33 research outputs found

    Assessing the effectiveness of different chiral and achiral phosphoric acids in presence of thiourea co-catalyst in co-operative organocatalytic stereoselective glycosylation reactions

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    1206-1215Organocatalytic glycosylation reactions were attempted with an aim to achieve stereoselectivity using chiral TRIP (Binol derived phosphoric acid) and achiral biphenyl phosphoric acids as catalyst and a thiourea derivative as co-catalyst, based on the transition model suggested by Schmidt group[1] during co-operative organocatalysis. Though the stereoselectivity as reported by the Schmidt was not observed, but it was found that the thiourea co-catalyst assisted the catalyst in making the reaction faster, especially in the cases where the catalyst was itself not a strong enough acid

    Assessing the effectiveness of different chiral and achiral phosphoric acids in presence of thiourea co-catalyst in co-operative organocatalytic stereoselective glycosylation reactions

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    Organocatalytic glycosylation reactions were attempted with an aim to achieve stereoselectivity using chiral TRIP (Binol derived phosphoric acid) and achiral biphenyl phosphoric acids as catalyst and a thiourea derivative as co-catalyst, based on the transition model suggested by Schmidt group[1] during co-operative organocatalysis. Though the stereoselectivity as reported by the Schmidt was not observed, but it was found that the thiourea co-catalyst assisted the catalyst in making the reaction faster, especially in the cases where the catalyst was itself not a strong enough acid.

    Prevalence of Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome in Nepal

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    Background. This study was carried out to establish the prevalence of cardiovascular risks such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes in Eastern Nepal. This study also establishes the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its relationships to these cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle. Methods. 14,425 subjects aged 20–100 (mean 41.4 ± 15.1) were screened with a physical examination and blood tests. Both the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) and National Cholesterol Education Programme's (NCEP) definitions for MS were used and compared. Results. 34% of the participants had hypertension, and 6.3% were diabetic. 28% were overweight, and 32% were obese. 22.5% of the participants had metabolic syndrome based on IDF criteria and 20.7% according to the NCEP definition. Prevalence was higher in the less educated, people working at home, and females. There was no significant correlation between the participants' lifestyle factors and the prevalence of MS. Conclusion. The high incidence of dyslipidemia and abdominal obesity could be the major contributors to MS in Nepal. Education also appears to be related to the prevalence of MS. This study confirms the need to initiate appropriate treatment options for a condition which is highly prevalent in Eastern Nepal

    Large-scale STI services in Avahan improve utilization and treatment seeking behaviour amongst high-risk groups in India: an analysis of clinical records from six states

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Avahan, the India AIDS Initiative, implemented a large HIV prevention programme across six high HIV prevalence states amongst high risk groups consisting of female sex workers, high risk men who have sex with men, transgenders and injecting drug users in India. Utilization of the clinical services, health seeking behaviour and trends in syndromic diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections amongst these populations were measured using the individual tracking data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Avahan clinical monitoring system included individual tracking data pertaining to clinical services amongst high risk groups. All clinic visits were recorded in the routine clinical monitoring system using unique identification numbers at the NGO-level. Visits by individual clinic attendees were tracked from January 2005 to December 2009. An analysis examining the limited variables over time, stratified by risk group, was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 431,434 individuals including 331,533 female sex workers, 10,280 injecting drug users, 82,293 men who have sex with men, and 7,328 transgenders visited the clinics with a total of 2,700,192 visits. Individuals made an average of 6.2 visits to the clinics during the study period. The number of visits per person increased annually from 1.2 in 2005 to 8.3 in 2009. The proportion of attendees visiting clinics more than four times a year increased from 4% in 2005 to 26% in 2009 (p<0.001). The proportion of STI syndromes diagnosed amongst female sex workers decreased from 39% in 2005 to 11% in 2009 (p<0.001) while the proportion of STI syndromes diagnosed amongst high risk men who have sex with men decreased from 12% to 3 % (p<0.001). The proportion of attendees seeking regular STI check-ups increased from 12% to 48% (p<0.001). The proportion of high risk groups accessing clinics within two days of onset of STI-related symptoms and acceptability of speculum and proctoscope examination increased significantly during the programme implementation period.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The programme demonstrated that acceptable and accessible services with marginalised and often difficult–to-reach populations can be brought to a very large scale using standardized approaches. Utilization of these services can dramatically improve health seeking behaviour and reduce STI prevalence.</p

    Traditional knowledge of processing and use of the Himalayan giant nettle (Girardinia diversifolia [Link] Friis) among the Gurungs of Sikles, Nepal

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    The Himalayan giant nettle (Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis) has been widely used throughout the mountainous regions of Nepal as a source of fiber (puwa) for weaving ropes, thread, porter’s tumplines, mats, sacks, and bhangra (a piece of traditional Gurung clothing). Ethnic groups such as Gurungs, Magars, Rais and Tamangs are the major exploiters of puwa fiber in Nepal. This study investigates the traditional knowledge of the processing and use of puwa fiber among the Gurungs of Sikles, in the trans-Himalayan region of Nepal. Puwa products have much cultural value for Gurungs in Sikles. Women are responsible for most of the puwa related activities and most of the woven products are used within households. Although puwa  has become established as an important non-timber forest product for generating income among rural communities in the mountainous and Himalayan regions of Nepal, its economic potential has yet to be realized in Sikles

    Fabrication of Porphyrin Based Colorimetric Sensor for the Detection of Liver Cirrhosis Biomarker

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    The early detection of liver cirrhosis biomarkers is crucial for timely medical intervention and improved patient outcomes. In this study, we present the fabrication of a novel colorimetric sensor based on porphyrin derivatives for the specific and sensitive detection of a prominent liver cirrhosis biomarker. The sensor design capitalizes on the unique optical properties of porphyrins, allowing for a rapid and visually detectable response upon biomarker binding. The synthesis and characterization of the porphyrin receptor are detailed, highlighting its structural and spectroscopic properties. The sensor\u27s performance was evaluated using RGB analysis demonstrating exceptional selectivity and sensitivity towards the target biomarker. Importantly, the sensor\u27s response mechanism is elucidated, shedding light on the underlying molecular interactions. The proposed porphyrin-based colorimetric sensor offers a promising avenue for the early diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, paving the way for point-of-care applications and enhancing disease management

    Crossed Testicular Ectopia

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    Crossed testicular ectopia also known as transverse testicular ectopia is a rare anomaly of the testis which is ectopically located in contralateral hemiscrotum with absent testis in the ipsilateral hemiscrotum. Most case are incidentally discovered intraopeartively during operation of inguinal hernia and few case reports are available which have reported preoperative diagnosis of crossed testicular ectopia. We report a case of crossed testicular ectopia in 12 year old boy who presented with right undescended testis diagnosed preoperative on Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging as crossed testicular ectopia. Keywords: crossed ectopia; MRI; testis; ultrasonography

    Farmers&apos; perceptions of climate change in Lower Mustang, Nepal

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    Climate change has become one of the highlighted issues of the world, resulting in vulnerability and adverse effects on livelihoods. It leads to an undeniable challenge for policymakers, the government, and other respective associations to formulate effective strategies; however, before formulating any coping, adaptation, or mitigation strategies, understanding the reality and perception of local people is crucial. This study investigated whether local farmers inhabiting Lower Mustang are aware of climatic change. The study comprised various methodologies, such as household surveys, field visits and focus group discussions (FGD). The farmers&apos; responses were consistent with the actual temperature and precipitation data recorded between 1973 and 2018 at meteorological stations situated near the aforementioned regions. The finding shows that the average annual temperature of this region has risen by 0.021 degrees C/year over the last 45 years. Similarly, the annual precipitation increased 1.83 mm/year on average, which was also acknowledged by local farmers. From the field visit, it was also noticed that the vulnerability of climate change is considerably high and has insufficient capacity to cope with climate change. Thus, the government, and other stakeholders should assist in building the adaptive capacity of this Himalayan region.N

    Dynamics of PM2.5 concentrations in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

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    This study analyzed daily patterns and dynamics of PM2.5 concentrations in the Kathmandu Valley during three winters. The PM2.5 data showed a daily repetitive cycle which represents influence of local air flow and dispersion and accumulation of air pollutants in the valley. Two concentration peaks were observed in the morning and in the evening periods, and they fell down during the daytime and the nighttime periods. This indicates local emission sources as major contributors in the valley. The more pronounced morning peak compared to the evening peak showed that the upslope wind in the morning helped to move the polluted inversion layer downward, subsequently adding to freshly emitted pollutants and causing a sharp pollutant concentration rise in the morning. Katabatic wind and rise of temperature in the basin during the day helped the pollutant upflow and dilution, resulting in a sharp PM2.5 concentration decline. Through the afternoon, the decrease in air temperature followed by decrease in wind speed caused to lower PM2.5 peaks in the evening. Also, higher morning peaks of PM2.5 concentrations compared to the evening indicated pollution from the previous day is added to the fresh emission. The valley had increased PM2.5 from the beginning of October which continued till the first week of February. The increase in PM2.5 peak fit the logistic equation y = [k/(1 + exp (p - qx)] + a sin(bx) where k, p, q, a, and b are constants. © 2009