67,084 research outputs found

    Groundwater fluctuations induced by ecological water conveyance in the lower Tarim River, Xinjiang, China

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    Data from 40 monitoring wells across 9 sections of the lower Tarim River from 2000 to 2006 were analyzed to investigate the relationship between the transmission loss per unit river length and the change in groundwater depth. The relationship between the rise of the groundwater table (y) and the distance from the main river reach (x) was then assessed through regression analysis. We concluded that the maximum affected area was 1933 m away from the main river reach in the Alagan section, and the minimum affected area was 576 m away in the Kaogan section. In addition, after 8 water deliveries, the volume for recharging the groundwater was 78 248.7 x 10(4) m(3). Using the Yingsu section as an example, we found that the volume for recharging the groundwater decreased with additional periods of delivery except after the second and sixth water delivery The results revealed that the beneficial effect of an ecological water conveyance project on the ecosystem in the lower Tarim River is a long-term process. These findings may be useful for guiding studies on instream flow requirements and provide a scientific basis for implementing similar ecological projects in other areas. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Existence Result for Impulsive Differential Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions

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    We investigate the following differential equations: -(y[1](x))'+q(x)y(x)=λf(x,y(x)), with impulsive and integral boundary conditions -Δ(y[1](xi))=Ii(y(xi)), i=1,2,…,m, y(0)-ay[1](0)=∫0ωg0(s)y(s)ds, y(ω)-by[1](ω)=∫0ωg1(s)y(s)ds, where y[1](x)=p(x)y'(x). The expression of Green's function and the existence of positive solution for the system are obtained. Upper and lower bounds for positive solutions are also given. When p(t), I(·), g0(s), and g1(s) take different values, the system can be simplified to some forms which has been studied in the works by Guo and LakshmiKantham (1988), Guo et al. (1995), Boucherif (2009), He et al. (2011), and Atici and Guseinov (2001). Our discussion is based on the fixed point index theory in cones

    The site conditions of the Guo Shou Jing Telescope

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    The weather at Xinglong Observing Station, where the Guo Shou Jing Telescope (GSJT) is located, is strongly affected by the monsoon climate in north-east China. The LAMOST survey strategy is constrained by these weather patterns. In this paper, we present a statistics on observing hours from 2004 to 2007, and the sky brightness, seeing, and sky transparency from 1995 to 2011 at the site. We investigate effects of the site conditions on the survey plan. Operable hours each month shows strong correlation with season: on average there are 8 operable hours per night available in December, but only 1-2 hours in July and August. The seeing and the sky transparency also vary with seasons. Although the seeing is worse in windy winters, and the atmospheric extinction is worse in the spring and summer, the site is adequate for the proposed scientific program of LAMOST survey. With a Monte Carlo simulation using historical data on the site condition, we find that the available observation hours constrain the survey footprint from 22h to 16h in right ascension; the sky brightness allows LAMOST to obtain the limit magnitude of V = 19.5mag with S/N = 10.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in RA

    Mapping and Scheduling of Directed Acyclic Graphs on An FPFA Tile

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    An architecture for a hand-held multimedia device requires components that are energy-efficient, flexible, and provide high performance. In the CHAMELEON [4] project we develop a coarse grained reconfigurable device for DSP-like algorithms, the so-called Field Programmable Function Array (FPFA). The FPFA devices are reminiscent to FPGAs, but with a matrix of Processing Parts (PP) instead of CLBs. The design of the FPFA focuses on: (1) Keeping each PP small to maximize the number of PPs that can fit on a chip; (2) providing sufficient flexibility; (3) Low energy consumption; (4) Exploiting the maximum amount of parallelism; (5) A strong support tool for FPFA-based applications. The challenge in providing compiler support for the FPFA-based design stems from the flexibility of the FPFA structure. If we do not use the characteristics of the FPFA structure properly, the advantages of an FPFA may become its disadvantages. The GECKO1project focuses on this problem. In this paper, we present a mapping and scheduling scheme for applications running on one FPFA tile. Applications are written in C and C code is translated to a Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) [4]. This scheme can map a DAG directly onto the reconfigurable PPs of an FPFA tile. It tries to achieve low power consumption by exploiting locality of reference and high performance by exploiting maximum parallelism


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    This paper examines how the temporal relation between a clause containing the experiential guo and an adjacent clause is determined. Mandarin is a language not morphologically marked for tenses (e.g., Lin 2006), and therefore, tenses cannot help in determining temporal relations in Mandarin. However, Mandarin has a rich aspectual system. This paper argues that the experiential guo indirectly influences temporal relations via rhetorical relations by either specifying a default rhetorical relation, or by constraining the circumstances under which a certain rhetorical relation can connect a clause with guo to an adjacent clause. This paper also argues that the default rhetorical relation and the constraints are determined by the aspectual properties of the experiential marker. Other information, such as discourse connectors, lexical information, etc., can override the default rhetorical relation indicated by guo and specifies a rhetorical relation. Therefore, this paper concludes that in Mandarin aspect markers can indirectly affect temporal relations by means of rhetorical relations, a result consistent with Wu’s (2005b) paper on the perfective marker le in Mandarin, and Wu’s (2007b, 2004) work on the progressive marker zai and the durative marker zhe

    Two Paradigmatic Strategies for Reading Zhuang Zi\u27s Happy Fish Vignette as Philosophy: Guo Xiang\u27s and Wang Fuzhi\u27s Approaches

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    One of the most beloved passages in the Zhuang-Zi text is a dialogue between Hui Zi and Zhuang Zi at the end of the “Qiu-shui” chapter. While this is one of many vignettes involving Hui Zi and Zhuang Zi in the text, this particular vignette has recently drawn attention in Chinese and comparative philosophy circles. The most basic question concerning these studies is whether or not the passage represents a substantial philosophical dispute, or instead idle chitchat between two friends. This vignette has not only received much attention as of late, but commentators from at least Guo Xiang onward have taken the conversation as substantial rather than merely charming. Of the traditional readings that take the passage as substantial, there are two main strategies for taking Zhuang Zi as “winning” a substantial dispute: (1) One that argues Zhuang Zi is undermining Hui Zi’s position without offering a positive position, and (2) another that argues that Zhuang Zi is undermining Hui Zi’s position by offering a positive position. Guo Xiang’s “official commentary” is paradigmatic of the first “negative” strategy, while Wang Fuzhi’s reading is paradigmatic of the second “positive” strategy. The goal in the present article is to present these two strategies for reading the passage by translating and analyzing Guo’s and Wang’s annotations, thereby showing how the passage might be and has been taken as more than frivolous chitchat

    Research on the Communication Thought of Lin Qiansan and Guo Moruo in Music Historiography

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    The exchange of musical historiographical ideas between Lin Qisan and Guo Moruo reflects the exchange of musical academic ideas between China and Japan in the early 20th century, and is a reflection of the exchange and convergence of historical views, perspectives, and research methods in Chinese and Japanese music historiography, as well as the formation of their musical ideas under the joint action of Japanese sinological and Chinese historical thinking. At the beginning of the 20th century, China was faced with a dilemma, both politically and culturally, as to whether to adopt full Westernization or to adhere to Chinese culture? Or should stick to Chinese culture? Many scholars went to Japan to search answers to the question of whether to adopt full Westernization or to adhere to Chinese culture, and how to learn from the success of Japan’s modern reformation. Chinese and Japanese cultural scholars, including Li Shutong, Zeng Zhimin, Guo Moruo and Lin Qiansan, all expressed their cultural orientation and research thoughts in the ideological dialogue of cultural exchange. Among them, Shutong Li, Zhimin Zeng et al.’s practice in music in the Academy, Lin Qiansan and Guo Moruo et al.’s exploration of music theory, Tanabe’s “History of Chinese Music”, and Lin Qiansan’s “Study on Yan Music in the Sui and Tang Dynasties” are all brief reflections of the musical cultural exchanges between China and Japan in the last century. In particular, Guo Moruo ‘s translation of Lin Qiansan’s “Study of Yan Music Tunes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties” has become an important academic reference for later scholars studying the culture of Yan music in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. At the same time, Qiansan Lin and Guo Moruo’s music thought also profoundly influenced the construction of music historiography in Japan and China. This paper argues that, if want to explore the spirituality of the ideas of Lin Qisan and Guo Moruo in the turbulent environment of the intersection and collision of Chinese and Japanese cultural thoughts in the 20th century, the cultural and ideological backgrounds of Lin Qiansan and Guo Moruo, their coinciding academic perspectives, and the revelation and significance of the interaction of musical ideas in their respective times should be analyzed and studied