4,533 research outputs found


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    Objective: Noise creates alteration in human health in both physical as well as psychological variations. Effect of noise on components of metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been discussed but not well established. The aim of this study was to investigate the MetS in female workers from textile mill.Methods: A total of 65 female workers were recruited for the study from the high noise (>70 dB) area and low noise (<40 dB) area of a textile mill. Body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), blood sugar (BS), and lipid profile were investigated of the female workers. BP was estimated by auscultatory method. BS was investigated by glucose oxidase-peroxidase (POD) method. Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were investigated by cholesterol oxidase (CHOD)-POD method, GPO- PAP method, CHOD-POD/phosphotungustate method, and friedewald formula, respectively.Results: Significant outcomes were obtained in this study. BMI was significantly (<0.01) higher in workers working in high noise area compared to low noise (<40 dB) area. Systolic BP and diastolic BP was also significantly (<0.01) higher in high noise area. Fasting BS level was found to be significantly (<0.01) lower in low noise area. In case of lipid profile significant (<0.01) results were obtained except LDL-C. TC and TG were found to be related with noise since their concentration was higher in high noise area compared to low noise area. However, HDL-C was found to be lower in high noise area compared to low noise area.Conclusion: Continuous exposure to occupational noise might be reason for developing cardiovascular disease depending on the degree of MetS in industrial workers. BP and BS seems to be better predictor of MetS in assessing cardiovascular risk.Keywords: Occupational noise, Metabolic syndrome, Dyslipidemia

    Relation of serum 25(OH) D with variables of thyroid and lipid profile in perimenopausal women

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    Background: Deficiency of vitamin D is quite prevalent among elderly population or postmenopausal women worldwide and may affect various function of the body. The status of its deficiency with their relation with other variables are not well explored in perimenopausal women.Methods: 100 perimenopausal women from the department of obstetrics and gynaecology were selected without having known risk of thyroid disorder and cardiovascular disease. The age group criteria for these women were 40 to 50 years. Thyroid profile including TSH, T3, and T4 were estimated by using enzyme linked immunesorbent assay. Serum levels of 25(OH) D3 was estimated by using spectrophotometric method. Lipid profile including TC, TG and HDL-C were estimated CHOD-POD method, GPO-PAP method, and CHOD-POD/Phosphotungustate method. LDL-C was calculated by friedewald formula.Results: There 58 women were presented with insufficient amount of vitamin D. They were characterised with increased BMI, elevated thyrotropin alongwith lower concentrations of T3 and T4. Increased levels of TC, TG and LDL-cholesterol alongwith lower concentration of HDL-C were also observed in women with vitamin d deficiency. Women having vitamin D deficiency were presented with overweight (OR-18.0, p-value=<0.001) and dyslipidemia (OR-12.13, p-value≤0.001). Vitamin D was negatively correlated with variable i.e. BMI, TSH, TC, TG and LDL-C. This negative association was significant (<0.001) while HDL-C and T4 were positively correlated with vitamin D levels in this study population.Conclusions: Vitamin D deficiency frequently occurs in middle aged perimenopausal women. Negative correlation of it with BMI, TSH and lipid variables may suggest the development of cardiovascular disease and hypothyroidism in coming years. Vitamin D supplements or vitamin D containing diet and regular exposure to sun is highly recommended to perimenopausal women


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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the extract of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (CZ) bark in the experimental models of pain and anxiety-like behavior in mice. Methods: The extract of CZ bark was administered at the doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, per orally (p.o) and morphine used as a positive control for pain models, was administered at the dose of 5 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.). Antinociceptive activity was evaluated using three experimental animal models of pain, namely, tail flick, hot plate, and formalin test. Elevated plus maze test was used to assess the effect on anxiety-like behavior. Rotarod apparatus and actophotometer were used to test muscle coordination and locomotor activity, respectively. Results: Administration of CZ bark extract in the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg showed significantly increased in the tail-flick latency and latency to reaction time in hot plate test as compared to the control group. In the first phase (0–5 min) of the formalin test, a significant reduction in the pain response was found in CZ (200 and 400 mg/kg) and morphine-treated groups, however during the second phase (30–35 min) significant reduction in formalin-induced pain response was observed in 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg CZ extract-treated group when compared to control group. CZ extract administration at 200 and 400 mg/kg dose caused a significant increase in the percentage of time spent in open arms in the elevated plus maze as compared to the control group. Conclusion: Results suggest that CZ bark extract possesses the antinociceptive activity and modulates anxiety-like behavior

    Bicriteria in n x 2 Flow Shop Scheduling Under Specified Rental Policy, Processing Time and Setup Time Each Associated with probabilities Including Job Block

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    This paper is an attempt to obtains an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimizing thetotal rental cost of the machines subject to obtain the minimum makespan for n jobs 2 machines flowshopproblem in which the processing times and independent set up times are associated with probabilitiesincluding the job block concept. A heuristic approach method to find optimal or near optimal sequence hasbeen discussed. The proposed method is very simple and easy to understand and also provide an importanttool for the decision makers. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is give to clarifythe algorithm.Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Set Up Time, Rental Cost and Job Block

    Constrained Flow Shop Scheduling with n-Jobs, 3-Machines, Processing Time Associated with Probability involving Transportation Time, Breakdown Interval and Weightage of Jobs

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    This paper is an attempt to find simple heuristic algorithm for n jobs, 3 machines flow shop scheduling problem in which processing times are associated with probabilities involving transportation time and break down interval. Further jobs are attached with weights to indicate their relative importance. A simple heuristic approach to find optimal or near optimal sequence minimizing the total elapsed time whenever mean weighted production flow time is taken into consideration. The proposed method is very easy to understand and, also provide an important tool for the decision makers. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is also given to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Flow shop scheduling, Processing time, Transportation time, Breakdown interval, Weights of job, Optimal sequenc

    “Web-Based Virtual Learning Environment”: A Preliminary Assessment Of Effectiveness Of Virtual Science Activity On Conceptual Understanding

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    The present study aimed at examining the effectiveness of the web - based virtual activities on the development of student’s conceptual understanding in science. The effect of virtual activity was evaluated in term of learning gains and perception. To achieve these objectives an experimental design is selected. Since application of the result to conventional lab activity of selected concepts of science was one of the prime concerns to the researches, the activities were conducted in convention physics lab as well Web-based Virtual OLABS. The study found that virtual science activity is more effective on conceptual understanding

    Applying Blockchain for Dual Use Technologies Supply Chain Security

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    Blockchain technology is gaining momentum with potential applications in businesses, government, and social context with some impressive applications for storing information, eliminating intermediaries, and enabling greater coordination between entities in issues such as in maintaining data standards (Higginson, Nadeau, and Rajgopal, 2019). While there are aspects of this technology that are still not settled such as the question of whether it is a disruptor or foundational technology, there is an agreement that it has the capability to increase security and transparency of transactions to all parties. Smart contracts using blockchain are theorized to be manifested using machine-to-machine coordination within IoT or with decentralized digital marketplaces (Beck, Müller-Bloch, and King, 2018). However, even though the blockchain technology has the potential towards decentralization of authority decision-making, current research indicates that so far that has not transpired and blockchain applications mostly operate in the environment of centralization mimicking notion of “benevolent dictatorship” (Beck, Müller-Bloch, and King, 2018). The main purpose of this work is to understand the gaps in application of blockchain technology in supply chain with domain focus on the supply chains involving dual use products

    On Linkage of a Flow Shop Scheduling Model Including Job Block Criteria with a Parallel Biserial Queue Network

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    This paper is an attempt to establish a linkage between a flowshop scheduling model having job block criteria with a parallel biserial queue network linked with a common channel in series. The arrival and service pattern both follows Poisson law in queue network. The generating function technique, law of calculus and statistical tools have been used to find out the various characteristics of queue. Further the completion time of jobs in a queue system form the set up time for the first machine in the scheduling model. A heuristic approach to find an optimal sequence of jobs with a job block criteria with minimum total flow time when the jobs are processed in a combined system with a queue network is discussed. The proposed method is easy to understand and also provide an important tool for the decision makers when the production is done in batches. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is given to justify the algorithm. Keywords: Queue Network, Mean Queue length, Waiting time, Processing time, Job-block, Makespan, Biserial Channe

    Bicriteria in n x 3 Flow Shop Scheduling Under Specified Rental Policy, Processing Time Associated with Probabilities including Transportation Time and Job Block Criteria

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    This paper deals with bicriteria in n-jobs, 3-machines flowshop scheduling problem in which the processing times are associated with probabilities including transportation time and job block criteria. The objective of the study is to obtain an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimizing the total rental cost of the machines subject to obtains the minimum makespan. A heuristic approach method to find optimal or near optimal sequence has been discussed. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is give to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Transportation Time, Rental Cost, Idle Time, Job block, Makespa
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