246 research outputs found

    Network Analysis of Obesity Expression Data

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    There are numerous genetic and environmental factors associated significantly with obesity, which could be used as potential diagnostic biomarkers. The molecular mechanisms, development, differentiation, and disease gene expression data provide crucial insights as these differentially expressed genes could have major effects on diet-induced obesity and such effect is not seen in animals. Genomics and proteomics are major branches for better understanding the normal function of the tissues and their interactions with the environment i.e. characterizing the tissues in which the newly discovered genes are expressed, helps in understanding the development of tissues, ageing mechanisms, and signalling routes that enable the tissues to function and also direct the similitude, parallelism and other levels of aptness betwixt two or more gene artefacts. It is traditionally known that hypothalamic and brain stem centres are intricate in the mandate of food absorption and energy equilibrium, but statistics on the associated governing elements and their genes was scant until the utmost decagon and have been identified to be strongly expressed in variety of tissues. NPY plays a notable part in anxiety, tension, corpulence, and vitality homeostasis through incitement of NPY-Y1 receptors (Y1Rs) in the mind. NPY1R quality is the protein accomplice of qualities that are utilized as model as a part of mouse and in addition in people. Utilizing diverse bioinformatics instruments, the relative examination of NPY1R at quality and additionally at protein level can be assessed for biomarker of stoutness malady. In this manner, the system science thinks about point to predict the quality of heftiness which could be taken as a biomarker in human by examining with the quality that already has been utilized as marker as a part of model life forms

    India’s Revised Model BIT: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back?

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    In December 2015, the Indian government approved the final text of its revised model bilateral investment treaty (BIT). Shortly thereafter, in February 2016, India published a joint interpretative statement to clarify its understanding of certain treaty provisions found in existing Indian treaties. These recent developments in Indian investment treaty policy are products of a multi-year review process ,prompted at least in part by the 2011 finding against India in the White Industries claim - the first such known finding against the state – and by several notices of dispute received following the determination in that case

    Comparison of clinical outcomes in clomiphene citrate resistant infertile polycystic ovarian syndrome women after treatment with laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) versus gonadotropins

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    Background: Infertility is the inability of a sexually active, non-contracepting couple to achieve pregnancy in one year. Objective of present study was to compare the clinical outcome of laparoscopic ovarian drilling with gonadotropin ovulation induction in patients with clomiphene resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.Methods: Present study was a comparative interventional study conducted at the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi for a period of one and a half year. We enrolled 40 clomiphene citrate resistant infertile PCOS women who were undergoing treatment for infertility, after taking written informed consent. The women were randomly divided into two equal groups: one for LOD (laparoscopic ovarian drilling) (group A) and other for gonadotropins (group B).Results: Out of 20, 16 women (80%) in group A ovulated with clomiphene citrate and 18 women (90%) ovulated in group B. Pregnancy was the second major outcome and 4 women (20%) in group A with clomiphene citrate got pregnant and 9 women (45%) got pregnant in group B.Conclusions: Out of 20, 16 women (80%) in group A ovulated with clomiphene citrate and 18 women (90%) ovulated in group B. Pregnancy was the second major outcome and 4 women (20%) in group A with clomiphene citrate got pregnant and 9 women (45%) got pregnant in group B. The treatment option can be selected and tailored according to the individual needs and desires of the patient

    Computational studies of low dimensional functional materials

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    This thesis describes the application of advanced atomistic simulation techniques to study the defect properties, dopant substitution and ion insertion reactions in two novel materials FeSb2_2O4_4 and Ca5_5Ir3_3O12_{12}. New pair potentials were empirically derived to fit both the parent phases and a series of related phases. The crystal structures predicted using these potentials were in good agreement with the observed values. These potentials were then used to investigate the defect behaviour (both intrinsic and extrinsic) in FeSb2_2O4_4 and Ca5_5Ir3_3O12_{12}. For FeSb2_2O4_4, the calculations predict that the preferred mode of intrinsic disorder in the system would be through the creation of oxygen Frenkel defects. The dopant substitution calculations predict that among the species that were examined, the most favourable dopant species at Fe site is Mg2+^{2+} and at Sb site is, Pb2+^{2+}. The preferred charge compensation mechanism for this substitution was predicted to be through the oxidation of Fe2+^{2+} to Fe3+^{3+} in the chains of linked octahedra. For oxygen and fluorine insertion, the calculations predict that the oxygen insertion reactions are energetically more favourable. In the case of oxygen insertion reaction, the simulations predict that the interstitial oxygen ions occupy sites in the one-dimensional channels bonding to Sb ions in the channel walls. The extra oxygen intake is balanced by the oxidation of Fe2+^{2+} to Fe3+^{3+} in the chains of octahedra and Sb3+^{3+} to Sb5+^{5+} in the channel walls. The calculations predict the formation of a defect cluster comprising of three 4-coordinate Sb3+^{3+} ions, two O2^{2-} interstitials and one 6-coordinate Sb5+^{5+} ion. Similarly, for fluorine insertion, the calculations predict that the interstitial ions occupy the central position in the channels and are bonded to two 4-coordinate Sb3+^{3+} ions in the channel walls. For Ca5_5Ir3_3O12_{12}, the defect calculations suggest that the preferred mode of the intrinsic disorder will be through the creation of calcium Frenkel defects. The energetics of Na insertion in Ca5_5Ir3_3O12_{12} that the Na goes to Ca site 1 to form Ca4_4NaIr3_3O12_{12} and goes to Ca2 site in Ca3_3Na2_2Ir3_3O12_{12}

    A Review Paper on Single Area and Two Area Interconnected Power System using Pid Controller in Load Frequency Control

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    The main frequency control objective is that to regulate the load of receiving, generating and distributing end within generator via interconnected system. It is stimulated through MATLAB. In this we use time domain simulations to prove the scalability in 3 area interconnected Also to control the performance of two and three area network with or without deregulated power system. The main idea to minimize the oscillations throughout the load.[1] To compensate this power imbalance, an external Battery system is incorporated. Oscillations due to large frequency can be damped by devices such as Battery systems and load disturbances also. The sudden changes inpower devices calm down by battery . Thisreview paper presents the qualitative and quantitative comparison of controllers in an conventional way and Battery system in LFC to a typical interconnected power system. The verstality of the performance of BES over conventional controllers is highlighted.[2

    Monitoring effects of atenolol versus olmesartan medoxomil on metabolic parameters

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    Background: The increase in CVS morbidity and mortality could be significantly reduced by control of SBP and DBP, as well as reduction in Hyperlipidemia.Methods: The patients of stage-1 HTN with either sex according to JNC VII criteria were included and were followed up every 2 weeks from baseline upto 12 weeks. The randomized patients were divided into two groups to receive beta blocker viz. Atenolol 50 mg (group A, N=50) and ARB Olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg (group B, N=50).Results: The average Total cholesterol measured among Group A subjects was significantly increased by 1.8% by the end of 12th week whereas the average cholesterol measured among Group B subjects at baseline period was reduced by 7.9% after 12 weeks therapy. The average HDL measured among Group A subjects at baseline period significantly reduces by 5.9% by the end of 12th week whereas the HDL levels measured among Group B subjects at baseline period was significantly increased by after 12 weeks therapy. The average Triglyceride (TG) levels measured among Group A subjects at baseline period was significantly increased by 12.4% by the end of 12th week whereas the Triglyceride (TG) levels measured among Group B subjects at baseline period was significantly reduced by 9.5% after 12 weeks therapy. The average LDL levels measured among Group A subjects at baseline period was significantly increased by 1.5% by the end of 12thweek whereas the average LDL measured among Group B subjects at baseline period was significantly reduced by 11.2% to after 12 weeks therapy. The average VLDL levels measured among Group A subjects at baseline period was significantly increased by 12.4% by the end of 12th week whereas the average VLDL measured among Group B subjects at baseline period was significantly reduced by 9.5% after 12 weeks therapy.Conclusions: ARB- Olmesartan medoxomil is a better drug than beta blocker-Atenolol as it leads to greater deduction in lipid profile

    A questionnaire based study to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and perception towards pharmacovigilance among doctors in rural hospital, Jammu, India

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    Background: Monitoring and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is very important to minimize or prevent drug caused harm. Thus, pharmacovigilance deals with it and ensures the patient safety. However, most of pharmacovigilance centers are concentrated in the urban tertiary care hospitals and contributes the maximum reports of ADRs. Participation of the rural health workers is equally important towards the success of pharmacovigilance.Methods: The study was conducted using a pre-validated questionnaire among forty doctors in rural Sub district hospital Akhnoor, Jammu after approval of the institutional ethical committee of Government Medical Jammu. The questionnaire consisted of 16 questions (7 related to knowledge, 4 related to attitude, and 4 related to practice and one question pertained to under reporting). The responses were recorded, and data obtained was analysed and presented as number and percentage.Results: Total 66.6% doctors gave correct response regarding the definition of pharmacovigilance and purpose of pharmacovigilance was given by 76.6% of doctors. 70% agreed that ADR reporting is a professional obligation for them. 80% responded that health care professionals are responsible for reporting ADRs. 63.3% of them were aware of a pharmacovigilance programme of India. A total of 96.6% doctors agreed that reporting of ADR is necessary and 93.3% were of the view that pharmacovigilance should be taught in detail. Majority of doctors have experienced ADRs in patients and 36.6% have seen the ADR reporting form. However, only 10% have ever reported ADR to a pharmacovigilance center. No remuneration (50%), lack of time to report ADR (30%), belief that a single unreported case may not affect ADR database (10%), and difficulty to decide whether ADR has occurred or not (10%) were important causes for under reporting of ADRs.Conclusions: Current study has shown that majority of the doctors have good knowledge and attitude about pharmacovigilance. However, under reporting is still a major concern among rural doctors and efforts are needed to address this problem of under reporting by conducting CMEs on regular basis

    Comparative study of impact of marketing strategies of pharmaceutical houses on prescription practices of doctors rural vs urban

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    Background: Indian pharmaceutical market is fast going and there is a stiff competition amongst them as single product is marketed by different brand names. The pharmaceutical houses adopt different strategies to influence the physician to promote their products. These strategies are known to influence the prescription behaviour of physician, which may have variable impact among rural and urban doctors. Aim of the study was to compare the impact of marketing strategies of pharmaceutical houses on prescription practices of rural and urban doctors.Methods: The current crossover study was conducted among urban and rural doctors. A questionnaire consisting of 17 questions was presented to the doctors and their responses regarding different aspects of marketing strategies was recorded. Comparison between two groups was done using unpaired t-test.Results: Different strategies had impact on prescription pattern of doctors working in rural and urban institutions. All 17 parameters were affected similarly except e-mailing where urban doctors were more influenced (p=0.005).Conclusions: Present study indicates marketing strategies by different pharmaceutical houses do influence prescription pattern of physicians. Both urban and rural doctors were similarly affected except e- mailing which had more impact on urban doctors


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    The relative (Type 2 DM) or absolute (Type 1 DM) deficiency of insulin hormone could result into hyperglycemia, which is a characteristic feature of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality because of its associated complications viz. Neuropathy, Nephropathy, Retinopathy, Cardiovascular disorders.The feature which has to be noted down is the death of individuals before the age of 70 y, which is attributable to high blood glucose levels. According to WHO diabetes mellitus will be the seventh leading cause of deaths till 2030.The induction of glycosuria as meant for gly­caemiac control in patients with DM is an extension of the physiological role of renal TmG to curb the menace of hyperglycemia. The first biologically derived SGLT2 inhibitor phlorizin, isolated in 1835 from the root bark of apple tree, was not developed as an antihyperglycaemic drug because of rapid degradation by lactase-phlorizin hydrolase and poor absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Other glycoside moieties derived from phlorizin struc­ture have subsequently been developed recently