21 research outputs found

    Morphology of the archaellar motor and associated cytoplasmic cone in Thermococcus kodakaraensis

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    Archaeal swimming motility is driven by archaella: rotary motors attached to long extracellular filaments. The structure of these motors, and particularly how they are anchored in the absence of a peptidoglycan cell wall, is unknown. Here, we use electron cryotomography to visualize the archaellar basal body in vivo in Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. Compared to the homologous bacterial type IV pilus (T4P), we observe structural similarities as well as several unique features. While the position of the cytoplasmic ATPase appears conserved, it is not braced by linkages that extend upward through the cell envelope as in the T4P, but rather by cytoplasmic components that attach it to a large conical frustum up to 500 nm in diameter at its base. In addition to anchoring the lophotrichous bundle of archaella, the conical frustum associates with chemosensory arrays and ribosome‐excluding material and may function as a polar organizing center for the coccoid cells

    Glycine betaine transport in the obligate halophilic archaeon Methanohalophilus portucalensis

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    Transport of the osmoprotectant glycine betaine was investigated using the glycine betaine-synthesizing microbe Methanohalophilus portucalensis (strain FDF1), since solute uptake for this class of obligate halophilic methanogenic Archaea has not been examined. Betaine uptake followed a Michaelis-Menten relationship,,vith an observed K-t of 23 mu M and a V-max of 8 nmol per min per mg of protein. The transport system was highly specific for betaine: choline, proline, and dimethylglycine did not significantly compete for [C-14]betaine uptake. The proton-conducting uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol and the ATPase inhibitor N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide both inhibited glycine betaine uptake. Growth of cells in the presence of 500 mu M betaine resulted in faster cell growth due to the suppression of the de novo synthesis of the other compatible solutes, alpha-glutamate, beta-glutamine, and N-e-acetyl-beta-lysine. These investigations demonstrate that this model halophilic methanogen, M. portucalensis strain FDF1, possesses a high-affinity and highly specific betaine transport system that allows it to accumulate this osmoprotectant from the environment in lien of synthesizing this or other osmoprotectants under high-salt growth conditions

    Physiology, ecology, phylogeny, and genomics of microorganisms capable of syntrophic metabolism

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    Syntrophic metabolism is diverse in two respects: phylogenetically with microorganisms capable of syntrophic metabolism found in the Deltaproteobacteria and in the low G+C gram-positive bacteria, and metabolically given the wide variety of compounds that can be syntrophically metabolized. The latter includes saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, alcohols, and hydrocarbons. Besides residing in freshwater and marine anoxic sediments and soils, microbes capable of syntrophic metabolism also have been observed in more extreme habitats, including acidic soils, alkaline soils, thermal springs, and permanently cold soils, demonstrating that syntrophy is a widely distributed metabolic process in nature. Recent ecological and physiological studies show that syntrophy plays a far larger role in carbon cycling than was previously thought. The availability of the first complete genome sequences for four model microorganisms capable of syntrophic metabolism provides the genetic framework to begin dissecting the biochemistry of the marginal energy economies and interspecies interactions that are characteristic of the syntrophic lifestyl

    DNA-binding proteins as site-specific nucleases

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    Summary DNA‐binding proteins can be converted into site‐specific nucleases by linking them to the chemical nuclease 1,10‐phenanthroline‐copper. This can be readily accomplished by converting a minor groove‐proximal amino acid to a cysteine residue using site‐directed mutagenesis and then chemically modifying the sulphydryl group with 5‐iodoacetamido‐1,10‐ phenanthroline‐copper. These chimeric scission reagents can be used as rare cutters to analyse chromosomal DNA, to test predictions based on high‐resolution nuclear magnetic resonance and X‐ray crystal structures, and to locate binding sites of proteins within genomes