38 research outputs found

    New biological markers for a prognostic model for assessing the risk of cardiac fibrosis in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    HighlightsThe developed prognostic model for assessing the risk of cardiac fibrosis in patients with STEMI with HFmrEF and HFpEF is promising from the point of view of scientific and clinical potential because similar models for predicting the risk of cardiac fibrosis in patients with index MI are not currently validated. The developed scale includes such parameters as age, LVEF, COL-1, BMI, MMP-2. The scale can be used in patients with HFmrEF and HFpEF phenotypes. Identification of patients at high risk of myocardial fibrosis will allow choosing the appropriate treatment method. Aim. To develop a prognostic model for assessing the risk of cardiac fibrosis (CF) in patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (HFpEF) and mildly reduced ejection fraction (HFmrEF) a year after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) based on clinical, instrumental and biochemical data.Methods. The prospective cohort study included 100 STEMI patients with HFmrEF (LVEF 40–49%) and with HFpEF (50% or more). Echo was performed in all patients on the 1st, 10–12th day and a year after onset of STEMI. Upon admission to the hospital and on the 10–12th day after the onset of the disease, the following serum biomarker levels were determined: those associated with changes in the extracellular matrix; with remodeling and fibrosis; with inflammation, and with neurohormonal activation. At the 1-year follow-up visit, 84 patients underwent contrast-enhanced MRI to assess fibrotic tissue percentage relative to healthy myocardium.Results. The distribution of patients by HFmrEF and HFpEF phenotypes during follow-up was as follows: HFmrEF on the 1st day – 27%, 10th day – 12%, after a year – 11%; HFpEF on the 1st day – 73%, 10th day – 88%, after a year – 89%. According to cardiac MRI at the follow-up visit (n = 84), the median distribution of fibrotic tissue percentage was 5 [1.5; 14]%. Subsequently, the threshold value of 5% was chosen for analysis: CF≥5% was found in 38 patients (the 1st group), whereas CF<5% was noted in 46 patients (the 2nd group). When analyzing the intergroup differences in biological marker concentrations in the in-patient setting and at the annual follow-up, it was determined that the most significant differences were associated with “ST-2” (1st day) that in the “CF≥5%” group was 11.4 ng/mL higher on average compared to the “CF<5%” group (p = 0.0422); “COL-1” (1st day) that in the “CF≥5%” group was 28112.3 pg/mL higher on average compared to the “CF<5%” group (p = 0.0020), and “NT-proBNP” (12th day) that in the “CF<5 %” group was 1.9 fmol/mL higher on average compared to the “CF≥5%” group (p = 0.0339). Certain factors (age, LVEF (12th day), collagen-1 (1st and 12th day), body mass index, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (12th day) were determined and included in the prognostic model for assessing the risk of CF a year after the STEMI (AUC ROC 0.90, Chi-square test <0.0001).Conclusion. Prognostic model (scale) based on factors such as age, left ventricular ejection fraction (12th day), collagen-1 (1st and 12th day), body mass index, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (12th day) shows high prognostic power and enables identification of patients with HFmrEF and HFpEF phenotypes and at high risk of cardiac fibrosis a year after STEMI

    Fluorescent characterization of amyloid deposits in the kidneys of mdx mice

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    Amyloidosis is a group of diseases that occurs when amyloid proteins are deposited in tissues and organs. The traditional way of identifying amyloid in tissue sections is staining with Congo red. However, this method has a number of limitations including background staining (background fluorescence), low fluorescence intensity and false-positive staining. Therefore, a complex of fluorescence-based methods should be applied to characterize tissue localization of amyloid deposits. The aim of this study was to identify amyloid deposits in the kidneys of dystrophin-deficient mdx mice using different fluorescent dyes. We examined 8 cases of renal amyloidosis in aged mdx mice. In all cases, we used traditional methods for amyloid detection (Congo red and Thioflavin T), as well as a new fluorescent dye, disodium salt of 2,7- (1-amino-4-sulfo-2-naphthylazo) fluorene (DSNAF). In our study, we confirmed the amyloid structure of protein deposits in kidneys of aging mdx mice by several fluorescence-based staining methods. We found that fixation method has profound effects on downstream staining procedures, and demonstrated that the application of specific fixative, zinc-ethanol-formaldehyde (ZEF), instead of traditional NBF allow to reduce the background fluorescence. We also illustrated the usefulness of novel fluorescent dye DSNAF for detection of amyloid deposits in mouse tissues. Our results confirmed the strong affinity and high specificity of this dye for amyloid fibrils. The verification of DSNAF for detecting amyloid in human tissues will provide a conclusion on the applicability of the developed staining method in clinical research practice

    Ostriches Sleep like Platypuses

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    Mammals and birds engage in two distinct states of sleep, slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. SWS is characterized by slow, high amplitude brain waves, while REM sleep is characterized by fast, low amplitude waves, known as activation, occurring with rapid eye movements and reduced muscle tone. However, monotremes (platypuses and echidnas), the most basal (or ‘ancient’) group of living mammals, show only a single sleep state that combines elements of SWS and REM sleep, suggesting that these states became temporally segregated in the common ancestor to marsupial and eutherian mammals. Whether sleep in basal birds resembles that of monotremes or other mammals and birds is unknown. Here, we provide the first description of brain activity during sleep in ostriches (Struthio camelus), a member of the most basal group of living birds. We found that the brain activity of sleeping ostriches is unique. Episodes of REM sleep were delineated by rapid eye movements, reduced muscle tone, and head movements, similar to those observed in other birds and mammals engaged in REM sleep; however, during REM sleep in ostriches, forebrain activity would flip between REM sleep-like activation and SWS-like slow waves, the latter reminiscent of sleep in the platypus. Moreover, the amount of REM sleep in ostriches is greater than in any other bird, just as in platypuses, which have more REM sleep than other mammals. These findings reveal a recurring sequence of steps in the evolution of sleep in which SWS and REM sleep arose from a single heterogeneous state that became temporally segregated into two distinct states. This common trajectory suggests that forebrain activation during REM sleep is an evolutionarily new feature, presumably involved in performing new sleep functions not found in more basal animals

    Comparative dynamic analysis of morbidity in various age groups in Russian Federation

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    Abstract: Aim of the study ― To perform a comparative analysis of morbidity rates in children aged 0-14 years and 15-17 years, in population older than 18 years, in women older than 55 years and men older than 60 years in Russian Federation based on the data of healthcare visits in 2004-2014. Material and Methods ― Data in statistical yearbooks published by Rosstat was studied by calculating mean morbidity rates and their amplitude through the years and by comparing that using deterministic factor analysis. Results ― Increase of morbidity rate was observed in (1) children aged 0-14 years by 665.9‰ (1667.0 to 2332.9‰) with mean rate of 2000.0±333.0‰, in children aged 15–17 years by 358.6‰ (1060.2 to 1418.8‰) with mean rate of 1245.8±185.6‰, difference of 307.3‰ and amplitude of 147.4‰; (2) in population older than 18 years by 49.3‰ (515.4 to 564.7‰) with mean rate of 541.8±26.4‰, and in women older than 55 years and men older than 60 years by 42.4‰ (2039.9 to 2082.3‰) with mean rate of 2054.5±27.9‰, difference of 6.9‰ and amplitude of 1.5‰. Specific characteristics of morbidity in various age groups were determined. Conclusion ― Rate of healthcare visits in Russian Federation was higher for children aged 0-14 years and population older than 18 years. Morbidity increase rate was higher in children aged 0-14 years and women older than 55 years and men older than 60 years. Structural differences in disease groups were detected, which may be taken into account when planning preventive measures according to population age


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    Цель. Оценка эффективности лечебной физкультуры у пациентов с остеопоротическими переломами позвонков и хронической болью в спине. Материал и методы. В исследование включались женщины 50 лет и старше с постменопаузальным остеопорозом (ОП), осложненным остеопоротическими переломами позвонков давностью более 6 месяцев и хронической болью в спине. Пациенты основной группы выполняли специально разработанную программу физических упражнений в зале лечебной физкультуры с частотой 2 раза в неделю под руководством инструктора в течение 12 месяцев. Пациентам контрольной группы предлагали придерживаться привычного уровня физической активности. Пациенты основной и контрольной группы продолжали предписанную терапию ОП и сопутствующих заболеваний. Продолжительность исследования составила 12 мес. Оценивались: изменение качества жизни по вопроснику QUALEFFO-41, нарушение равновесия и функциональных показателей, тест «Встань и иди», выраженность грудного кифоза, частота переломов. Для диагностики нарушений равновесия и оценки функциональных показателей использовалась стабилометрия. Результаты. В исследование было включено 78 жен. с остеопоротическими переломами позвонков и хронической болью в спине: основная группа составила 40 чел., контрольная - 38 чел., ср. возраст 69,2±7,7 лет. Изучаемые показатели (качество жизни по опроснику QUALEFFO-41, показатели стабилометрии, тест «Встань и иди») при включении в исследование статистически значимо не различались между группами. Различия касались лишь оценки грудного кифоза, который был более выражен в основной группе: расстояние между стеной и затылком было больше в основной группе (4,0 ± 3,4 см), чем в контроле (2,6 ± 3,4 см), р=0,02. Оценка качества жизни через 12 месяцев показала статистически значимое улучшение показателей в основной группе по сравнению с контролем в «Общем счете» и в доменах «Боль», «Работа на дому», «Подвижность», «Социальная функция», «Общее восприятие здоровья». Показатели в основной группе составили: -5,8, -13,5, -9,8, -7.3, -3,7, -6,0, в контроле: +3,1, -0,4, -0,3, +6,2, +3,5, +8,1 соответственно (снижение показателей соответствует улучшению качества жизни). Оценка показателей стабилометрии выявила статистически значимое улучшение в двух тестах. В тесте «Встать из положения сидя» в основной группе время переноса центра тяжести снизилось на 0,24 сек, в контроле возросло на 0,43 сек. Статистически значимое улучшение получено также в тесте «Приставной шаг»: колебание центра тяжести в основной группе уменьшилось на 0,65 градусов в сек., в контроле возросло на 0,29 градусов в сек. При проведении теста «Встань и иди» получено статистически значимое улучшение в основной группе с уменьшением времени выполнения теста с 12,0±3,8 до 11,4±3,3, р=0,02 и отсутствием динамики в контроле (11,0±3,3 и 11,3±2,9 соответственно). Выявлены статистически значимые различия в изменениях показателей между основной и контрольной группами (р=0,02). Выраженность грудного кифоза достоверно уменьшилась в основной группе и не изменилась в контроле без межгрупповых различий в конце исследования. В основной группе расстояние от затылка до стены уменьшилось с 4,0 см до 3,3 см, р=0,04, в контроле - с 2,6 см до 2,5 см, р=0,46. При оценке переломов статистически значимых межгрупповых различий не выявлено. За год наблюдения переломы позвонков и периферических костей наблюдались у 7 чел. контрольной группы и у 4 чел. основной группы, р=0,285. Выводы. Физические упражнения улучшают качество жизни, физическую функцию, координацию и выраженность грудного кифоза у пациентов с остеопоротическими переломами позвонков и хронической болью в спине

    Inhibition in glomeruli of the olfactory bulb

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    Vertebral fractures in osteoporosis (OP) patients are accompanied by a decrease in quality of life (QoL) and functional limitations. Physical activity is often recommended for such patients to reduce pain, improve QoL, and functional status.Objective. To assess the impact of exercises on QOL, functional performance, and balance in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures.Material and Methods. The study included 78 women with vertebral fractures and chronic back pain (40 patients in the study group and 38 patients in the control group). The average age of patients in the study group was 70.7 ± 8.1 years; in the control – 67.6 ± 7.0 years (p = 0.35). The studied parameters did not significantly differ for two groups at the beginning of the study. In the study group, physical exercises were conducted for 40 minutes twice a week during 12 months. Patients in the control group were recommended to follow the same physical activity as it was prior to the study. Evaluation of the studied parameters at study baseline and 12 months later was carried out using the QUALEFFO-41 questionnaire, a computer system for disequilibrium diagnostics and the «Stand up and walk» test.Results. After 12 months, a statistically significant improvement in QoL was observed among patients of the study group, both in the total score (41.2) compared with the control (57.3, p<0.0001), and in values of all domains, as well as results of the «Rise from a sitting position» and «Chasse step» balance tests. After 12 months, the study group showed a statistically significant reduction of time required to execute the «Stand up and walk» test from 12.1 ± 3.8 to 10.8 ± 2.5 s (p = 0.028), while no changes were observed in the control group (11.1 ± 3.4 and 11.1 ± 2.8 s respectively). Exercises improve QoL, functional activity and balance in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures