12 research outputs found

    Hardening of particle/oil/water suspensions due to capillary bridges : Experimental yield stress and theoretical interpretation

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    Suspensions of colloid particles possess the remarkable property to solidify upon the addition of minimal amount of a second liquid that preferentially wets the particles. The hardening is due to the formation of capillary bridges (pendular rings), which connect the particles. Here, we review works on the mechanical properties of such suspensions and related works on the capillary-bridge force, and present new rheological data for the weakly studied concentration range 30-55 vol% particles. The mechanical strength of the solidified capillary suspensions, characterized by the yield stress Y, is measured at the elastic limit for various volume fractions of the particles and the preferentially wetting liquid. A quantitative theoretical model is developed, which relates Y with the maximum of the capillary-bridge force, projected on the shear plane. A semi-empirical expression for the mean number of capillary bridges per particle is proposed. The model agrees very well with the experimental data and gives a quantitative description of the yield stress, which increases with the rise of interfacial tension and with the volume fractions of particles and capillary bridges, but decreases with the rise of particle radius and contact angle. The quantitative description of capillary force is based on the exact theory and numerical calculation of the capillary bridge profile at various bridge volumes and contact angles. An analytical formula for Y is also derived. The comparison of the theoretical and experimental strain at the elastic limit reveals that the fluidization of the capillary suspension takes place only in a deformation zone of thickness up to several hundred particle diameters, which is adjacent to the rheometer's mobile plate. The reported experimental results refer to water-continuous suspension with hydrophobic particles and oily capillary bridges. The comparison of data for bridges from soybean oil and hexadecane surprisingly indicate that the yield strength is greater for the suspension with soybean oil despite its lower interfacial tension against water. The result can be explained with the different contact angles of the two oils in agreement with the theoretical predictions. The results could contribute for a better understanding, quantitative prediction and control of the mechanical properties of three-phase capillary suspensions solid/liquid/liquid

    Rheology of particle/water/oil three-phase dispersions : Electrostatic vs. capillary bridge forces

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    Hypothesis Particle/water/oil three-phase capillary suspensions possess the remarkable property to solidify upon the addition of minimal amount of the second (dispersed) liquid. The hardening of these suspensions is due to capillary bridges, which interconnect the particles (pendular state). Electrostatic repulsion across the oily phase, where Debye screening by electrolyte is missing, could also influence the hardness of these suspensions. Experiments We present data for oil-continuous suspensions with aqueous capillary bridges between hydrophilic SiO2 particles at particle volume fractions 35–45%. The hardness is characterized by the yield stress Y for two different oils: mineral (hexadecane) and vegetable (soybean oil). Findings and modelling The comparison of data for the “mirror” systems of water- and oil-continuous capillary suspensions shows that Y is lower for the oil-continuous ones. The theoretical model of yield stress is upgraded by including a contribution from electrostatic repulsion, which partially counterbalances the capillary-bridge attraction and renders the suspensions softer. The particle charge density determined from data fits is close to that obtained in experiments with monolayers from charged colloid particles at oil/water interfaces. The results could contribute for better understanding, quantitative prediction and control of the mechanical properties of solid/liquid/liquid capillary suspensions

    Interarm Interaction of DNA Cruciform Forming at a Short Inverted Repeat Sequence

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    A novel interarm interaction of DNA cruciform forming at inverted repeat sequence was characterized using an S1 nuclease digestion, permanganate oxidation, and microscopic imaging. An inverted repeat consisting of 17 bp complementary sequences was isolated from the bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus (Perciformes) and subcloned into the pUC19 plasmid, after which the supercoiled recombinant plasmid was subjected to enzymatic and chemical modification. In high salt conditions (200 mM NaCl, or 100–200 mM KCl), S1 nuclease cut supercoiled DNA at the center of palindromic symmetry, suggesting the formation of DNA cruciform. On the other hand, S1 nuclease in the presence of 150 mM NaCl or less cleaved mainly the 3′-half of the repeat, thereby forming an unusual structure in which the 3′-half of the inverted repeat, but not the 5′-half, was retained as an unpaired strand. Permanganate oxidation profiles also supported the presence of single-stranded part in the 3′-half of the inverted repeat in addition to the center of the symmetry. Both electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy have detected a thick protrusion on the supercoiled DNA harboring the inverted repeat. We hypothesize that the cruciform hairpins at conditions favoring triplex formation adopt a parallel side-by-side orientation of the arms allowing the interaction between them supposedly stabilized by hydrogen bonding of base triads