344 research outputs found

    The impact of the STCW 95 on the onboard training programs of shipping companies in China : meeting the challenge of change

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    Shrinking the Semantic Gap: Spatial Pooling of Local Moment Invariants for Copy-Move Forgery Detection

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    Copy-move forgery is a manipulation of copying and pasting specific patches from and to an image, with potentially illegal or unethical uses. Recent advances in the forensic methods for copy-move forgery have shown increasing success in detection accuracy and robustness. However, for images with high self-similarity or strong signal corruption, the existing algorithms often exhibit inefficient processes and unreliable results. This is mainly due to the inherent semantic gap between low-level visual representation and high-level semantic concept. In this paper, we present a very first study of trying to mitigate the semantic gap problem in copy-move forgery detection, with spatial pooling of local moment invariants for midlevel image representation. Our detection method expands the traditional works on two aspects: 1) we introduce the bag-of-visual-words model into this field for the first time, may meaning a new perspective of forensic study; 2) we propose a word-to-phrase feature description and matching pipeline, covering the spatial structure and visual saliency information of digital images. Extensive experimental results show the superior performance of our framework over state-of-the-art algorithms in overcoming the related problems caused by the semantic gap.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The design and simulation of an autonomous system for aircraft maintenance scheduling

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    International audienceOperational support is a key issue for aircraft maintenance, which aims to improve operational efficiency and reduce operating costs under the premise of ensuring flight safety. Although many works have emerged to achieve this aim, they mostly address the concept of maintenance systems, the relationship between stakeholders and the loop of maintenance information separately. Hence, the cooperation between stakeholders could be impeded especially when urgent decisions should be made, relying on historical data and real-time data. In this paper, we propose an innovative design of an autonomous system supporting the automatic decision-making for maintenance scheduling. The design starts from the proposition of the analysis framework, to concept formulation of the system, to information transitional level interface, and ends with an instance of system module interactions. The underlying architecture illustrates the high-level fusion of technical and business drives; optimizes strategies and plans with regard to maintenance costs, service level and reliability. An agent-based simulation system is developed as a proof to illustrate the feasibility of the system principle and algorithms. Furthermore, the simulation experiment analyzing the impact of maintenance sequence strategies on maintenance costs and service level has demonstrated the algorithm functionality and the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Magnetoresistance of high mobility HgTe quantum dot films with controlled charging

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    Funding: We thank Christopher Melnychuk for very useful discussions. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 62105022, the University of Chicago Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, which was funded by the National Science Foundation under award number DMR1420709, and by the Department of Defense (DOD) Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant number FA9550-18-1-0099.The magnetoresistance of HgTe quantum dot films, exhibiting a well-defined 1Se state charging and a relatively high mobility (1-10 cm2 V−1 s−1), is measured as a function of temperature down to 10 K and controlled occupation of the first electronic state. There is a positive-quadratic magnetoresistance which can be several 100% at low temperature and scales like x(1 − x) where x is the filling fraction of the lowest quantum dot state in the conduction band, 1Se. This positive magnetoresistance is orders of magnitude larger than the effect estimated from mobile carriers and it is attributed to the increased confinement induced by the magnetic field. There is also a negative magnetoresistance of 1-20% from 300 K to 10 K which is rather independent of the fractional occupation, and which follows a negative exponential dependence with the magnetic field. It can be empirically fit with an effective g-factor of ∼55 and it is tentatively attributed to the reduction of barrier heights by the Zeeman splitting of the 1Se state.Peer reviewe

    How do online users perceive health risks during public health emergencies? Empirical evidence from China

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    BackgroundThe global COVID-19 pandemic has posed a major threat to human life and health, and new media technologies have intensified the spread of risk perception.PurposeThis study aimed to explore the impact of risk information ground on online users’ perceived health risks, and further explore the mediating role of psychological distance and the moderating role of self-efficacy.MethodsA total of 25 Internet users from different provinces in China were interviewed in-depth, NVIVO.11 was used to qualitatively analyze the interview text data and construct a theoretical model. A total of 492 interviewees were recruited in order to complete a scenario questionnaire, SPSS-27 was used to perform orthogonal experiments, generate eight combinatorial scenarios, analyze demographic data, and clean and prepare data for testing hypotheses. SmartPLS 3.0 was used to test the conceptual model using the structural equation model (SEM) of the partial least squares (PLS).ResultsThe analysis of the SEM model shows that all planned hypotheses (Information fluency → Information diagnosability, Information extensibility → Information diagnosability, Information diagnosability → Psychological distance, Platform interactivity → Scenario embeddedness, Network connectivity → Scenario embeddedness, Scenario embeddedness → Psychological distance, Psychological distance → Risk perception, Psychological distance → Self-efficacy → Risk perception, Information fluency → Information diagnosability → Psychological distance → Risk perception, Information extensibility → Information diagnosability → Psychological distance → Risk perception, Platform interactivity → Scenario embeddedness → Psychological distance → Risk perception, Network connectivity → Scenario embeddedness → Psychological distance → Risk perception) are confirmed.ConclusionThis study found that the information ground factors significantly affect online users’ perceptions of health risks, psychological distance mediates the effect of information ground factors on risk perception, and self-efficacy negatively moderates the effect of psychological distance on risk perception
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