59 research outputs found

    Usage of HCV viremic organs in liver transplantation to anti-HCV negative recipients: The current status and review of literature

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    Liver transplantation is the main curative therapy for end-stage liver disease. The number of transplanted organs is increasing globally. However, the number of available organs in the pool is insufficient, considering the excessive number of patients on the waiting list, which is a major concern for transplant programs. Hepatitis C infection (HCV) is a common indication for liver transplantation, and in recent years, a major progress has been made in its treatment with direct-acting antiviral (DAA) agents. HCV-positive livers have been transplanted to HCV-positive recipients for a long time. The high rate of sustained virologic response through DAA has brought new treatment options for the patients during the pre- and post-transplantation periods. Recently, there have been few reports of transplanting the available HCV-positive organs to HCV noninfected recipients. However, there is not yet an agreement on the optimal selection of patients who would benefit from such transplantation, and this has become a current topic of interest. Thus, we aim to review the current literature on this evolving topic

    Management of biliary anastomotic strictures after liver transplantation

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    In this review, we will focus on the endoscopic treatment of ASs, with special emphasis to refractory cases. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Pulmonary Manifestations Among Patients With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic progressive cholestatic liver disease caused by diffuse inflammation, destruction and fibrosis of the intrahepatic bile ducts, ultimately leading to cirrhosis, portal hypertension and liver failure. The pathogenesis of PBC is incompletely understood, but current data suggest roles for genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. PBC is often thought of as an organ-specific autoimmune disease, which mainly targets the liver; however, lung tissue is also a site for autoimmune involvement of PBC. The pulmonary manifestations of PBC include abnormalities in gas transfer and pulmonary function, subclinical alveolitis, interstitial lung disease, granulomatous lung disease, airway disease, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary hemorrhage and pleural effusion

    Delta MELD as a predictor of early outcome in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation

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    67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) -- NOV 11-15, 2016 -- Boston, MAWOS: 000385493803179…Amer Assoc Study Liver Di