353 research outputs found

    On the Rational Type 0f Moment Angle Complexes

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    In this note it is shown that the moment angle complexes Z(K;(D^2,,S^1)) which are rationally elliptic are a product of odd spheres and a diskComment: This version avoids the use of an incorrect result from the literature in the proof of Theorem 1.3. There is some text overlap with arXiv:1410.645

    The heats of formation of the haloacetylenes XCCY [X, Y = H, F, Cl]: basis set limit ab initio results and thermochemical analysis

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    The heats of formation of haloacetylenes are evaluated using the recent W1 and W2 ab initio computational thermochemistry methods. These calculations involve CCSD and CCSD(T) coupled cluster methods, basis sets of up to spdfgh quality, extrapolations to the one-particle basis set limit, and contributions of inner-shell correlation, scalar relativistic effects, and (where relevant) first-order spin-orbit coupling. The heats of formation determined using W2 theory are: \hof(HCCH) = 54.48 kcal/mol, \hof(HCCF) = 25.15 kcal/mol, \hof(FCCF) = 1.38 kcal/mol, \hof(HCCCl) = 54.83 kcal/mol, \hof(ClCCCl) = 56.21 kcal/mol, and \hof(FCCCl) = 28.47 kcal/mol. Enthalpies of hydrogenation and destabilization energies relative to acetylene were obtained at the W1 level of theory. So doing we find the following destabilization order for acetylenes: FCCF >> ClCCF >> HCCF >> ClCCCl >> HCCCl >> HCCH. By a combination of W1 theory and isodesmic reactions, we show that the generally accepted heat of formation of 1,2-dichloroethane should be revised to -31.8±\pm0.6 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with a very recent critically evaluated review. The performance of compound thermochemistry schemes such as G2, G3, G3X and CBS-QB3 theories has been analyzed.Comment: Mol. Phys., in press (E. R. Davidson issue

    Using Strategy Improvement to Stay Alive

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    We design a novel algorithm for solving Mean-Payoff Games (MPGs). Besides solving an MPG in the usual sense, our algorithm computes more information about the game, information that is important with respect to applications. The weights of the edges of an MPG can be thought of as a gained/consumed energy -- depending on the sign. For each vertex, our algorithm computes the minimum amount of initial energy that is sufficient for player Max to ensure that in a play starting from the vertex, the energy level never goes below zero. Our algorithm is not the first algorithm that computes the minimum sufficient initial energies, but according to our experimental study it is the fastest algorithm that computes them. The reason is that it utilizes the strategy improvement technique which is very efficient in practice

    Genetic markers of Munc13 protein family member, BAIAP3, are gender-specifically associated with anxiety and benzodiazepine abuse in mouse and man

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    Anxiety disorders and substance abuse, including benzodiazepine use disorder, frequently occur together. Unfortunately, treatment of anxiety disorders still includes benzodiazepines, and patients with an existing comorbid benzodiazepine use disorder or a genetic susceptibility for benzodiazepine use disorder may be at risk of adverse treatment outcomes. The identification of genetic predictors for anxiety disorders, and especially for benzodiazepine use disorder, could aid the selection of the best treatment option and improve clinical outcomes. The brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor I–associated protein 3 (Baiap3) is a member of the mammalian uncoordinated 13 (Munc13) protein family of synaptic regulators of neurotransmitter exocytosis, with a striking expression pattern in amygdalae, hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray. Deletion of Baiap3 in mice leads to enhanced seizure propensity and increased anxiety, with the latter being more pronounced in female than in male animals. We hypothesized that genetic variation in human BAIAP3 may also be associated with anxiety. By using a phenotype-based genetic association study, we identified two human BAIAP3 single-nucleotide polymorphism risk genotypes (AA for rs2235632, TT for rs1132358) that show a significant association with anxiety in women and, surprisingly, with benzodiazepine abuse in men. Returning to mice, we found that male, but not female, Baiap3 knockout (KO) mice develop tolerance to diazepam more quickly than control animals. Analysis of cultured Baiap3 KO hypothalamus slices revealed an increase in basal network activity and an altered response to diazepam withdrawal. Thus, Baiap3/BAIAP3 is gender specifically associated with anxiety and benzodiazepine use disorder, and the analysis of Baiap3/BAIAP3-related functions may help elucidate mechanisms underlying the development of both disorders

    Manifestation of systemic toxicity in rats after a short-time inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles

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    Outbred female rats were exposed to inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticle aerosol produced right then and there at a concentration of 1.30 ± 0.10 mg/m3 during 5 days for 4 h a day in a nose-only setup. A control group of rats were sham-exposed in parallel under similar conditions. Even this short-time exposure of a relatively low level was associated with nanoparticles retention demonstrable by transmission electron microscopy in the lungs and the olfactory brain. Some impairments were found in the organism’s status in the exposed group, some of which might be considered lead-specific toxicological outcomes (in particular, increase in reticulocytes proportion, in δ-aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA) urine excretion, and the arterial hypertension’s development). © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was funded by the budget of the Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers


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    Occupational lungs and bronchial pathology occurs not only under exposure to dusts, their aerosol structure and aggression, but also depends on individual properties of a body. The latter can determine either increased body resistance or susceptibility to occupational pathology occurrence. Our research goal was to determine influence exerted by somatic pathology on occupational lung fibrosis occurrence as well as to estimate prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic pathology occurrence in workers employed at refractory production. At the first stage 449 workers employed at refractory production were examined at a periodical medical examination (PME). Patients' average age was 41.59 ± 0.45 and average work experience was 14.47 ± 0.39 years. At the second stage 172 workers were examined at an occupational pathology center; 75 out of them were workers who had silicosis and were included into the test group and the remaining 97 workers didn't have any occupational pathology and were included into the reference group. Both groups were comparable as per sex (p = 0.0052) and work experience under exposure to dusts (p = 0.862). Workers examined at a PME most frequently had overweight and obesity (68 %). Arterial hypertension (AH) prevalence amounted to 19.5%; carbohydrate metabolism disorders, 19.8 %; 48.1 % workers had hypercholesterolemia. Patients with silicosis had certain disorders significantly more frequently than workers with long work experience but without any occupational pathologies; those disorders were AH, cardiac muscle hypertrophy in the left ventricle, ischemic heart disease, heart rate disorders, as well as mixed (obstructive and restrictive) breath mechanics disorders. We determined some factors that authentically produced certain effects on occupational lung fibrosis occurrence in workers employed at refractory production. Median time of silicosis occurrence was significantly shorter (by 11.5 years) among workers with severe AH, arrhythmia (by 13 years), lower hemoglobin in blood (by 11.5 years). Besides, silicosis occurred significantly earlier (by 10.8) among women than among men. © 2020 Obukhova T.Yu., Budkar' L.N., Gurvich V.B., Solodushkin S.I., Shmonina O.G., Karpova E.A.,. All Rights Reserved

    Pressure balance in the multiphase ISM of cosmologically simulated disc galaxies

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    Pressure balance plays a central role in models of the interstellar medium (ISM), but whether and how pressure balance is realized in a realistic multiphase ISM is not yet well understood. We address this question by using a set of FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations of Milky Way-mass disc galaxies, in which a multiphase ISM is self-consistently shaped by gravity, cooling, and stellar feedback. We analyse how gravity determines the vertical pressure profile as well as how the total ISM pressure is partitioned between different phases and components (thermal, dispersion/turbulence, and bulk flows). We show that, on average and consistent with previous more idealized simulations, the total ISM pressure balances the weight of the overlying gas. Deviations from vertical pressure balance increase with increasing galactocentric radius and with decreasing averaging scale. The different phases are in rough total pressure equilibrium with one another, but with large deviations from thermal pressure equilibrium owing to kinetic support in the cold and warm phases, which dominate the total pressure near the mid-plane. Bulk flows (e.g. inflows and fountains) are important at a few disc scale heights, while thermal pressure from hot gas dominates at larger heights. Overall, the total mid-plane pressure is well-predicted by the weight of the disc gas and we show that it also scales linearly with the star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR). These results support the notion that the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation arises because ΣSFR and the gas surface density (Σg) are connected via the ISM mid-plane pressure

    Pressure balance in the multiphase ISM of cosmologically simulated disc galaxies

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    Pressure balance plays a central role in models of the interstellar medium (ISM), but whether and how pressure balance is realized in a realistic multiphase ISM is not yet well understood. We address this question by using a set of FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations of Milky Way-mass disc galaxies, in which a multiphase ISM is self-consistently shaped by gravity, cooling, and stellar feedback. We analyse how gravity determines the vertical pressure profile as well as how the total ISM pressure is partitioned between different phases and components (thermal, dispersion/turbulence, and bulk flows). We show that, on average and consistent with previous more idealized simulations, the total ISM pressure balances the weight of the overlying gas. Deviations from vertical pressure balance increase with increasing galactocentric radius and with decreasing averaging scale. The different phases are in rough total pressure equilibrium with one another, but with large deviations from thermal pressure equilibrium owing to kinetic support in the cold and warm phases, which dominate the total pressure near the mid-plane. Bulk flows (e.g. inflows and fountains) are important at a few disc scale heights, while thermal pressure from hot gas dominates at larger heights. Overall, the total mid-plane pressure is well-predicted by the weight of the disc gas and we show that it also scales linearly with the star formation rate surface density (Σ_(SFR)). These results support the notion that the Kennicutt–Schmidt relation arises because Σ_(SFR) and the gas surface density (Σ_g) are connected via the ISM mid-plane pressure

    What Causes The Formation of Disks and End of Bursty Star Formation?

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    As they grow, galaxies can transition from irregular/spheroidal with 'bursty' star formation histories (SFHs), to disky with smooth SFHs. But even in simulations, the direct physical cause of such transitions remains unclear. We therefore explore this in a large suite of numerical experiments re-running portions of cosmological simulations with widely varied physics, further validated with existing FIRE simulations. We show that gas supply, cooling/thermodynamics, star formation model, Toomre scale, galaxy dynamical times, and feedback properties do not have a direct causal effect on these transitions. Rather, both the formation of disks and cessation of bursty star formation are driven by the gravitational potential, but in different ways. Disk formation is promoted when the mass profile becomes sufficiently centrally-concentrated in shape (relative to circularization radii): we show that this provides a well-defined dynamical center, ceases to support the global 'breathing modes' which can persist indefinitely in less-concentrated profiles and efficiently destroy disks, promotes orbit mixing to form a coherent angular momentum, and stabilizes the disk. Smooth SF is promoted by the potential or escape velocity (not circular velocity) becoming sufficiently large at the radii of star formation that cool, mass-loaded (momentum-conserving) outflows are trapped/confined near the galaxy, as opposed to escaping after bursts. We discuss the detailed physics, how these conditions arise in cosmological contexts, their relation to other correlated phenomena (e.g. inner halo virialization, vertical disk 'settling'), and observations.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. 44 pages, 32 figures. Comments welcome. (Minor text corrections from previous version