4 research outputs found

    GeoSemOLAP:Geospatial OLAP on the Semantic Web Made Easy

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    GI Systems for Public Health with an Ontology Based Approach

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    Ponència presentada en AGILE’2012 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, "Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond" celebrat a Avignon, els dies 24-27 d'abril de 2012Public health research brings substantial benefit to society. Finding data in an efficient way is necessary to carry out relevant space time analysis to address particular studies such as mortality rates and their causes for instance due to environmental exposu re. However, health -related information systems remain isolated from other systems such as those managing geospatial and environmental information making it difficult and time -consuming to study relations and patterns in multidisciplinary scenarios. In this paper we employ Linked Open Data technologies to publish health and related data. We report results of the approach with a case study to expose mortality atlas data of the Valencia Community in Spain. The results show how to overcome the lack of semantic relations betw een resources and published data , and how to reduce disparity and redundancy

    Publishing Danish Agricultural Government Data as Semantic Web Data

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