741 research outputs found

    Lowering topological entropy over subsets revisited

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    Let (X,T)(X, T) be a topological dynamical system. Denote by h(T,K)h (T, K) and hB(T,K)h^B (T, K) the covering entropy and dimensional entropy of K⊆XK\subseteq X, respectively. (X,T)(X, T) is called D-{\it lowerable} (resp. {\it lowerable}) if for each 0≤h≤h(T,X)0\le h\le h (T, X) there is a subset (resp. closed subset) KhK_h with hB(T,Kh)=hh^B (T, K_h)= h (resp. h(T,Kh)=hh (T, K_h)= h); is called D-{\it hereditarily lowerable} (resp. {\it hereditarily lowerable}) if each Souslin subset (resp. closed subset) is D-lowerable (resp. lowerable). In this paper it is proved that each topological dynamical system is not only lowerable but also D-lowerable, and each asymptotically hh-expansive system is D-hereditarily lowerable. A minimal system which is lowerable and not hereditarily lowerable is demonstrated.Comment: All comments are welcome. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, to appea

    Local entropy theory for a countable discrete amenable group action

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    In the paper we throw the first light on studying systematically the local entropy theory for a countable discrete amenable group action. For such an action, we introduce entropy tuples in both topological and measure-theoretic settings and build the variational relation between these two kinds of entropy tuples by establishing a local variational principle for a given finite open cover. Moreover, based the idea of topological entropy pairs, we introduce and study two special classes of such an action: uniformly positive entropy and completely positive entropy. Note that in the building of the local variational principle, following Romagnoli's ideas two kinds of measure-theoretic entropy are introduced for finite Borel covers. These two kinds of entropy turn out to be the same, where Danilenko's orbital approach becomes an inevitable tool

    Dynamical compactness and sensitivity

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    To link the Auslander point dynamics property with topological transitivity, in this paper we introduce dynamically compact systems as a new concept of a chaotic dynamical system (X,T)(X,T) given by a compact metric space XX and a continuous surjective self-map T:X→XT:X \to X. Observe that each weakly mixing system is transitive compact, and we show that any transitive compact M-system is weakly mixing. Then we discuss the relationships among it and other several stronger forms of sensitivity. We prove that any transitive compact system is Li-Yorke sensitive and furthermore multi-sensitive if it is not proximal, and that any multi-sensitive system has positive topological sequence entropy. Moreover, we show that multi-sensitivity is equivalent to both thick sensitivity and thickly syndetic sensitivity for M-systems. We also give a quantitative analysis for multi-sensitivity of a dynamical system.Comment: This version is accepted by Journal of Differential Equations. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0058

    An experimental study of clogging fault diagnosis in heat exchangers based on vibration signals

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    The water-circulating heat exchangers employed in petrochemical industrials have attracted great attentions in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. In this paper, an approach based on vibration signals is proposed. By the proposed method, vibration signals are collected for different conditions through various high-precision wireless sensors mounted on the surface of the heat exchanger. Furthermore, by analyzing the characteristics of the vibration signals, a database of fault patterns is established, which therefore provides a scheme for conditional monitoring of the heat exchanger. An experimental platform is set up to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach, and support vector machine based on dimensionless parameters is developed for fault classification. The results have shown that the proposed method is efficient and has achieved a high accuracy for benchmarking vibration signals under both normal and faulty conditions
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