714 research outputs found

    The association between stigmatizing attitudes towards depression and help seeking attitudes in college students

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    Depression stigma has been considered a significant barrier to treatment and rehabilitation. This study aimed to understand the effects of gender, previous mental health care, and symptomatology on depression stigma and analyze the impact of depression stigma on help-seeking attitudes. A total of 969 students with a mean age of 18.87 (SD = 1.49) were included in this study and completed the Depression Stigma Scale, the Attitude Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help, the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 questionnaire, and a socio-demographic questionnaire. We analyzed data using SPSS 24.0, with a 95% confidence interval. Participants came from all University schools, and 64.6% were women. Personal stigma and help-seeking attitudes were affected by gender (β(male) = 5.65, CI = 4.07, 7.25) and previous access to mental healthcare services (β(previous help) = -4.35, CI = -5.89, -2.82). Perceived depression stigma was affected gender (β(male) = -2.67, CI = -5.00, -0.34) and symptomatology (β(no symptomatology) = -3.29, CI = -6.09, -0.49). Personal (r = -0.42, p<0.01) and perceived (r = 0.10, p<0.01) depression stigma correlated with help-seeking attitudes, but we detected no direct symptomatology effect on help-seeking attitudes. Personal depression stigma significantly affected help-seeking attitudes (β = -0.15, CI = -0.17, -0.12). Promoting literacy may decrease personal depression stigma and increase professional help-seeking attitudes and behaviors. © 2022 Conceição et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This study was funded by the Center for Psychology at the University of Porto, Portuguese Science Foundation CPUP FCT (grant number UIDB/00050/2020) awarded to IR

    Effects of a stigma reduction intervention on help-seeking behaviors in university students: A 2019-2021 randomized controlled trial

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    "Introduction Stigma is one of the most frequently identified help-seeking barriers, but there is a lack of research on the effects of stigma reduction interventions on actual mental health help-seeking behaviors during crucial academic years. This research explores the effects of stigma on university students' mental health care help-seeking behaviors before and during the pandemic. Methods A randomized control trial spanned from 2019 to 2021 at the University of Porto, along five evaluation moments, with students into one control group and two intervention groups—the interventions aimed to reduce depression stigma. Results Among the 702 participants (mean age 18.87, 59.4 % female), the intervention groups significantly increased help-seeking behaviors. In 2020, the intervention groups, having reduced stigma, continued to demonstrate to be more prompt to seek mental health help. In 2021, 22 months, the effects of the intervention on help-seeking were no longer significant; however, participants in the intervention groups showed less severe symptomatology. Conclusion Stigma reduction interventions have a pronounced effect on enhancing help-seeking behaviors among university students, even during times of crisis. This study advocates for prioritizing stigma reduction in academic settings, highlighting its value in promoting mental health access during crucial academic and life challenges."Through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, IP, national funds finance this work under UIDB / 04750/2020. The sponsor had no role in the study design, in the data collection, interpretation of data, writing of the report, or in the decision to submit the paper for publication

    Hemibeltrania (fungos anamórficos – Hyphomycetes) no estado da Bahia, Brasil

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    Hemibeltrania malaysiana, found on decaying leaves of Byrsonima sericea (Malpighiaceae) in the “Campo Rupestre” vegetation, is described with a character emendation and illustrated. A key to the known species is also presented.Hemibeltrania malaysiana, encontrada sobre folhas caídas de Byrsonima sericea (Malpighiaceae) em vegetação de Campo Rupestre, é descrita com uma ementa e ilustrada. Uma chave para as espécies conhecidas é apresentada

    Depression and anxiety consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal cohort study with university students

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    Introduction. For young people, just as in the general population, COVID-19 caused many changes in their lives. The literature review has shown an increased risk for mental illness symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic. Objectives. With this study, we aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in university students’ anxiety and depression symptoms. Methods. This study is part of a larger longitudinal research on university students’ mental health with the Portuguese version of The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Portuguese version of the Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) data with evaluations on January, May and October 2019 and June 2020, as well as socio-demographic information. Results. 341 university students (257 females and 84 males) were included in this study, with a mean age of 19.91 (SD=1.58). In June 2020, the mean for perceived well-being loss was 60.47% (SD=26.56) and 59.54% (SD=28.95) for mental health loss. In the PHQ-9, the proportion of students with scores equal or above 15 ranged between 22.6% and 25.5% in 2019, however, in June 2020, the proportion was significantly higher (37.0%). The proportion of GAD-7 scores above the cut-off 10 ranged between 46.0% and 47.8% in 2019, and, in 2020, 64.5% of the students scored 10 or above. Compared with preceding trends, PHQ-9 scores were 3.11 (CI=2.40-3.83) higher than expected, and GAD-7 scores were 3.56 (CI=2.75-5.37) higher. Conclusions. COVID-19 had a negative impact on depressive and anxiety symptoms in university students, in line with the literature and confirming the vulnerability of young people in such uncertain times

    Tendências Seculares na Mortalidade por Doenças Cerebrovasculares em Portugal: 1902-2012

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    Introduction: Cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the main causes of death in Portugal. Research on the epidemiologic history might help to understand the phenomenon and guide intervention strategies. Objectives: (1) Describe historic trends in mortality. (2) Estimate the impact of demographic variations on the registered number of cases. Methods: (1) We calculated rates, specific and standardized, for deaths registered as CVD (ICD-10: I60-I69, G45; ICD8/9: 430-438; ICD-6/7: 330-334) by sex (1902-2012) and by sex and age groups (1913-2012). We used Join point analysis to identify statistically significant changes in standardized death rates, and multivariate regression models, Poisson and negative binomial, controlling for demographic dynamics and time trend, from 1913 to 2012. (2) We calculated the contribution of demographic variations using the application RiskDiff. (3) We evaluated if changes in coding rules might have been a source of bias. Data source: National Institute of Statistics. Results: (1) We gathered the longest and most discriminated mortality series from CVD in Portugal with data since the beginning of nationwide collection. Mortality increases exponentially with age and is higher in men. (2) We observed significant variations in age-standardized time trends (1913-1933: APC 2.0%; 1933-1955: APC -0.9%; 1955-1974: 2.9%; 1974- 1996: -2.4%; 1996-2012: -6.5%). (3) Population ageing exerted a significant pressure to increase the number of deaths, particularly in the second half of the twentieth century. However, this effect was counterweighted by protective factors. Conclusion: CVD mortality in Portugal is particularly expressive when compared to other European countries, although significant gains have been observed in the last decades. Population ageing combined with a transition between the morbid and mortality dimensions changed the public health paradigm.Introdução: As doenças cerebrovasculares (DCV) são uma das principais causas de morte em Portugal. O estudo da história epidemiológica deste fenómeno contribui para a sua compreensão e ajuda a orientar estratégias de intervenção. Objetivos: (1) Descrever tendências históricas na mortalidade. (2) Estimar o impacto das variações demográficas no número de casos registado. Métodos: (1) Calculámos taxas, específicas e padronizadas, para as mortes registadas como resultantes de DCV (CID-10: I60-I69, G45; ICD-8/9: 430-438; ICD-6/7: 330-334) por sexo (1902-2012) e por sexo e grupos etários (1913- 2012). Utilizámos Joinpoint-analysis para identificar variações estatisticamente significativas na tendência temporal e modelos multivariados de regressão, Poisson e binomial negativo, controlando dinâmicas demográficas e tendências temporais, constrangidos à população exposta, de 1913 a 2012. (2) Aferimos o peso relativo de variações demográficas recorrendo à aplicação RiskDiff. (3) Avaliámos se as interrupções na continuidade das séries definidas por alterações nos critérios de codificação da causa de morte podem ter constituído factores confundentes. Fontes dos dados: Instituto Nacional de Estatística. Resultados: (1) Elencámos a mais longa e discriminada série de mortalidade por DCV em Portugal com dados desde que há registo com abrangência nacional. A mortalidade aumenta exponencialmente com a idade e é superior nos homens. (2) Observámos variações significativas na direcção e amplitude da tendência temporal das taxas padronizadas (1913-1933: APC 2,0%; 1933-1955: APC -0,9%; 1955-1974: 2,9%; 1974-1996: -2,4%; 1996-2012: -6,5%). (3) O envelhecimento demográfico exerceu uma pressão significativa para o aumento no número de casos particularmente na segunda metade do século XX. No entanto este efeito foi neutralizado por factores protectores. Conclusão: Em Portugal a DCV é particularmente expressiva quando comparada com outros países da Europa embora se tenham observado ganhos significativos nas últimas décadas. O envelhecimento demográfico combinado com uma eventual transição relativa entre as dimensões morbil e de mortalidade proporcionaram uma mudança no paradigma de saúde pública.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simple and highly discriminatory microsatellite-based multiplex PCR for Aspergillus fumigatus strain typing

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    AbstractThe answers to important questions concerning Aspergillus fumigatus pathogenicity, transmissions routes and efficacy of treatments require highly discriminating and reproducible genotyping methods. The present study was aimed at improving microsatellite methodology for A. fumigatus typing by reducing the task of strain identification to a single multiplex reaction and by selecting highly accurate short tandem repeat polymorphisms. A set of eight primer pairs was used for the genotype determination of 116 clinical isolates of A. fumigatus obtained from three healthcare centres. A new, automated and highly discriminatory typing method is described for A. fumigatus strains. The optimized multiplex PCR was successfully performed with all tested clinical strains and showed a discriminatory power of 0.9997 among presumably unrelated isolates. The comparison of groups of strains from different health centres showed that 99.6% of the genotypic variation was present within groups. Strains with the same genotype were isolated from the same patient, sometimes recovered more than 1 year later. A few cases of patients at the same clinic unit carrying strains of identical genotype strongly suggested colonization by A. fumigatus during their hospitalization. Specific measures must therefore be taken in order to prevent and restrict such incidents

    Descritores botânicos, agronômicos e fenológicos do arroz (Oryza sativa L.).

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar os descritores morfológicos, agronômicos e fenológicos, bem como suas escalas e critérios utilizados na descrição das linhagens e genótipos de arroz, na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, e que além de necessários para registro e proteção, são importantes para produtores e técnicos que conduzem campos de produção de sementes e úteis aos analistas que realizam análises de pureza em laboratórios oficiais e particulares de sementes.bitstream/CNPAF-2009-09/28149/1/doc_226.pd

    Atividades do banco ativo de germoplasma de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) da Embrapa.

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    O Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Feijão, em parceria com a Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, tem contribuído com a comunidade científica através do enriquecimento da variabilidade genética, disponibilizando mais de 14.000 acessos, com mais de 29.000 amostras distribuídas entre a comunidade científica em geral, o que evidencia a preocupação com problemas como a fome e o desenvolvimento de uma agricultura sustentável