17 research outputs found

    Optimering av maskinsystem för skörd av ensilage med hög kvalitet

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    This study examines harvesting systems and presents conclusions on selection of machines for harvesting silage for dairy cows. Achieving a high quality cut of forage requires a high machine capacity and harvesting must be carried out at the optimal time with respect to plant growth stage. Therefore calculation of timeliness costs, which are determined by the time and capacity of harvesting, formed an important part of the study. These calculations require timeliness factors that describe the losses for each day by which harvest is delayed after the date of maximum economic crop value. The timeliness factors were calculated for each cut from data on changes in yield and quality of cuts during the harvest period. Harvesting cost calculations were based on a precision chop forage trailer, a precision chop forage harvester with separate transport trailers and a round baler with integral wrapping. Cost calculations were carried out for three different sizes of machine chain (small (S), medium (M) and large (L)) for each harvest system. The operations included were mowingconditioning, harvesting in the field, transport to storage and loading and packing into a bunker silo. Harvesting costs included the cost of machines, labour and timeliness. In addition, ensiling costs such as bale plastic and the investment, interest and maintenance cost for the bunker silo or the storage area for round bales were included when comparing the harvesting systems. Calculations were made for a three-cut system in conventional (CONV) and organic (ORG) forage production in southern Sweden (Gss) and central Sweden (Ss). When timeliness costs were not considered there was a risk of too low a harvest capacity being chosen. The effect of including timeliness costs when calculating harvesting costs increased with the forage area harvested, since a larger forage area increased the duration of harvest. Table S1 shows harvesting and ensiling costs with 1 km transport distance for 70 hectares of forage in conventional production and 90 hectares in organic production in central Sweden. At short transport distances (1 km), the precision chop forage trailer and the precision chop forage harvester with separate transport trailers had similar harvesting and ensiling costs, while those for round baling were somewhat higher. The precision chop forage harvester with 2 or 3 transport trailers resulted in the lowest costs at 2-7 km transport distance. At longer transport distances (>7 km), the round baler was the cheapest of the harvesting systems studied here. As regards machine capacity, it is clear from Figure S1 that to minimise harvesting costs the smallest machine chain should be used for forage areas less than 60 ha, whereas when the forage area exceeds 90 ha the largest machine chain should be chosen. In the 60-90 ha forage area range, there was little difference in costs between the S, M and L machine chains. For harvest with round bales only the size of the mower-conditioner varied between the machine chains and the largest machine chain had the lowest harvest costs for all forage areas. Machine cooperatives are a good way to lower harvesting costs since for smaller forage areas in particular, increased annual use of the machines decreases the machine costs and allows larger machines to be used to greater capacity. To avoid high timeliness costs it is important that cuts are performed at the optimal time

    TvÄ, tre eller fyra skördar av vallfoder per Är

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    Sex odlingsförsök som jÀmfört tvÄ eller tre skördar och tvÄ försök som jÀmfört tre eller fyra skördar har sammanstÀllts. Avkastningen av torrsubstans var 3 % mindre men energivÀrdet var 0,4 MJ/kg ts högre och rÄproteinhalten 18 g/kg ts högre för tre skördar jÀmfört med tvÄ. Torrsubstansavkastningen var 5 % mindre men energivÀrdet var 0,3 MJ/kg ts högre och rÄproteinhalten var 17 g/kg ts högre vid fyra skördar jÀmfört med tre. Skördekostnader berÀknades för gödsling, slÄtter, strÀnglÀggning, exakthackning, transport samt inlÀggning och packning i plansilo. Fodrets vÀrde berÀknades för en genomsnittskvalitet för varje skördesystem och foderstater gjordes dels enligt det nya fodervÀrderingssystemet NorFor, dels enligt det svenska klassiska systemet som varit i bruk i decennier. Kostnaden för skörd och gödsling ökade med 10 öre/kg ts vid övergÄng frÄn tvÄ till tre skördar. Samtidigt ökade fodrets vÀrde med 13 öre/kg ts. Fodrets ökade vÀrde kompenserade alltsÄ de ökade kostnaderna för skörd och gödsling. Vid övergÄng frÄn tre till fyra skördar ökade kostnaderna för skörd och gödsling med 19 öre/kg ts. Samtidigt ökade fodrets vÀrde med 13 öre/kg ts. Fodrets ökade vÀrde kompenserade alltsÄ inte för de ökade kostnaderna för skörd och gödsling. Vallfodrets ökade vÀrde i foderstaterna bygger pÄ ökad konsumtion och förutsÀtter en större areal för samma mjölkproduktion

    Non-immune hydrops fetalis was rare in Sweden during 1997-2015, but cases were associated with complications and poor prognosis

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    Aim: The study was designed to document the incidence of non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) at birth and characterise associated outcomes and obstetric complications. Methods: Data on more than 1.9 million births were extracted from the Swedish Birth Register for 1997-2015. Pregnancies not affected by NIHF served as controls. National registers on mortality and hospitalisations provided follow-up information. Results: There were 309 cases of NIHF at birth corresponding to an incidence of 1.6 per 10 000, lower than in previous studies. NIHF was more frequent in mothers aged ≄35 years and with a history of stillbirth. Preterm delivery occurred in 77.7% in the NIHF group, including 31.7% before 32 weeks of gestation. Multiple births and Caesarean sections were reported more frequent in the NIHF group. NIHF was associated with poor outcome with 14.6% stillbirths and in 26.5% early neonatal death. Overall, 58.7% of live-born children with NIHF were alive at 12 months compared with 99.7% of controls. The most common causes of death were cardiovascular diseases and thoracic abnormalities. Conclusion: NIHF at birth is associated with obstetric complications and poor prognosis for the neonate related to underlying disease. The low incidence of NIHF observed in this study may reflect well-developed antenatal care

    Recombinant alpha-1-microglobulin : A potential treatment for preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy-specific condition, affecting 10 million women annually worldwide. No specific treatment is currently available. Recent studies have demonstrated abnormal production and accumulation of free fetal hemoglobin in the preeclamptic placenta, and identified subsequent leakage into the maternal circulation as an important factor in the development of preeclampsia. A recombinant version of alpha-1-microglobulin, an endogenous well-characterized heme and radical scavenger, has been developed. Intravenous administration of recombinant alpha-1-microglobulin in animal models has been proved to eliminate or significantly reduce the manifestations of preeclampsia. Recombinant alpha-1-microglobulin has the potential to become the first specific therapy for preeclampsia

    Splanchnic and Renal Exchange of Infused Fructose in Insulin-deficient Type 1 Diabetic Patients and Healthy Controls

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    Fructose raises blood glucose and lactate levels in normal as well as diabetic man, but the tissue origin (liver and/or kidney) of these responses and the role of insulin in determining the end products of fructose metabolism have not been fully established. Splanchnic and renal substrate exchange was therefore examined during intravenous infusion of fructose or saline in six insulin-deficient type I diabetics who fasted overnight and in five healthy controls. Fructose infusion resulted in similar arterial concentrations and regional uptake of fructose in the two groups. Splanchnic glucose output increased threefold in the diabetics but remained unchanged in controls in response to fructose infusion, and the arterial glucose concentration rose more in diabetics (+5.5 mmol/liter) than in controls (+0.5 mmol/liter). Splanchnic uptake of both lactate and pyruvat

    Nordic Economic Policy Review 2018: Increasing Income Inequality in the Nordics

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    The contributions document how income inequality in the Nordics in various dimensions have increased over recent decades. These developments are put in an international context. Developments in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are compared. Important aspects analysed in detail are overall inequality of both market and disposable incomes, the redistribution through the tax and transfer system as well as through the provision of government welfare services, the importance of demographic factors, the developments of both relative poverty and top income shares, and gender inequality