246 research outputs found

    Population Growth, Malthusian concern and sustainable development - some key Policies and demographic issues in India

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    Population size and growth continue to be the paramount issues regarding sustainable development in India notwithstanding the fact that the Indian economy has grown by a little over 5 percent during the last two decades compared to the population growth of about 2 per cent during the same period The reason is that the Malthusian concern has been the core of Indian policy planning thinking This has while perpetuated the belief that population growth is the immediate culprit of high poverty and environmental degradation demographic issues such as distribution of Population age composition migration and urbanization are being neglected in the planning for sustainable development The paper highlights the lack of integration of comprehensive demographic issues with sustainable development planning in India and explores the political economy reasons for lopsided consideration of demographic issues in sustainable development planning during the last five decades since independenc

    E-waste Management: Teaching how to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle For Sustainable Development- Need of Some Educational strategies

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    The constantly changing world of technology is the world's largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry. The vast growth and rapid product obsolescence has brought about the serious problem of e-waste, which is now the fastest growing form of waste in the industrialized world. E-waste encompasses a broad and growing category of electronic devices ranging from large household appliances such as refrigerators, microwave ovens and air conditioners to consumer electronics such as cellular phones, televisions, personal stereos and computers. Electronic equipment contains a variety of toxic ingredients, including hazardous heavy metals that pollute the environment and are very dangerous to human health. This paper discusses some of the principles that are being employed to alleviate the environmental impact of e-waste such as extended producer responsibility, design for environment (DfE), consumer driven solutions. This article also discusses educational strategies that can be employed to educate global audiences; this paper highlights the hazards of e-wastes, the need for its appropriate management and options that can be implemented

    Sustainable wind energy system: Role of Energy policy and security-A case study from India

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    Energy security and sustainable development are high in the global agenda due to the impact of volatile energy prices, high demand for energy security, and concerns over environmental sustainability and the global climate change. In a present scenario energy I s most important factor for all developed and developing country. Energy is required for every aspect of our daily life. At present, commercial energy consumption makes up about 65% of the total energy consumed in India. This includes coal with the largest share of 55%, followed by oil at 31%, natural gas at 11% and hydro energy at 3%. Non-commercial energy sources consisting of firewood, cow dung and agriculture wastes account for over 30% of the total energy consumption. The critical feature of India’s energy sector and linkages to economy is the import dependence on crude and petroleum products. Import bill is likely to grow to more than 100% in the near future because of population explosion and improved living standard in the country. Being a tropical country India has unlimited potential for producing renewable energy sources. These sources of energy can play an important role in the sustainable development by providing basic energy needs of rural and remote areas. This paper discusses the current energy status, choice of energy options and potential of wind energy systems for creating sustainable livelihoods in India. Keywords: wind energy, sustainability, energy security, policy, wind energy programm

    Sustainability of Scientific Maize Cultivation Practices in Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Sustainability of scientific maize cultivation practices must be ensured to attain the goal of agricultural sustainability. The study was conducted in purposively selected state i.e. Uttar Pradesh. A total sample size of 80 maize farmer respondents and 20 SMS/ Experts were selected by using multi-stage random sampling technique and simple random selection procedure respectively. Data were collected by using personal interview method. The collected data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted with the help of appropriate statistical tools. Among the practices studied in scientific maize cultivation, mean sustainability scores obtained from farmer respondents was highest for irrigation followed by application of FYM, use of HYV and application of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizer respectively. The experts perceived significantly higher sustainability in all practices. Estimates indicate that Indian population will require 325 million tons of food grain by 2020 AD. This demands consistent increase in production and productivity of agricultural crops. Maize has immense potential to meet food requirement of human population. It has a great significance as human food, animal feed and diversified uses in a large number of industrial products. Adoption of improved and sustainable maize technologies holds the key to ensure both sustainability and increased maize production. Muthuran (1995) cited 14 major dimensions of sustainable agriculture as identified by M.S. Swaminathan and according to him, sustainable agricultural technology should be technologically appropriate, economically feasible and viable, environmentally sound, stable over the long run, efficient in resource use, locally adaptable, socially acceptable and sustainable, implementable in existing political set-up and bureaucratic structure, culturally desirable, renewable, equitable and productive. There is report of sustainability concerns and emerging problems in Uttar Pradesh. In Uttar Pradesh, farmers find it difficult to sustain their living standards due to small holding, less infrastructural facility, etc. Maize The queen of cereals†is the third most important food crop in Uttar Pradesh next only to rice and wheat. Kharif maize is an important crop. Concept of cultivating the “rabi maize†was originated in this state and it is grown in a sizeable area. Uttar Pradesh account for 8.33% of the total maize area and 9.65% of total maize production in the country with an average yield of 23.74 q/ha during 2003-04. Sustainability of scientific maize cultivation practices in Uttar Pradesh had not been studied, so far. Thus, keeping in view, the importance of scientific maize cultivation practices and decreasing trend of production and productivity, the present study was undertaken, with the specific objectives given as below: 1. to measure and compare the degree of sustainability of scientific maize cultivation practices in Uttar Pradesh. 2. To ascertain the perceptual difference, if any, among SMS / experts and farmers regarding various dimensions of sustainability with respect to scientific maize cultivation practices. Keyword- sustainable maize, cultivation, high yielding. Varieties

    Environment Ethics, Policies and Inclusive Environment Protection Mechanism in India (With Special Reference to Environmental Inquisition)

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    From Arthashastra by Kautilya to Bombay Nuisance Act in British regime to recent National Environment Policy, India is way ahead in terms of formulation of policies. Even strong constitutional and legislative frameworks exist. Mandatory Environment Impact Assessment and submission of annual Environmental Statement is also a strong indicator of environmental regulation. Despite having this strong framework, bureaucratic corruption has made it very easy to get government clearances for projects that deteriorate environment. A number of social, economic and institutional factors have made the realisation of existing policies difficult. Although the policy to combine the elements of economic efficiency, intergenerational equity, social concerns and environmental protection has been regularly updated, more emphasis has been given to the promotion of policies and programmes for economic growth through intensive resource and energy use, as is evident in natural resource depletion. Present paper illustrates the environmental ethics and protection techniques in India. Keywords: Environmental ethics, protection, Environmental policy, Environment impact assessment

    Numerical Simulation and Design of Computer Aided Diabetic Retinopathy Using Improved Convolutional Neural Network

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    The health sector is entirely different from other sectors. It is a high priority department with the highest quality of care and quality, regardless of cost. It does not meet social standards even though it absorbs a lot of budget. Health specialists interpret much of the medical evidence. Due to its subjectivity, complexity of images, broad differences among various interpreters and exhaustion, the image interpretation of human experts is very restricted. It also offers an exciting solution with good medical imaging accuracy following in-depth learning in other practical applications and is considered an important tool in future healthcare applications. This chapter addresses the most advanced and optimised deep learning architecture for segmentation and classification of medical pictures. We addressed the complexities of healthcare imaging and open science based on profound learning in the previous segment. Diabetic retinopathy automated diagnosis is crucial because it is the primary cause of permanent vision loss in working-age people in developed countries. The early identification of diabetic retinopathy is extremely helpful in clinical treatment; although many different methods of extracting functions were suggested, the classification task of retinal images is still quite tedious for even those professional clinicians. Recently, in contrast with previous feature-based image-classification approaches, deep-convolutioned neural networks have demonstrated superior performance in image classification. Therefore in this research, we explored the use of deep-seated neural network techniques to identify diabetic retinopathy automatically with Color Fundus images in our datasets that are superior to classical ones. Deep convolutionary neural systems have since late been seen better output in the analysed image arrangement than previous components which have combined image order techniques that are focused on the crafting method. In this investigation, we studied the use of profound convolutionary strategy of the neural system to naturally classify diabetic retinopathy, using shading fundus images to achieve high precision in our datasets

    Cloud Computing Issues and Benefits Modern Education

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    Cloud computing, a rapidly developing information technology has brought new chang

    The effect and safety of placental blood drainage as a part of active management of third stage of labour in spontaneous vaginal delivery

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    Background: In placental cord drainage facilitates placental delivery in both vaginal and caesarean section deliveries. The present study was done to evaluate the effect and safety of placental blood drainage as a part of active management of third stage of labour to reduce the duration and blood loss during third stage of labour.Methods: The study was conducted in department of Obstetrics and, SN Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India on 400 term pregnant women, with single live intrauterine fetus in cephalic presentation, without any complication. They were randomly divided into to study and control group. Study group: It comprised of 200 Gynaecology cases, underwent active management of third stage of labour with placental blood drainage. Control group: It comprised of 200 cases, underwent active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL) alone. Duration and blood loss during third stage were noted.Results: The mean duration of third stage of labour was 3.61±0.972mins in study group and 8.15±1.711mins in control group. The mean blood loss during third stage of labour was 168.14±76.703ml and 287.40±85.808ml in study and control group respectively.Conclusions: Duration of third stage, blood loss during third stage, and hemoglobin deference between pre and post-delivery were reduced significantly in study group than control group


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    Objective: Comparative analysis of morphology and phytochemical constituents in different populations and morphotypes of Datura innoxia Mill. and Datura metel L. from Punjab plains.Methods: Morphological analyses of different populations have been done. Methanol extracts of seeds and roots of different populations have been prepared and total phenols, flavonoid contents were measured through spectrophotometry. Antioxidant activity was studied by 2, 2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity and total antioxidant capacity. Two major compounds, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid were quantified by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analyses.Results: Two morphotypes of D. metel were reported in the present study. Out of five different populations of D. metel and D. innoxia, the wild populations have more bioactive compound as compared to the cultivated ones from the detailed phytochemical investigation. Pharmacologically important two marker compounds chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid has been identified and quantified by HPTLC technique.Conclusion: Variation in terms of morphology and secondary metabolites exists among the different populations of Datura spp. Among the two plant parts studied, seeds have the maximum amount of bioactive metabolites and antioxidant activity. This study revealed that chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid are the potential polyphenolic compounds in Datura spp. It has been found that the antioxidant activity of plant is due to its polyphenol contents, which provides insight to various researchers to work on it as it imparts health benefit
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