estimate of the variance of classifier performance between design sets. However, the uncertainty of the variance estimate is large in the simulations performed indicating that the method in its present form cannot be directly applied to small data sets

    Associations between the Bacterial Composition of Farm Bulk Milk and the Microbiota in the Resulting Swedish Long-Ripened Cheese

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    The maturation of a traditional Swedish long-ripened cheese has shown increasing variation in recent years and the ripening time is now generally longer than in the past. While the cheese is reliant on non-starter lactic acid bacteria for the development of its characteristic flavour, we hypothesised that the observed changes could be due to variations in the microbiota composition and number of bacteria in the raw milk used for production of the cheese. To evaluate associations between microbiota in the raw milk and the resulting cheese, three clusters of commercial farms were created to increase variation in the microbiota of dairy silo milk used for cheese production. Cheese production was performed in three periods over one year. Within each period, milk from the three farm clusters was collected separately and transported to the cheese production facility. Following pasteurisation, the milk was processed into the granular-eyed cheese and matured at a dedicated cheese-ripening facility. For each cheese batch, farm bulk and dairy silo milk samples, a starter culture, early process samples and cheese samples from different stages of maturation (7-20 months) were collected and their microbiota characterised using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The microbiota in the farm bulk milk differed significantly between periods and clusters. Differences in microbiota in dairy silo milk were observed between periods, but not between farm clusters, while the cheese microbiota differed between periods and clusters. The top 13 amplicon sequence variants were dominant in early process samples and the resulting cheese, making up at least 93.3% of the relative abundance (RA). Lactococcus was the dominant genus in the early process samples and, together with Leuconostoc, also dominated in the cheese samples. Contradicting expectations, the RA of the aroma-producing genus Lactobacillus was low in cheese during ripening and there was an unexpected dominance of starter lactic acid bacteria even at the later stages of cheese ripening. To identify factors behind the recent variations in ripening time of this cheese, future studies should address the effects of process variables and the dairy environment

    Adenovirus 11p downregulates CD46 early in infection

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    AbstractAdenovirus 11 prototype (Ad11p), belonging to species B, uses CD46 as an attachment receptor. CD46, a complement regulatory molecule, is expressed on all human nucleated cells. We show here that Ad11p virions downregulate CD46 on the surface of K562 cells as early as 5min p.i. Specific binding to CD46 by the Ad11p fiber knob was required to mediate downregulation. The complement regulatory factors CD55 and CD59 were also reduced to a significant extent as a consequence of Ad11p binding to K562 cells. In contrast, binding of Ad7p did not result in downregulation of CD46 early in infection. Thus, the presumed interaction between Ad7p and CD46 did not have the same consequences as the Ad11p–CD46 interaction, the latter virus (Ad11p) being a promising gene therapy vector candidate. These findings may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of species B adenovirus infections

    Milking system and premilking routines have strong effect on the microbial community in bulk tank milk

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    In this study, we investigated the variation in the microbial community present in bulk tank milk samples and the potential effect of different farm management factors. Bulk tank milk samples were collected repeatedly over one year from 42 farms located in northern Sweden. Total and thermoresistant bacteria counts and 16S rRNA gene-based amplicon sequencing were used to characterize microbial community composition. The microbial community was in general heterogeneous both within and between different farms and the community composition in the bulk tank milk was commonly dominated by Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Streptococcus, unclassified Peptostreptococcaceae, and Staphylococcus. Principal component analysis including farm factor variables and microbial taxa data revealed that the microbial community in milk was affected by type of milking system. Milk from farms using an automatic (robot) milking system (AMS) and loose housing showed different microbial community composition compared with milk from tiestall farms. A discriminant analysis model revealed that this difference was dependent on several microbial taxa. Among farms using an automatic milking system, there were further differences in the microbial community composition depending on the brand of the milking robot used. On tiestall farms, routines for teat preparation and cleaning of the milking equipment affected the microbial community composition in milk. Total bacteria count (TBC) in milk differed between the farm types, and TBC were higher on AMS than tiestall farms (log 4.05 vs. log 3.79 TBC/mL for AMS and tiestalls, respectively). Among tiestall farms, milk from farms using a chemical agent in connection to teat preparation and a more frequent use of acid to clean the milking equipment had lower TBC in milk, than milk from farms using water for teat preparation and a less frequent use of acid to clean the milking equipment (log 3.68 vs. 4.02 TBC/mL). There were no significant differences in the number of thermoresistant bacteria between farm types. The evaluated factors explained only a small proportion of total variation in the microbiota data, however, despite this, the study highlights the effect of routines associated with teat preparation and cleaning of the milking equipment on raw milk microbiota, irrespective of type of milking system used

    Forskning pÄgÄr - frÄn foder till ost

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    I ett samarbete mellan Norrmejerier, VÀxa Sverige och institutioner vid SLU i UmeÄ och i Uppsala pÄgÄr tre sammanlÀnkade projekt dÀr vi studerar hur ostens kvalitet pÄverkas av olika faktorer, frÄn gÄrd till mejeri. De bakterier och andra mikroorganismer som finns i foder, mjölk och ost studeras sÀrskilt noga. Vi vill bland annat veta vad mikrofloran har för inverkan pÄ ostens lagringstid och pÄ dess smak och konsistens

    Grova trÀd i naturreservaten Strömsholm, Tidö och Slottsholmen

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    En fÀltinventering av grova trÀd i naturreservaten Strömsholm, Tidö och Slottsholmen har utförts i huvudsak under hösten Är 2002. Totalt inkluderas 1806 grova trÀd med en stamdiameter över 70 cm. Av dessa har 606 en stamdiameter över en meter och klassas som jÀttetrÀd enligt Skogsstyrelsens riktlinjer. Generellt sett Àr de inventerade bestÄnden vÀlskötta, men rapporten belyser ett antal omrÄden dÀr omfattande skötselÄtgÀrder Àr nödvÀndiga för att förhindra att igenvÀxning sker. Alla trÀd Àr koordinatsatta och ett flertal parametrar Àr angivna, bl. a. frihuggningsbehov, hÄlförekomst, vitalitet och förekomst av sÀllsynta arter.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frÄn MDP 2015-05</p