2,301 research outputs found

    Symmetry restoration and quantumness reestablishment

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    A realistic quantum many-body system, characterized by a generic microscopic Hamiltonian, is accessible only through approximation methods. The mean field theories, as the simplest practices of approximation methods, commonly serve as a powerful tool, but unfortunately often violate the symmetry of the Hamiltonian. The conventional BCS theory, as an excellent mean field approach, violates the particle number conservation and completely erases quantumness characterized by concurrence and quantum discord between different modes. We restore the symmetry by using the projected BCS theory and the exact numerical solution and find that the lost quantumness is synchronously reestablished. We show that while entanglement remains unchanged with the particle numbers, quantum discord behaves as an extensive quantity with respect to the system size. Surprisingly, discord is hardly dependent on the interaction strengths. The new feature of discord offers promising applications in modern quantum technologies.Comment: 17 pages and 3 figure

    Empathic Communication and Artistic Healing Role of Local Music in Xiamen City under Major Social Events

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    From local to global, from individual to universal, from singularity to plurality, music not only promotes the deep integration and dissemination of urban culture, giving birth to the theoretical perspective of “music studies”, but also becomes an important symbol and weathervane of a city’s cultural trend. Whether it is a metropolis such as London, Paris or Beijing, or an art city that focuses on the city’s on-the-ground music creation or identity, music is closely connected to the urban cultural space. At the same time, music is also a “holistic effect art”, a language of cultural globalisation. This study will be based on the creation and dissemination of Xiamen’s urban music works under major social issues, taking aesthetic function and artistic healing as the entry point, combining with the case study of Xiamen’s urban in situ music works to explore the current situation of the creation and dissemination of its works, elucidating the social value and artistic healing function of the city’s songs, and rethinking and exploring the relationship between literary and artistic works and the harmonious development of the human society, and the role of the city’s brand shaping and influence on city branding. This research will mainly focus on the literature research method and case study method, using the Internet and electronic resource databases to review the literature, understand the knowledge related to music and art, clarify the development of urban local music and the current status of research, and obtain relevant research information, so as to provide ideas and references for the project research. To analyse the data of urban local music creation and dissemination with appropriate statistical and analytical methods, in order to maximise the function of the data and play a role in the data. Take urban local music as a typical case, investigate it, and give solution ideas and programmes, and look forward to the direction of creation and dissemination of contemporary literary works of urban local music under major social events

    An extremely wideband tapered balun for application in tightly coupled arrays

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    © 2016 IEEE. This paper presents the design of a single layer, compact, tapered balun with a >20:1 bandwidth and less than λ/17 in length at the lowest frequency of operation. The balun operates from 0.7GHz to over 15GHz. It can provide both impedance transformation as well as a balanced feed for tightly coupled arrays. Its performance is compared with that of a full-length balun operating over the same frequency band. There is a high degree of agreement between the two baluns

    An Integrative Personal Character Model and Its Modeling with Scenario-based Fusion

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    An individual-like intelligent artifact is a man-made physical or digital thing that resembles a real individual. Such an intelligent artifact is capable of helping achieve numerous fantastic applications, including better-personalized services, the succession of individual’s work style, and can be extended to individual life. As the AI with personal character, the individual-like intelligent artifact can be implemented by a physical robot, a digital avatar or an invisible software. Regardless of the form of individual-like intelligent artifacts are implemented, the individual-like intelligent artifacts would have the same personal characters with its corresponding humans. Personal character refers to all the personal characteristics that characterize an individual. Two fundamental problems with the research on personal character are identified: (1) there is no comprehensive and structuralized description for personal character and (2) it remains unclear about how to build the personal character model accurately and comprehensively. Correspondingly, this research consists of two parts: personal character model and personal character modeling. In the first part, an integrative personal character model is proposed by considering differential psychology and personality psychology. It covers macro characteristics of personality (P), micro characteristics in affect (A), behavior (B) and cognition (C), and relational characteristics among characteristics (R). The proposed model is known as the ABC-P-R model. A stepwise computation process and RDF-based representation scheme for the data collected from twenty participants are presented for the construction of personal character model. The proposed integrative personal character model is verified to be computable, with provided existence and rationality of relational characteristics. As personality is merely one aspect of characteristics in the personal character model, the modeling is built by using monomodal classification and multimodal fusion of personality computing. However, these common methods are to compute one or a few personal characteristics by using the data collected from a uni-scenario or an experiment. Such approach is insufficient to achieve a comprehensive and accurate classification of the whole characteristics of personal character. A scenario-based fusion for personal character modeling, consisting of sub-scenario fusion and multi-scenario fusion, is proposed to address such problem. The state corresponding to individual’s experiment during data collection is defined as a scenario, whereas a sub-scenario is a part of the whole scenario. The sub-scenario fusion is conducted to split the data collected from a single scenario into several sub-scenario data and then to fuse these sub-scenario data. Multi-scenario fusion is performed to fuse the data collected from different scenarios or experiments. The fusion frameworks corresponding to these two scenario-based fusions are presented, in which both sub-scenario and multi-scenario fusion can be implemented by feature fusion and classifier fusion, and multi-scenario fusion can be additionally implemented by using multi-scenario incremental fusion. Five datasets are used for concrete computations and evaluation in personal character modeling, including Essay dataset, YouTube dataset, Pan15 dataset, MyPersonality dataset, and Physiological dataset. Scenario-based fusion method is evaluated by using these five datasets, and the fusion method proved to be effective to improve the performance in the given personal data and the collected scenario of data.博士(理学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    A Smartphone-based System for Personal Data Management and Personality Analysis

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    Abstract— The data from or about an individual, called personal data, is continuously increasing due to popularity of smart phones, wearables and other ubiquitous devices. Such personal data can be used to model a user and even digitally clone a person, e.g., Cyber-I (cyber individual) that aims at creating a unique and comprehensive description for every individual to support various personalized services and applications. Due to heterogeneity and sensitivity of personal data, one important issue is how to effectively collect and manage person data with sufficient security protection. Another important issue is how to figure out an individual’s character, i.e., personality from personal data. Therefore, this research is focused on personal data management and personality analysis in a smartphone based client-server system. The smartphone functions as not only a source of personal data but also a gateway to manage other wearables and communicate with a server that keeps personal data in a larger amount and a longer period. A multi-security mechanism is implemented to ensure data security in collection, transmission and storage. Personality analysis is made from data normalization, feature extraction and clustering, to personality computation based on sociological personality theories. Keywords—personal data; personality; system security; cluster algorithm; smartphone; mong

    Hall anomaly by vacancies vs fragments of vortex lattice: Quantitative analyses of new evidences

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    Despite numerous recent studies on the Hall anomaly following the discovery of cuprate superconductivity, the origin of this phenomenon remains contentious. We demonstrate that a previously proposed mechanism, in which vacancy-on-fragment of the flux-line crystal, provides an alternative explanation for the observations of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox\rm{Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{x}} thin films made by Nitzav and Kanigel [Phys. Rev. B. 107, 094516 (2023)], without the need for adjustable parameters. Specifically, we show that the power-law behavior of ρxy\rho_{xy} over ρxx\rho_{xx}, with and without sign reversal, is consistent with the picture of vacancies versus fragments. Interestingly, we find that the effective length of vortex lines is consistently 1.5 unit cells (UC) across different experiments, independent of film thickness.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0338

    A Wideband Low-Profile Tightly Coupled Antenna Array with a Very High Figure of Merit

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    © 1963-2012 IEEE. A wideband, low-profile, tightly coupled antenna array with a simple feed network is presented. The dipole and feed networks in each unit cell are printed on both sides of a single RT/Duroid 6010 substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 10.2. The feed network, composed of meandered impedance transformer and balun sections, is designed based on Klopfenstein tapered microstrip lines. The wide-angle impedance matching is empowered by a novel wideband metasurface superstrate. For the optimum design, scanning to 70° along the E-plane is obtained together with a very high array figure of merit P A = 2.84. The H-plane scan extends to 55°. The broadside impedance bandwidth is 5.5:1 (0.80-4.38) GHz with an active voltage standing-wave ratio value ≤2. The overall height of the array above the ground plane is 0.088λ L, where λ L is the wavelength at the lowest frequency of operation. A prototype was fabricated and tested to confirm the design concepts