22 research outputs found

    Overcoming India’s Food Security Challenges: The Role of Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer Capacity Building

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    The growth of the Indian economy after Independence has had little impact on the food security of the country. The paper analyses the development of advanced crop varieties through the use of agricultural technologies (hereinafter agbiotech ) within the technology transfer system, a framework which comprises of the interactions of intellectual property rights law and agricultural research and development in India. Through this, the author argues that agricultural innovation in India is failing due to the absence of connections within the technology transfer system and advocates for the creation of a national program aimed at advancing IP and tech-transfer capacity in agbiotech


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    Skin is the general covering of the entire external surface of the body. Because of a large number of its functions, the skin is regarded as an important organ of the body. There are so many skin disorders of which Tenia pedis is a very common fungal infection that affects a significantly large number of people globally. This fungal infection is called Athlete’s foot because it is commonly seen in athletes. In Ayurveda, various skin disorders are described under the heading of kshudraroga. A brief description about Kshudraroga has been given in many Ayurvedic classics. Alasa is a variety of Kshudraroga occurring in between the skin of toes manifesting with Kleda, Kandu, Daha and Ruja. Talisadi tailam mentioned in Sushruta Samhita is an excellent formulation prepared of drugs which are effective against this disease. Current study includes 30 patients from OPD Department of Shalya Tantra, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu and Sri Sain Charitable Hospital, Janipur, Jammu diagnosed to have Tenia pedis based on signs and symptoms. Therapeutic effect was evaluated before and after treatment. The present clinical study has shown symptoms of Kandu, Daha, Ruja, Kleda significantly reduced after application of Talisadi tailam


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    Background: Sacrococcygeal fistula, also known as Pilonidal sinus is an acute or chronic infection in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, mainly in the natal cleft. The condition, though not life threatening, is socially embarrassing and adversely affects the quality of life of patients. In Ayurvedic literature Sacrococcygeal fistula is better correlated and treated as Nadi Vrana. Acharya Sushruta had explained Para-surgical procedure with the intervention of medicated Seton (Kshara Sutra) as one of the treatment modalities. The ideal method of treatment of Sacrococcygeal fistula should be effective with a low recurrence rate, short hospital stay and economical. Aim: This study is an attempt to evaluate the efficacy of Arka Ksharasutra in the management of Sacrococcygeal fistula. Methodology: A total no. of 10 patients having signs and symptoms of Sacrococcygeal fistula were selected for Arka Ksharasutra ligation under local anesthesia and the Seton was changed every week during the entire treatment period. Results: In this study all the patients i.e.,100% were males with age between 25-35 years. The length of initial track was 3.6 to 5.5 cm and average Unit Cutting Time was 7.23 days/cm in previously non-operated cases and 11.26 days/cm in previously operated cases, average being 8.2days/cm. There was no post-operative complication and recurrence even after 3 months of follow-up. Conclusion: Arka Ksharasutra is laced with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, bactericidal and anti- inflammatory properties which minimizes the use of antibiotics and also demolished the recurrence of symptoms


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    Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the pilo-sebaceous follicles characterised by comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and often scars mainly seen on cheeks, chin, nose, forehead and upper trunk during adolescence. The symptoms of Acne vulgaris resemble Mukhadushika as per Ayurvedic classics. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned Mukhadushika as one of the Kshudra Rogas. In Mukhadushika, there are Shalmali kantak like eruptions on the face which are impregnated with Meda caused due to vitiation of Kaphadosha, Vatadosha and Raktadhatu which destroy the beauty of the face and makes the appearance ugly. The disease almost take place in adolescent and young age group prominently therefore is also known as Yuvanapidika. Acharya Sushruta stated Jalaukavacharana is the preferred method of bloodletting in Sukumara. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Jalaukavacharana in the management of Acne vulgaris w.s.r. to Mukhadushika. Methodology: Fourteen patients of age group 15-30 years having signs and symptoms of Mukhadushika were selected and four sittings of Jalaukavacharana on a seven day interval were given. Apart from treatment duration of 28 days, a follow-up was also done after 30 days. Results: Intervention was found to be highly significant (p<0.001) in Vedana, Kandu, Daha, number of Pidika, size of Pidika, Pidika ghanata, Shotha, Vaivarnyata. However, significant effect (p<0.05) was found in Vranavastu and non-significant result (p>0.05) was found in Srava. Conclusion: The results are satisfactory. Jalaukavacharana is proved to be an effective, time saving, affordable and acceptable treatment in Mukhadushika without causing any adverse effect

    Delivery of social welfare entitlements in India : unpacking exclusion, grievance redress, and the role of civil society organisations

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    The COVID-19 public health crisis and subsequent containment measures followed in India have severely impacted poor and vulnerable populations with respect to food security, livelihood, and access to health services. The national lockdown led to significant distress among citizens due to employment loss, wage cuts, transportation etc., and increased dependency of people on social protection schemes. Although several relief measures have been mobilised by the government, there has been extensive documentation of exclusion of deserving people from availing these social protection measures. In this research project, Gram Vaani, Dvara Research, University of Montreal and Tika Vaani utilised their collective knowledge and field resources to undertake action research specific to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report explores three research objectives: 1. Analysis of over 20,000 voice reports of grievances submitted on one of Gram Vaani’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platform to understand the different challenges citizens face in accessing social welfare entitlements. 2. Understanding the various modalities through which Gram Vaani volunteers assist callers in resolving the hindrances they report. 3. Proposing a set of Standardised Operating Procedures (SOPs) that can be used by civil society organisations to reduce exclusion at the last mile


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    Mutrakrichha is a disease in which Mutra is voided with much Dukha (discomfort). The word Mutrakrichha comprises of two words, Mutra and Krichha, which means Krichha pravritti of Mutravahana (difficulty in micturition). Mutrakrichha comes under the disorders of Mutravaha srotas and mainly deals with Shool (pain) and Krichhata (dysuria). Mutrakrichha can be an independent disease as well as associated symptom in other disease. In the contemporary science, the disease with similar signs and symptoms are Lower urinary tract infection. Lower urinary tract infection is the most common infection known to mankind and a common condition seen in general practice. Urinary tract infection affects more than 150 million people every year worldwide. It is well explained by all the Acharyas. Charaka has described eight types of Mutrakrichha. Acharya Sushruta in Uttra-Tantra has separately described Mutraghata and Mutrakrichha. Acharyas have mentioned drugs having antibacterial and diuretic property in Mutrakrichha chikitsa. Paniya kshara is an age old treatment modality used since ancient times. To evaluate the role of Paniya kshara in Mutrakrichha, a total of thirty patients were selected with complaints of painful micturation, fever, urgency and tenderness. Patients were given Paniya Kshara. The study revealed highly significant results in terms of pain, fever, urgency and tenderness

    Genomic Health Literacy Interventions in Pediatrics:Scoping Review

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    BACKGROUND: The emergence of genetic and genomic sequencing approaches for pediatric patients has raised questions about the genomic health literacy levels, attitudes toward receiving genomic information, and use of this information to inform treatment decisions by pediatric patients and their parents. However, the methods to educate pediatric patients and their parents about genomic concepts through digital health interventions have not been well-established. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this scoping review is to investigate the current levels of genomic health literacy and the attitudes toward receiving genomic information among pediatric patients and their parents. The secondary aim is to investigate patient education interventions that aim to measure and increase genomic health literacy among pediatric patients and their parents. The findings from this review will be used to inform future digital health interventions for patient education. METHODS: A scoping review using PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines and protocols was completed using the following databases: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and Scopus. Our search strategy included genomic information inclusive of all genetic and genomic terms, pediatrics, and patient education. Inclusion criteria included the following: the study included genetic, genomic, or a combination of genetic and genomic information; the study population was pediatric (children and adolescents <18 years) and parents of patients with pediatric illnesses or only parents of patients with pediatric illnesses; the study included an assessment of the knowledge, attitudes, and intervention regarding genomic information; the study was conducted in the last 12 years between 2008 and 2020; and the study was in the English language. Descriptive data regarding study design, methodology, disease population, and key findings were extracted. All the findings were collated, categorized, and reported thematically. RESULTS: Of the 4618 studies, 14 studies (n=6, 43% qualitative, n=6, 43% mixed methods, and n=2, 14% quantitative) were included. Key findings were based on the following 6 themes: knowledge of genomic concepts, use of the internet and social media for genomic information, use of genomic information for decision-making, hopes and attitudes toward receiving genomic information, experiences with genetic counseling, and interventions to improve genomic knowledge. CONCLUSIONS: This review identified that older age is related to the capacity of understanding genomic concepts, increased genomic health literacy levels, and the perceived ability to participate in decision-making related to genomic information. In addition, internet-searching plays a major role in obtaining genomic information and filling gaps in communication with health care providers. However, little is known about the capacity of pediatric patients and their parents to understand genomic information and make informed decisions based on the genomic information obtained. More research is required to inform digital health interventions and to leverage the leading best practices to educate these genomic concepts

    Coping Strategies and Help-Seeking Behaviors among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study of Spouses of Men with Heavy Drinking in India

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    Background. Despite the high prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women in India (33%), there are persistently low rates of disclosure and help-seeking amongst survivors. The aim of this study was to explore both coping strategies employed by survivors and the perceived barriers and facilitators to seeking support from informal and formal resource networks. Methods. We conducted semistructured, in-depth qualitative interviews with thirty-five women survivors of IPV in Goa, India, in secure, private locations, utilizing flipcharts and vignettes to elicit deeper insights into efficacies of support resources. The data were transcribed, translated, and analyzed utilizing qualitative content analysis. Results. The most common coping mechanisms cited by survivors involved passive resistance, such as self-distraction, keeping quiet during violent outbursts, and leaving the home temporarily. Generally, survivors sought support from informal support networks (the natal family, in-laws, neighbors/community members, and close friends) before approaching formal support structures (medical/legal professionals, professors, police, and nongovernment organizations). In fact, informal structures were often facilitators of formal help-seeking. Survivors sought help at various stages of their marital relationship. Primary deterrents to help-seeking included the normalization of IPV by survivors and providers alike, resulting in the stigmatization of disclosing experiences of IPV and ostracism of survivors and close relatives; another barrier was a general lack of awareness of existing support resources. Conclusion. Our findings reveal that there are numerous barriers to help-seeking and shortcomings of support resources. Survivors’ evaluations of support resources reveal that robust, community-level, and meso-level structural changes are required to promote help-seeking behaviors, including the destigmatization of IPV amongst providers and broader society and raising awareness of available support resources