76 research outputs found
Effects of saline stress on growth and crop yield of different maize (Zea mays) genotypes
Досліджено вплив сольового стресу (NaCl) на врожайність і вегетативні показники 8 сортів кукурудзи. Сорти K3615/1, S.C704, B73, S.C302, Waxy, K3546/6, K3653/2 та Zaqatala вирощували на двох ділянках району Астара із нормальним і засоленим ґрунтом. Засолення зменшує показники росту рослин, довжину та діаметр початку, кількість листків, діаметр стебла, кількість рядів у початку, кількість зернин у ряду та суху масу рослин усіх сортів. Найбільша довжина початку спостерігалась у сортів Zaqatala, B73 та S.C704, а найменша – у K3653/2. Засолення зменшує врожайність усіх сортів. Визначено кореляцію між вивченими показниками.Исследовано влияние солевого стресса (NaCl) на урожайность и вегетативные показатели 8 сортов кукурузы. Сорта K3615/1, S.C704, B73, S.C302, Waxy, K3546/6, K3653/2 и Zaqatala выращивали на двух участках района Астара с нормальной и засоленной почвой. Засоление уменьшает показатели роста растений, длины и диаметра початка, количества листьев, диаметра стебля, количества рядов в початке, количества зерен в ряду и сухой массы растений у всех сортов. Наибольшая длина початка наблюдалась у сортов Zaqatala, B73 и S.C704, а наименьшая – у K3653/2. Засоление уменьшает урожайность всех сортов. Определена корреляция между изученными показателями. Effects of saline stress (NaCl) on yield and vegetative characteristics of eight maize cultivars were studied. The cultivars K3615/1, S.C704, B73, S.C302, Waxy, K3546/6, K3653/2, and Zaqatala were cultivated in two plots of the Astara region: one was with normal soil and the other – with salty one. Salinization reduced the plant height, ear length, ear diameter, number of plant leaves, stem diameter, number of rows in an ear, number of grains in a row, and dry plant mass in all cultivars. Maximal ear length was observed in Zaqatala, B73, and S.C704, and the least one was detected in K3653/2. Salinization decreased crop yield of all the cultivars. Certain correlations between studied parameters were found
Phytoecological indicators for biological recultivation of soils polluted with oil in the Absheron peninsula
Досліджено фітоекологічні індикатори забруднених ґрунтів на території Нафтогазовидобувного управління ім. Амірова (Гарадазький район, Баку). Проведені фітоценологічний і біоморфологічний аналізи флори з метою подальшої біологічної рекультивації Апшеронського півострова. Показано, що забруднення нафтопродуктами (мазут, шахтні води тощо) призводить до знищення рослинного покриву. Очищення ґрунтів та відновлення їх мікрофлори підвищують родючисть ґрунтів. Дикорослі та культурні рослини-індикатори можуть використовуватися для біологічного очищення забруднених нафтопродуктами ґрунтів. Штучний висів деяких кормових культур після технічної рекультивації дозволяє сформувати відносно очищені території з вищою продуктивністю. Изучены фитоэкологические индикаторы загрязненных почв на территории Нефтегазодобывающего управления им. Амирова (Гарадагский район, Баку). Проведен фитоценологический и биоморфологический анализ флоры с целью дальнейшей биологической рекультивации Апшеронского полуострова. Показано, что загрязнение нефтепродуктами (мазут, шахтные воды и др.) приводит к уничтожению растительного покрова. Очистка почв и восстановление их микрофлоры повышают почвенное плодородие. Дикорастущие и культурные растения-индикаторы могут использоваться для биологической очистки почв загрязненных нефтепродуктами. Искусственный высев некоторых кормовых культур после технической рекультивации позволяет сформировать относительно очищенные территории с более высокой продуктивностью.Phytoecological indicators of polluted soils of Amirov Oil-and-Gas Production Department (Garadag district,Baku) were studied. Phytocenological and biomorphological analysis of flora was done with the aim of further biological rehabilitation of Absheron peninsula. Oil products (black oil, boring waters, etc.) pollution turns the plant cover into a dead mass. Decontamination of soil and rehabilitation of microbial community improve the soil’s fertility. Wild and cultured plant indicators may be used in biopurification of the soils polluted with oil products. Sowing of the fodder crops followed by the technical remediation forms the clean areas of higher productivity
This report describes application of the paper chromatography method for the separation of trace amounts of storntium, yttrium and thorium, and compares various solutions for paper chromatography. Effective separation of Y from Sr and Th is possible when using 1M NaCl solution as a mobile phase
Spodium bonding and other non-covalent interactions assisted supramolecular aggregation in a new mercury(II) complex of a nicotinohydrazide derivative
In this work we report a new Hg(II) coordination compound [Hg(HL)(SCN)2], which was readily obtained from a mixture of Hg(SCN)2 and N'-(1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene)nicotinohydrazide (HL). The metal cation is chelated by the organic ligand in a N,N',O tridentate manner through the 2-Py and amide nitrogen donors, and carbonyl oxygen atom. The coordination sphere is filled by the sulfur donors of two thiocyanate anions, thus yielding a pentacoordinated geometry, which is best described as being about 64% along the pathway of distortion from the ideal square pyramidal toward trigonal bipyramidal structure. In addition, the metal center forms two types of the Hg⋯N spodium bonds, which are formed with the 3-Py nitrogen atom of a symmetry related molecule and with the nitrogen atom of one thiocyanate ligand of another molecular unit. These Hg⋯N spodium bonds enlarge the coordination environment of the metal cation in between a capped trigonal prism close to pentagonal bipyramid. In addition a 1D zig-zag-like polymeric chain is formed, which is further reinforced by bilateral C–H⋯O hydrogen bonds. These chains are interlinked through N–H⋯N hydrogen bonds and additionally glued by π⋯π interactions between the 2-Py rings. Thus, considering all the Hg⋯N spodium and N–H⋯N hydrogen bonds, a supramolecular 2D layer is formed with a binodal 3,4-connected hcb topology. The 2D layers are interlinked through a myriad of π⋯π interactions. According to the Hirshfeld surface analysis, the crystal packing of [Hg(HL)(SCN)2] is mainly characterized by intermolecular H⋯H, H⋯C, H⋯N and H⋯S contacts comprised from 15.9 to 22.3%, followed by less significant H⋯O, C⋯C, C⋯N, N⋯S and Hg⋯N contacts comprised from 2.8 to 6.3%. The intermolecular H⋯C, H⋯N, H⋯O, H⋯S and C⋯C contacts are highly favoured in the molecular surface of [Hg(HL)(SCN)2], while the N⋯S contacts are less favoured, and remaining contacts are significantly impoverished. Finally, density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the PBE0/def2-TZVP level of theory have been used to evaluate and characterize the Hg⋯N spodium bonds, including molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and noncovalent interaction plot (NCIPlot) computational tools. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.This work has been partially supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ( FCT ) 2020–2023 multiannual funding to Centro de Quimica Estrutural (project UIDB/00100/2020). AVG acknowledges the FCT and Instituto Superior Técnico (DL 57/2016 and L 57/2017 Program, Contract no: IST-ID/110/2018). This research was partially funded by MICIU/AEI, grant number CTQ2017-85821-R, FEDER funds
A new coordination polymer constructed from Pb(NO3)2 and a benzylideneisonicotinohydrazide derivative: Coordination-induced generation of a π-hole towards a tetrel-bonding stabilized structure
We report on a new Pb(II) coordination polymer [Pb(HL)(NO3)2]n (1), obtained from a direct reaction of Pb(NO3)2 with N'-4-(dimethylamino)benzylideneisonicotinohydrazide (HL). The coordination sphere around the Pb(II) cation is built by the 1,4-N,O-chelating neutral HL, by six oxygen atoms from three chelating nitrate anions, and by the pyridyl nitrogen donor from a symmetry related molecule. The ligand HL and one of the nitrate anions, acting as bridging species, yield two 1D zig-zag polymeric chains along the crystallographic axes b and c, respectively. As a result, the overall structural architecture of 1 is a 2D layer, which is reinforced by the N–H···O hydrogen bonds and by π···π interactions, resulting in a 4-connected uninodal sql/Shubnikov tetragonal plane net topology or a 3,5-connected binodal 3,5L1 net, once the N–H···O hydrogen bonds are considered. In addition of these conventional interactions, the coordination of the hydrazide group to the Pb(II) ion provokes the formation of a π-hole at the carbonyl group that establishes a tetrel bond with the oxygen atom of a nearby nitrato-ligand belonging to another polymeric chain. This interaction has been studied energetically at the PBE0-D3/def2-TZVP level of theory and also characterized by using a combination of MEP, QTAIM and NCIplot computational tools. © 2021Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT: UIDB/00100/2020; Instituto Superior Técnico, IST: IST-ID/110/2018; European Regional Development Fund, FEDER; Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI: CTQ2017–85821-RThis work has been partially supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ( FCT ) 2020–2023 multiannual funding to Centro de Quimica Estrutural (project UIDB/00100/2020 ). A.V. Gurbanov acknowledges the FCT and Instituto Superior Técnico ( DL 57/2016 and L 57/2017 Program, Contract no: IST-ID/110/2018 ). We acknowledge Australian Synchrotron for beamtime via the Collaborative Access Program (proposal 13618b ). This research was funded in part by MICIU / AEI , grant number CTQ2017–85821-R , FEDER funds
Structure of heart rhythm and conductivity disorders and serum electrolytes level in hospitalized patients
The purpose of the study is to assess the structure of rhythm and conduction disorders of the heart and the electrolyte composition of the blood in hospitalized patients.Цель исследования – оценка структуры нарушений ритма и проводимости сердца и электролитного состава крови у госпитализированных пациентов
Multi-band analyses of the bright GRB~230812B and the associated SN2023pel
GRB~230812B is a bright and relatively nearby () long gamma-ray
burst that has generated significant interest in the community and therefore
has been subsequently observed over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. We
report over 80 observations in X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and
sub-millimeter bands from the GRANDMA (Global Rapid Advanced Network for
Multi-messenger Addicts) network of observatories and from observational
partners. Adding complementary data from the literature, we then derive
essential physical parameters associated with the ejecta and external
properties (i.e. the geometry and environment) and compare with other analyses
of this event (e.g. Srinivasaragavan et al. 2023). We spectroscopically confirm
the presence of an associated supernova, SN2023pel, and we derive a
photospheric expansion velocity of v 17 km . We
analyze the photometric data first using empirical fits of the flux and then
with full Bayesian Inference. We again strongly establish the presence of a
supernova in the data, with an absolute peak r-band magnitude . We find a flux-stretching factor or relative brightness and a time-stretching factor ,
both compared to SN1998bw. Therefore, GRB 230812B appears to have a clear long
GRB-supernova association, as expected in the standard collapsar model.
However, as sometimes found in the afterglow modelling of such long GRBs, our
best fit model favours a very low density environment (). We also find small values for
the jet's core angle and
viewing angle. GRB 230812B/SN2023pel is one of the best characterized
afterglows with a distinctive supernova bump
Evaluating the quality of social work supervision in UK children's services: comparing self-report and independent observations
Understanding how different forms of supervision support good social work practice and improve outcomes for people who use services is nearly impossible without reliable and valid evaluative measures. Yet the question of how best to evaluate the quality of supervision in different contexts is a complicated and as-yet-unsolved challenge. In this study, we observed 12 social work supervisors in a simulated supervision session offering support and guidance to an actor playing the part of an inexperienced social worker facing a casework-related crisis. A team of researchers analyzed these sessions using a customized skills-based coding framework. In addition, 19 social workers completed a questionnaire about their supervision experiences as provided by the same 12 supervisors. According to the coding framework, the supervisors demonstrated relatively modest skill levels, and we found low correlations among different skills. In contrast, according to the questionnaire data, supervisors had relatively high skill levels, and we found high correlations among different skills. The findings imply that although self-report remains the simplest way to evaluate supervision quality, other approaches are possible and may provide a different perspective. However, developing a reliable independent measure of supervision quality remains a noteworthy challenge
The GRANDMA network in preparation for the fourth gravitational-wave observing run
GRANDMA is a world-wide collaboration with the primary scientific goal ofstudying gravitational-wave sources, discovering their electromagneticcounterparts and characterizing their emission. GRANDMA involves astronomers,astrophysicists, gravitational-wave physicists, and theorists. GRANDMA is now atruly global network of telescopes, with (so far) 30 telescopes in bothhemispheres. It incorporates a citizen science programme (Kilonova-Catcher)which constitutes an opportunity to spread the interest in time-domainastronomy. The telescope network is an heterogeneous set of already-existingobserving facilities that operate coordinated as a single observatory. Withinthe network there are wide-field imagers that can observe large areas of thesky to search for optical counterparts, narrow-field instruments that dotargeted searches within a predefined list of host-galaxy candidates, andlarger telescopes that are devoted to characterization and follow-up of theidentified counterparts. Here we present an overview of GRANDMA after the thirdobserving run of the LIGO/VIRGO gravitational-wave observatories in and its ongoing preparation for the forthcoming fourth observational campaign(O4). Additionally, we review the potential of GRANDMA for the discovery andfollow-up of other types of astronomical transients.<br
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