15 research outputs found
Women's Life Quality After Physical Therapy Treatment For Stress Urinary Incontinence [qualidade De Vida Em Mulheres Após Tratamento Da Incontinência Urinária De Esforço Com Fisioterapia]
PURPOSE: to compare women's quality of life (QoL) before and after physical therapy treatment for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). METHODS: an uncontrolled clinical trial of 26 women, who had mainly complaints of SUI. Post-menopausal women with overactive bladder, cystocele ≥grade II and previous surgical/conservative treatments were excluded from the study. The physiotherapy treatment relied on 12 individual pelvic floor exercises assisted by electromyographyc-biofeedback sessions. A total of 200 contractions were carried out, divided in phasic (quick) and tonic (slow). The tool used to evaluate QoL was the King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ), before and after the treatment. RESULTS: there was a decrease in the urinary symptoms, particularly in urinary frequency, nocturia, urgency and urinary incontinence. Regarding the QoL, there was a significant improvement in the following domain scores: general health perception (49.0±24.0 versus 26.9±15.7; p=0.0015), incontinence impact (78.2±28.2 versus 32.1±30.5; p=0.001), activity limitation (75.0±28.2 versus 13.5±22.6; p<0.001), physical limitation (72.4±29.4 versus 15.4±24.5; p<0.001), social limitations (38.3±28.6 versus 6.4±14.5; p<0.001), emotions (59.0±33.8 versus 14.1±24.7; p=0.0001, sleep/energy (34.0±23.8 versus 6.4±16.4; p=0.001) and severity measures (66.9±19.6 versus 22.3±24.2; p<0.001), except for personal relationships (60.5±33.9 versus 41.7±16.7; p=0.0679). CONCLUSIONS: there was an improvement in several aspects of women's QoL treated by physiotherapy, when evaluated with a specific tool, the KHQ.293134140Abrams, P., Cardozo, L., Fall, M., Griffiths, D., Rosier, P., Ulmsten, U., Van Kerrebroeck, P., Wein, A., Standardisation Sub-Committee of the International Continence Society. The standardisation of terminology of lower urinary tract function: Report from the standardisation sub-committee of the International Continence Society (2003) Urology, 61 (1), pp. 37-49. , ReviewHannestad, Y.S., Rortveit, G., Sandvik, H., Hunskaar, A., A community-based epidemiological survey of female urinary incontinence: The Norwegian EPINCONT study (2000) J Clin Epidemiol, 53 (11), pp. 1150-1157Siracusano, S., Pregazzi, R., D'Aloia, G., Sartore, A., Di Benedetto, P., Pecorari, V., Prevalence of urinary incontinence in young and middle-aged women in Italian urban area (2003) Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 107 (2), pp. 201-204Amaro JA, Gameiro MO, Moreira EH. Exercícios perineais. In: Ribeiro RM, Rossi P, Pinotti JA, editores. Uroginecologia e cirurgia vaginal. São Paulo: Roca2001. p. 5-62Fantl JA, Newman DK, Colling J, DeLancey JOL, Keeys C, Loughery A, et al. Urinary incontinence in adults: acute and chronic management. Rockville: US Department of Health and Human Services/Public Health Service/Agency for Health Care Policy and Research1996. (Clinical Practice Guideline, 2AHCPR Publ. 96-0682)Hay-Smith, E.J., Bo Berghmans, L.C., Hendriks, H.J., de Bie, R.A., van Waalwijk van Doorn, E.S., Pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women (2001) Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (1). , Review, CD001407Herrmann, V., Potrik, B.A., Palma, P.C.R., Zanettini, C.L., Marques, A., Netto Júnior, N.R., Eletroestimulação transvaginal do assoalho pélvico no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço: Avaliações clínica e ultra- sonográfica (2003) Rev Assoc Med Bras, 49 (4), pp. 401-405Balmforth, J.R., Mantle, J., Bidmead, J., Cardozo, L., A prospective observational trial of pelvic floor muscle training for female stress urinary incontinence (2006) BJU Int, 98 (4), pp. 811-817Wang, A.C., Wang, Y.Y., Chen, M.C., Single-blind, randomized trial of pelvic floor muscle training, biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training, and electrical stimulation in the management of overactive bladder (2004) Urology, 63 (1), pp. 61-66Lopes, M.H.B.M., Higa, R., Restrições causadas pela incontinência urinária à vida da mulher (2006) Rev Esc Enfermagem USP, 40 (1), pp. 34-41position paper from the World Health Organization (1995) Soc Sci Med, 41 (10), pp. 1403-1409. , The World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment WHOQOLPapanicolaou, S., Hunskaar, S., Lose, G., Sykes, D., Assessment of bothersomeness and impact on quality of life of urinary incontinence in women in France, Germany, Spain and UK (2005) BJU Int, 96 (6), pp. 831-838Coyne, K.S., Zhou, Z., Thompson, C., Versi, E., The impact on health-related quality life of stress, urge and mixed urinary incontinence (2003) BJU Int, 92 (7), pp. 731-735Kelleher, C., Quality of life and urinary incontinence. Baillieres Best Pract Res (2000) Clin Obstet Gynecol, 14 (2), pp. 363-379Saleh, N., Bener, A., Khenyab, N., Al-Mansori, Z., Al-Muraikhi, A., Prevalence, awareness and determinants of health care-seeking behaviour for urinary incontinence in Qatari women: A neglected problem? (2005) Maturitas, 50 (1), pp. 58-65Fultz, N.H., Burgio, K., Diokno, A., Kinchen, K.S., Obenchain, R., Bump, R.C., Burden of stress urinary incontinence for community-dwelling women (2003) Am J Obstet Gynecol, 189 (5), pp. 1275-1282Blaivas, J.G., Appell, R.A., Fantl, J.A., Leach, G., McGuire, E.J., Resnick, N.M., Standards of efficacy for evaluation of treatment outcomes in urinary incontinence: Recommendations of the Urodynamic Society (1997) Neurourol Urodyn, 16 (3), pp. 145-147Auge, A., Zucchi, C.M., Costa, F.M.P., Nunes, K., Cunha, L.P.M., Silva, P.V.F., Comparações entre os índices de qualidade de vida em mulheres com incontinência urinária submetidas ou não ao tratamento cirúrgico (2006) Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 28 (6), pp. 352-357Fonseca, E.S.M., Camargo, A.L.M., Castro, R.A., Sartori, M.G.F., Fonseca, M.C.M., Lima, G.R., Validação do questionário de qualidade de vida (King's Health Questionaire) em mulheres brasileiras com incontinência urinária (2005) Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 27 (5), pp. 235-242Neumann, P.B., Grimmer, K.A., Grant, R.E., Gill, V.A., Physiotherapy for female stress urinary incontinence: A multicentre observacional study (2005) Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 45 (3), pp. 226-232Bidmead, J., Cardozo, L., McLellan, A., Khullar, V., Kelleher, C., A comparison of the objective and subjective outcomes of colposuspension for stress incontinence in women (2001) BJOG, 108 (4), pp. 408-413Klüber, L., Moriguchi, E.H., Cruz, I.B.M., A influência da fisioterapia na qualidade de vida em mulheres com incontinência urinária: Revisão (2002) Rev Med PUCRS, 12 (3), pp. 243-249Stach-Lempinen, B., Kirkinen, P., Laippala, P., Metsanoja, R., Kujansuu, E., Do objective urodynamic or clinical findings determine impact of urinary incontinence or its treatment on quality of life? (2004) Urology, 63 (1), pp. 67-71Yip, S.K., Chan, A., Pang, S., Leung, P., Tang, C., Shek, D., The impact of urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity on marital relationship and sexual function (2003) Am J Obstet Gynecol, 188 (5), pp. 1244-1248Teleman, P., Lidfeldt, J., Nerbrand, C., Samsioe, G., Mattiasson, A., Lower urinary tract symptoms in middle-aged women-prevalence and attitude towards mild urinary incontinence: A community-based population study (2005) Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 84 (11), pp. 1108-111
Characterization and phylogenetic affinities of the red alga Chondrophycus flagelliferus (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) from Brazil on the basis of morphological and molecular evidence
© 2006 International Phycological SocietyA detailed study of the vegetative and reproductive morphology of Chondrophycus flagelliferus from Brazil is provided. The species possesses axial segments, each bearing two periaxial cells, a situation characteristic for the genus Chondrophycus. Within Chondrophycus, C. flagelliferus belongs to the subgenus Palisadi, section Palisadi, on the basis of the presence of a palisade-like outer cortical cell layer as seen in transverse sections of branchlets; the absence of secondary pit connections between cortical cells; the fertile periaxial cell with two pre-sporangial cover cells, the tetrasporangium initial and the post-sporangial cover cell that will develop into the corticating system; and the right-angled tetrasporangial arrangement. The phylogenetic position of this species within Laurencia sensu lato is inferred from parsimony and Bayesian analyses of chloroplast-encoded rbcL sequences from 39 Rhodomelaceae using two Ceramiaceae as the out-group. This study corroborates the taxonomic decision to split Laurencia sensu lato in the genera Laurencia, Chondrophycus and Osmundea, and indicates that rbcL provides sufficient phylogenetic signal to infer species-level relationships within the Laurencia sensu lato complex. Synapomorphic morphological characters uniting Laurencia and Chondrophycus include the same origin of the spermatangial filaments and tetrasporangia. The principal character separating both genera is the number of periaxial cells per vegetative axial segment. We hypothesize that the ancestor of the Laurencia sensu lato complex most likely possessed two periaxial cells per axial segment. The molecular data indicate that C. flagelliferus is closely related to the C. papillosus complex, and that, as originally described, C. translucidus belongs in the genus Laurencia.Mutue T. Fujii, Silvia M.P.B. Guimaràes, Carlos Frederico D. Gurgel, and Suzanne Frederic
Detecção de polimorfismo em porta-enxertos para citros Detection of polimorphism in rootstocks for citrus
Objetivando a verificação da existência de plântulas originadas de embrião zigótico em viveiros comerciais de mudas cítricas, realizou-se o presente trabalho, utilizando a técnica de fAFLP e quatro espécies de porta-enxertos para citros. Verificou-se uma base genética estreita entre as espécies testadas, além de grande variabilidade entre os materiais, independentemente do viveiro em que foram coletados, o que permite concluir que a seleção visual, comumente realizada nos viveiros, é ineficiente.<br>The purpose of this work was to verify the existence of seedlings originated from the zygotic embryo, in commercial nurseries of citric seedlings. I was used the AFLP technique and four species of citrus rootstocks. It was observed a narrow genetic base among the tested species and also a great variability among the materials, independent of the nursery that they were collected. These results showed that the visual selection, commonly done in the nurseries, is inefficient