1,319 research outputs found

    Quantum algebra in the mixed light pseudoscalar meson states

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    In this paper, we investigate the entanglement degrees of pseudoscalar meson states via quantum algebra Y(su(3)). By making use of transition effect of generators J of Y(su(3)), we construct various transition operators in terms of J of Y(su(3)), and act them on eta-pion-eta mixing meson state. The entanglement degrees of both the initial state and final state are calculated with the help of entropy theory. The diagrams of entanglement degrees are presented. Our result shows that a state with desired entanglement degree can be achieved by acting proper chosen transition operator on an initial state. This sheds new light on the connect among quantum information, particle physics and Yangian algebra.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Topological Defects in the Random-Field XY Model and the Pinned Vortex Lattice to Vortex Glass Transition in Type-II Superconductors

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    As a simplified model of randomly pinned vortex lattices or charge-density waves, we study the random-field XY model on square (d=2d=2) and simple cubic (d=3d=3) lattices. We verify in Monte Carlo simulations, that the average spacing between topological defects (vortices) diverges more strongly than the Imry-Ma pinning length as the random field strength, HH, is reduced. We suggest that for d=3d=3 the simulation data are consistent with a topological phase transition at a nonzero critical field, HcH_c, to a pinned phase that is defect-free at large length-scales. We also discuss the connection between the possible existence of this phase transition in the random-field XY model and the magnetic field driven transition from pinned vortex lattice to vortex glass in weakly disordered type-II superconductors.Comment: LATEX file; 5 Postscript figures are available from [email protected]

    Evolution and Flare Activity of Delta-Sunspots in Cycle 23

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    The emergence and magnetic evolution of solar active regions (ARs) of beta-gamma-delta type, which are known to be highly flare-productive, were studied with the SOHO/MDI data in Cycle 23. We selected 31 ARs that can be observed from their birth phase, as unbiased samples for our study. From the analysis of the magnetic topology (twist and writhe), we obtained the following results. i) Emerging beta-gamma-delta ARs can be classified into three topological types as "quasi-beta", "writhed" and "top-to-top". ii) Among them, the "writhed" and "top-to-top" types tend to show high flare activity. iii) As the signs of twist and writhe agree with each other in most cases of the "writhed" type (12 cases out of 13), we propose a magnetic model in which the emerging flux regions in a beta-gamma-delta AR are not separated but united as a single structure below the solar surface. iv) Almost all the "writhed"-type ARs have downward knotted structures in the mid portion of the magnetic flux tube. This, we believe, is the essential property of beta-gamma-delta ARs. v) The flare activity of beta-gamma-delta ARs is highly correlated not only with the sunspot area but also with the magnetic complexity. vi) We suggest that there is a possible scaling-law between the flare index and the maximum umbral area

    Concentrations and size distributions of fungal bioaerosols in a municipal landfill

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    The object of this research was to study the behavior of fungal bioaerosols during a sampling period of 12 months (April 2015–April 2016), in each treatment stages of a landfill located in Atlántico Department, Colombia. The fungi bioaerosol samples were collected using a Six-Stage Viable Andersen Cascade Impactor - Thermo Fisher Scientific, a vacuum pump with a flow rate of 28.3 L/min–1, and ammeter KESTREL 4500 for the weather conditions. With the large amount of data obtained, a database was made in excel and analyzed using Statgraphics Centurion XVI software. The processing of data mining was carried out applying to a generalized linear regression model and Multifactorial ANOVA. Golden Surfer 11 program was used to stablish the distribution of temporal and spational mold airborne. The Variables: sampling campaign, stage, taxa, temperature and relative humidity presented a statistically significant correlation with the concentration P-value = 0. The concentrations of fungal bioaerosols varied considerably over the whole sampling period with average concentrations from 73.02 ± 26, 75 CFUs/m3 to 1830.38 ± 971.28 CFUs/m3. The fungal bioaerosols presented in both the coarse and fine fraction; but the fraction of 2.1–3.3 μm (stage 4) was the fraction of the dominant size in terms of higher concentration. According to the taxa identification, there was a higher prevalence of Aspergillus: the highest concentration corresponds to A. fumigatus, associated to toxins that may be cytotoxic [1, 2]

    SU(3) Predictions for Weak Decays of Doubly Heavy Baryons -- including SU(3) breaking terms

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    We find expressions for the weak decay amplitudes of baryons containing two b quarks (or one b and one c quark -- many relationship are the same) in terms of unknown reduced matrix elements. This project was originally motivated by the request of the FNAL Run II b Physics Workshop organizers for a guide to experimentalists in their search for as yet unobserved hadrons. We include an analysis of linear SU(3) breaking terms in addition to relationships generated by unbroken SU(3) symmetry, and relate these to expressions in terms of the complete set of possible reduced matrix elements.Comment: 49 page

    Charm multiplicity and the branching ratios of inclusive charmless b quark decays in the general two-Higgs-doublet models

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    In the framework of general two-Higgs-doublet models, we calculate the branching ratios of various inclusive charmless b decays by using the low energy effective Hamiltonian including next-to-leading order QCD corrections, and examine the current status and the new physics effects on the determination of the charm multiplicity ncn_c and semileptonic branching ratio BSLB_{SL}. Within the considered parameter space, the enhancement to the ratio BR(bsg)BR(b \to s g) due to the charged-Higgs penguins can be as large as a factor of 8 (3) in the model III (II), while the ratio BR(bnocharm)BR(b \to no charm) can be increased from the standard model prediction of 2.49% to 4.91% (2.99%) in the model III (II). Consequently, the value of BSLB_{SL} and ncn_c can be decreased simultaneously in the model III. The central value of BSLB_{SL} will be lowered slightly by about 0.003, but the ratio ncn_c can be reduced significantly from the theoretical prediction of nc=1.28±0.05n_c= 1.28 \pm 0.05 in the SM to nc=1.23±0.05n_c= 1.23 \pm 0.05, 1.18±0.051.18 \pm 0.05 for mH+=200,100m_{H^+}=200, 100 GeV, respectively. We find that the predicted ncn_c and the measured ncn_c now agree within roughly one standard deviation after taking into account the effects of gluonic charged Higgs penguins in the model III with a relatively light charged Higgs boson.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file, axodraw.sty, 6 figures. Final version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Novel variation at chr11p13 associated with cystic fibrosis lung disease severity

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    Published genome-wide association studies (GWASs) identified an intergenic region with regulatory features on chr11p13 associated with cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease severity. Targeted resequencing in n=377, followed by imputation to n=6,365 CF subjects, was used to identify unrecognized genetic variants (including indels and microsatellite repeats) associated with phenotype. Highly significant associations were in strong linkage disequilibrium and were seen only in Phe508del homozygous CF subjects, indicating a CFTR genotype-specific mechanism

    A Measurement of Psi(2S) Resonance Parameters

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    Cross sections for e+e- to hadons, pi+pi- J/Psi, and mu+mu- have been measured in the vicinity of the Psi(2S) resonance using the BESII detector operated at the BEPC. The Psi(2S) total width; partial widths to hadrons, pi+pi- J/Psi, muons; and corresponding branching fractions have been determined to be Gamma(total)= (264+-27) keV; Gamma(hadron)= (258+-26) keV, Gamma(mu)= (2.44+-0.21) keV, and Gamma(pi+pi- J/Psi)= (85+-8.7) keV; and Br(hadron)= (97.79+-0.15)%, Br(pi+pi- J/Psi)= (32+-1.4)%, Br(mu)= (0.93+-0.08)%, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure