125 research outputs found

    Talbot effect for the third order Lugiato-Lefever equation

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    We discuss the Lugiato-Lefever equation and its variant with third-order dispersion, which are mathematical models used to describe how a light beam forms patterns within an optical cavity. It is mathematically demonstrated that the solutions of these equations follow the Talbot effect, which is a phenomenon of periodic self-imaging of an object under certain conditions of diffraction. The Talbot effect is regarded as the underlying cause of pattern formation in optical cavities.Comment: 20 page

    Quantum revivals and fractality for the Schr\"odinger equation

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    We investigate the behavior of the Schr\"odinger equation under the influence of potentials, focusing on its relationship to quantum revivals and fractality. Our findings reveal that the solution displays fractal behavior at irrational times, while exhibiting regularity similar to the initial data at rational times. These extend the results of Oskolkov \cite{O} and Rodnianski \cite{R2} on the free Schr\"odinger evolution to the general case regarding potentials.Comment: 14page

    The political culture of university students in South Korea : a comparison of before the democratic transition and today

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    This thesis compares the political culture of university students in South Korea before and after the democratic transition in 1987. It identifies the changes in the following: the attitudes to politics, government and media; the political socialization process; the experience of political participation; and the reasons for political participation and non-participation. Qualitative analysis was used to analyse the data collected from interviews and surveys conducted on respondents who were university students in the 1980s and current university students. It was found that compared to university students in the 1980s, current university students held less intensely negative attitudes towards the government. However, although current university students were interested in politics, they were still distrustful of politicians, did not have a political party they supported and had low levels of perceived political efficacy and political participation. Based on these findings, this thesis examined three different types of theories to explain the changes in the political culture of university students. First, demand-side theories that focus on underlying socioeconomic changes to explain changes in the political culture were used to analyse the changes in the reasons for political participation and the changes in the political socialization process. Second, intermediary-side theories that emphasise the role of media were used to examine the changes in the attitudes towards the media and the experience of latent political participation. Finally, supply-side theories that focus on the supply of politics and governance were used to explain the changes in the other elements of political culture. Close examination into the workings of democracy in South Korea since the democratic transition in 1987 revealed that there were indications of cartelisation of the political party system, which explains the low levels of political trust and perceived political efficacy reported by current university students

    Assessing the ecosystem services of various types of urban green spaces based on i-Tree eco

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    Urban green spaces play a crucial role in maintaining urban ecosystem sustainability by providing numerous ecosystem services. How to quantify and evaluate the ecological benefits and services of urban green spaces remains a hot topic currently, while the evaluation is barely applied or implemented in urban design and planning. In this study, super-high-resolution aerial images were used to acquire the spatial distribution of urban green spaces; a modified pre-stratified random sampling method was applied to obtain the vegetation information of the four types of urban green spaces in Luohe, a common plain city in China; and i-Tree Eco model was further used to assess the vegetation structure and various ecosystem services including air quality improvement, rainfall interception, carbon storage, and sequestration provided by four types of urban green spaces. The modeling results reveal that there were about 1,006,251 trees in this area. In 2013, all the trees in these green spaces could store about 54,329 t of carbon, sequester about 4973 t of gross carbon, remove 92 t of air pollutants, and avoid 122,637 m3 of runoff. The study illustrates an innovative method to reveal different types of urban green spaces with distinct ecosystem service productivity capacity to better understand their various roles in regulating the urban environment. The results could be used to assist urban planners and policymakers to optimize urban green space structure and composition to maximize ecosystem services provision

    Internal generation of waves: Delta source function method and source term addition method

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    author's final versionIn this study, we investigate two internal wave generation methods in numerical modeling of time-dependent equations for water wave propagation, i.e., delta source function method and source term addition method, the latter of which has been called the line source method in literatures. We derive delta source functions for the Boussinesq type equations and extended mild-slope equations. By applying the fractional step splitting method, we show that the delta source function method is equivalent to the source term addition method employing the energy velocity. This suggests that the energy velocity should be used rather than the phase velocity for the transport of incident wave energy in the source term addition method. Finally, the performance of the delta source function method is verified by accurately generating nonlinear cnoidal waves as well as linear waves for horizontally one-dimensional cases

    Extended Boussinesq Equations for Rapidly Varying Topography

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    author's final versionWe developed a new Boussinesq-type model which extends the equations of Madsen and Sørensen (1992) by including both bottom curvature and squared bottom slope terms. Numerical experiments were conducted for wave reflection from the Booijs (1983) planar slope with different wave frequencies using several types of Boussinesq equations and extended mild-slope equation. Madsen and Sørensens model results are accurate in the whole slopes in shallow waters but inaccurate in intermediate water depths. Nwogus (1993) model results are accurate up to 1:1 (V:H) slope but significantly inaccurate for steep slopes. The present model results are accurate up to the slope of 1:1 but somewhat inaccurate for very steep slopes. Further, numerical experiments were conducted for wave reflections from a ripple patch and also a Gaussian shaped trench. For the two cases, the results of Nwogus model and the present model are accurate because these models include the bottom curvature term which is important for the cases. However, Madsen and Sørensens model results are inaccurate because this model neglects the bottom curvature term

    Extended mild-slope equation for random waves

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    author's final versionA time-dependent extended mild-slope equation is derived from the elliptic equation of Chamberlain and Porter (1995) using the Taylor series technique. Numerical tests are made on a horizontally one-dimensional case for regular waves over sloping beds and for both regular and irregular waves over a ripple patch. Numerical results prove that the proposed model gives accurate results for both regular and irregular waves over rapidly varying topography