21 research outputs found

    Cash inventory optimization

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    The goal of the project is to optimize the cash levels held across regions and currencies to free up capital. In other words, to reduce as much as possible the cash balance held in different regions around the world so that there is only the necessary cash in balance to cover the day to day costs. The cash inventory problem will be formulated as a mixed integer linear optimization problem and it will be solved using: (1) classical branch-and-bound techniques; (2) genetic algorithms

    Dreptul Proprietatii Intelectuale

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    La finalizarea cu succes a modulului studentii vor fi capabili să: Inteleaga componentele de bază ale legii IP, relațiile dintre, legal și concepte, valori, principii și reguli în raport cu dreptul intelectual; Cunoasca și înțeleaga cadrului legal mai larg pentru dreptul de proprietate intelectuală din diferite țări; Inteleaga care este rolul proprietății industriale în promovarea produselor de succes pe piață; Obtina competențe în protecția juridică a mărcii, si sa cunoasca etapele de înregistrare; Dobandeasca cunoștințe teoretice de bază privind drepturi de autor, brevete și aplicare a semnăturii digitale într-un proces; Obtina competențe în: investigarea, analiza și comunicarea de informații juridice relevante


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    Improvement of convergence for technologies of water resource use in agricultural production was studied. At modern stage of development of water utilization system within agribusiness of basin geosystems in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal District where more than 23 mln people (16.3 % of resident number of the Russian Federation) live a rather ambitious task of creating principally new technologies of water resource use in different technological systems confronts. The results of many years studies of natural and technical systems (NTS) “Natural Environment – Object of Activity – Population” in the field of water resource use show that the main and practically the only direction for solving this problem is to improve use of water resource energy on the basis of modern scientific approaches-and to create new production technologies for agricultural products. One of such scientific approaches is convergent approach that integrates achievements in fundamental knowledge (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics etc.) and in sectoral scientific directions (material science, hydrology, hydraulics, informatics etc.). As conclusions, it should be noted that the convergent approach to creating new technologies and improving the existing technologies of water use in agribusiness makes it possible to form a stable tendency for wider use of renewable sources of electric power on small hydroelectric stations (HES) with the purpose to increase efficiency of water resource use. Besides, water regime in a root layer can be controlled and this promotes to manipulating with processes interrelation between consumption of necessary water quantity by plants and technology of water supply in active soil layer.Исследованиями являлось совершенствование конвергенции технологий использования водных ресурсов в сельскохозяйственном производстве. На современном этапе развития водохозяйственного комплекса в составе АПК бассейновых геосистем Северного Кавказа и Южного Федерального округа, где проживает более 23 млн чел. (16,3% от числа жителей Российской Федерации) стоит весьма амбициозная задача по созданию принципиально новых технологий использования водных ресурсов в различных технологических системах [1]. Результаты многолетних исследований ПТС «Природная среда – Объект деятельности – Население» в области использования водных ресурсов показывают, что главным и практически единственным направлением решения данной проблемы является совершенствование применения энергии водных ресурсов на основе современных научных подходов и создание новых технологий производства сельскохозяйственной продукции [2, 3]. Одним из таких научных подходов является конвергентный, который объединяет в себе достижения в фундаментальных знаниях (физике, химии, биологии, математике и др.) и отраслевых научных направлениях (материаловедение, гидрологии, гидравлики, информатики и др.) [4, 5]. В качестве выводов следует отметить, что конвергентный подход к созданию новых и совершенствованию существующих технологий водопользования в АПК позволяет сформироваться устойчивой тенденции к более широкому применению возобновляемых источников электрической энергии на малых ГЭС с целью повышения эффективности использования водных ресурсов. Кроме того, водный режим в корнеобитаемом слое почвы может быть управляемым, что способствует манипулированию процессами взаимосвязи между потреблением необходимого количества воды растениями и технологией подачи воды в активный слой почвы [6]

    Combination Breeding and Marker-Assisted Selection to Develop Late Blight Resistant Potato Cultivars

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    (1) Background: Although resistance to pathogens and pests has been researched in many potato cultivars and breeding lines with DNA markers, there is scarce evidence as to the efficiency of the marker-assisted selection (MAS) for these traits when applied at the early stages of breeding. A goal of this study was to estimate the potential of affordable DNA markers to track resistance genes that are effective against the pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Rpi genes), as a practical breeding tool on a progeny of 68 clones derived from a cross between the cultivar Sudarynya and the hybrid 13/11-09. (2) Methods: this population was studied for four years to elucidate the distribution of late blight (LB) resistance and other agronomical desirable or simple to phenotype traits such as tuber and flower pigmentation, yield capacity and structure. LB resistance was phenotypically evaluated following natural and artificial infection and the presence/absence of nine Rpi genes was assessed with 11 sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. To validate this analysis, the profile of Rpi genes in the 13/11-09 parent was established using diagnostic resistance gene enrichment sequencing (dRenSeq) as a gold standard. (3) Results: at the early stages of a breeding program, when screening the segregation of F1 offspring, MAS can halve the workload and selected SCAR markers for Rpi genes provide useful tools

    Prevalence of impaired renal function in the elderly in the St. Petersburg District : results of the Crystal study

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a high prevalence in the elderly. It has been recognized as an independent cardiovascular risk factor and detecting CKD is also important to ensure the appropriate dose of medication and to prevent further damage by limiting the use of potential harmful drugs. The aim of the research was to study the prevalence of CKD in elderly (> or = 65 years) in a St. Petersburg district and to study the impact of using different methods to estimate the GFR on the prevalence of different stages of CKD. The cross-sectional analysis of prospective population based study in the district of Kolpino was conducted. All creatinine measurements were performed in the same laboratory. Renal function was assessed calculating the eGFR using different creatinine based formulas. 611 elderly (65-91 years) were examined. Using the MDRD formula a prevalence of CKD stage III-V for males of 11% was found in stratum 1 and of 15% in stratum 2 and for females prevalence was 14 and 29%, respectively. A considerable mismatch in classification of stages of CKD was found when comparing the MDRD based estimations with the CG-based ones. Compared to what has been reported internationally in other studies a considerable lower prevalence of CKD stage IV-V was found in both age groups. Thus, the prevalence of an impaired renal function in elderly in the St. Petersburg district is relatively low, especially in the subgroup of males aged 75 years and over compared to what been reported in other studies. The CG and MDRD formula generate significantly different results when they are used to classify the population of elderly according to the stages of CKD


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    The aim is to assess the health status (morbidity and disability) of adolescents in Krasnodar Krai.Materials and methods. We analysed the offi cial statistical data on the health state of 10– 18 year-old children in Krasnodar Krai during the 2013–2017 period using Form 12 “Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the service area of the medical organization” and Form 19 “Information on disabled children”. In addition, the data presented in the report “On medical support of citizens before their initial military registration in Krasnodar Krai in 2017” was analysed.Results. Diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, as well as traumas and poisoning, are shown to be leading conditions in the structure of adolescents’ general and primary morbidity. Over the past fi ve years, a decrease in the overall and primary morbidity in 10–14 year-old children has been recorded, although these indicators have shown a growing trend in children aged 15–18 years old. An increase in general and primary disabilities across all age groups in Krasnodar Krai was revealed.Conclusion. An increase in the primary and overall morbidity in 15–18 year-old adolescents, as well as an increase in primary and general disabilities in 10–18 year-old adolescents has been observed. The problem of adolescent health can be solved using an integrated approach. Positive dynamics can only be achieved by oncerted efforts of medical, public and scientifi c organizations

    The relationship between physical performance and cardiac function in an elderly Russian cohort.

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    This study aims to determine the cardiac dysfunction prevalence, to investigate the relationship between the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) test and structural and functional echocardiographic parameters and to determine whether SPPB scores and cardiac dysfunction are independent mortality predictors in an elderly Russian population. A random sample of 284 community-dwelling adults aged 65 and older were selected from a population-based register and divided into two age groups (65-74 and ≥75). The SPPB test, echocardiography and all-cause mortality were measured. The prevalence of cardiac dysfunction was 12% in the 65-74 group and 23% in the ≥75 group. The multivariate models could explain 15% and 23% of the SPPB score total variance for the 65-74 and ≥75 age groups, respectively. In the younger age group, the mean follow-up time was 2.6±0.46 years, and the adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for risk of mortality from cardiac dysfunction was 4.9. In the older age group, the mean follow-up time was 2.4±0.61 years, and both cardiac dysfunction and poor physical performance were found to be independent predictors of mortality (adjusted HR=3.4 and adjusted HR=4.2, respectively). The cardiac dysfunction prevalence in this elderly Russian population was found to be comparable to, or even lower than, reported prevalences for Western countries. Furthermore, the observed correlations between echocardiographic abnormalities and SPPB scores were limited. Cardiac dysfunction was shown to be a strong mortality predictor in both age groups, and poor physical performance was identified as an independent mortality predictor in the oldest subjects