214 research outputs found


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    Time and frequency domain convergence properties of causal and Current Iteration Tracking Error (CITE) discrete time Iterative Learning Control (ILC) algorithms are discussed. Considering necessary and sufcient convergence conditions basic matrix properties can be utilized to show that causal as well as CITE ILC algorithms converge to zero error in only very restrictive special cases. The frequency domain convergence conditions, sucient for monotone convergence, are studied using a discrete-time version of Bode's integral theorem. The result is that causal and CITE ILC algorithms will not satisfy the frequency domain conditions except if the system has relative degree zero or it is accepted that the algorithms do not converge to zero error

    A Few Questions About the Social-Obligation Norm

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    Reponse to an article by Gregory S. Alexander, \u27The Social-obligation Norm in American Property Law,\u27 in a Special Issue of the Journal on Property Obligation

    L'esprit des lois ?:L'Ă©tude des modes de scrutin un demi-siĂšcle aprĂšs Les partis politiques de Maurice Duverger

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    Peu d’oeuvres peuvent aujourd’hui prĂ©tendre Ă  une postĂ©ritĂ© aussi marquante que l’analyse faite par Maurice Duverger de l’effet des modes de scrutin. Cette analyse aura non seulement marquĂ© son temps en structurant les dĂ©bats, mais peu d’auteurs, et notamment d’auteurs français, voient encore aujourd’hui leur nom aussi souvent citĂ©. Cette postĂ©ritĂ© est assurĂ©ment liĂ©e Ă  la formulation des conclusions sous forme de loi, les fameuses trois lois suivant lesquelles les systĂšmes partisans tendent (le dĂ©terminisme reprochĂ© Ă  M. Duverger doit de ce point de vue ĂȘtre relativisĂ©) Ă  ĂȘtre bipartisan, multipartite ou multipartite, mais avec coalitions Ă©lectorales stables, suivant que le mode de scrutin est majoritaire Ă  un tour, proportionnel ou bien majoritaire Ă  deux tours. Mais ces lois sont Ă©galement soutenues par une thĂ©orie explicative du rĂŽle structurant des modes de scrutin par la distinction d’effets mĂ©caniques (ceux liĂ©s Ă  la transformation des voix en siĂšges par l’arithmĂ©tique de la loi Ă©lectorale) d’effets psychologiques, rĂ©sultant de la sophistication des choix d’électeurs anticipant les effets mĂ©caniques du mode de scrutin. [Premier paragraphe

    The Attorney as Advocate: “Arguing the Law”

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    Some implementation aspects of Iterative Learning Control (ILC) are considered. Since the ILC algorithm involves ïŹltering of various signals over ïŹnite time intervals, often using non-causal ïŹlters, it is important that the boundary eïŹ€ects of the ïŹltering operations are handled in an appropriate way when implementing the ILC algorithm. The paper illustrates in both theoretical analysis using the matrix description and in simulations of a twomass system that the method of implementation for handling the boundary eïŹ€ects can have large inïŹ‚uence over stability and convergence properties of the ILC algorithm

    Electrical, Optical and Thermal Investigations of Cobalt Oxide-Antimony Doped Tin Oxide (CoO-ATO) Thin Films and Nanofiber Membranes

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    The main aim of this thesis work is to investigate the electrical, optical and thermal impact characteristics of cobalt oxide doped antimony tin oxide (CoO-ATO) in the form of thin films and nanofiber membranes. CoO-ATO is a novel composite material that has the potential to be used as reinforced aircraft coatings, military garment coatings, or more specifically as an anti-reflective (AR) top coating for photovoltaic (PV) cells. This work will be critical in determining the effectiveness of using a CoO-ATO layer in these applications. Electrospun nanofibers and spin coated thin films consisting of a polymeric solution of CoO-ATO will be used. Thin films are created using spin coating techniques, and nanofiber membranes are created using an electrospinning technique. Polystyrene (PS) will be used as a solute, and chloroform as a solvent, to create the solution. It is hypothesized that coatings of this material will have improved optical characteristics as compared to traditional ATO coatings and minimum impact from thermal cycling making it a favorable candidate for PV cells. This work will do an electrical, optical and thermal cycling impact characterization of CoO-ATO thin films and nanofiber membranes for a doping range of x% CoO where x ranged from 0.

    Effectiveness of an intervention to improve day centre services for people with psychiatric disabilities.

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    Day centres for people with psychiatric disabilities need to be evaluated for effectiveness in order to provide the best possible support. This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a tailor-made intervention to improve day centre services for people with psychiatric disabilities

    Fördelar och nackdelar med virtuell obduktion kontra klinisk obduktion - en litteraturstudie

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    Klinisk obduktion Àr idag det mest anvÀnda verktyget för att avgöra en avliden mÀnniskas dödsorsak. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att jÀmföra för- och nackdelar med virtuell obduktion kontra klinisk obduktion i dödsorsaksutredningen. Analys har genomförts av 12 artiklar dÀr relevant resultat har framtagits. Resultatet visade att virtuell obduktion bÄde har sina för- och nackdelar jÀmfört med klinisk obduktion, bÄde i det praktiska genomförandet, nÀrstÄendes och omvÄrdnadspersonals instÀllning. Virtuell obduktion visade sig vara effektivare Àn klinisk obduktion i frÄga om till exempel fraktur och pneumothorax medan det fungerade sÀmre vid dödsorsaksutredning om dödsorsaken exempelvis var infektion och hjÀrtinfarkt. Studien visade ett samband mellan religion, graden av utbildning och den nÀrstÄendes beslut om obduktion ska utföras eller ej. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien att virtuell obduktion för nÀrvarande inte kan ersÀtta klinisk obduktion, men kan anvÀndas som ett bra komplement till klinisk obduktion

    Does the scientific knowledge reflect the chemical diversity of environmental pollution? – A twenty-year perspective

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    Environmental policymaking relies heavily on the knowledge of the toxicological properties of chemical pollutants. The ecotoxicological research community is an important contributor to this knowledge, which together with data from standardized tests supports policy-makers in taking the decisions required to reach an appropriate level of protection of the environment. The chemosphere is, however, massive and contains thousands of chemicals that can constitute a risk if present in the environment at sufficiently high concentrations. The scientific ecotoxicological knowledge is growing but it is not clear to what extent the research community manages to cover the large chemical diversity of environmental pollution. In this study, we aimed to provide an overview of the scientific knowledge generated within the field of ecotoxicology during the last twenty years. By using text mining of over 130,000 scientific papers we established time-trends describing the yearly publication frequency of over 3500 chemicals. Our results show that ecotoxicological research is highly focused and that as few as 65 chemicals corresponded to half of all occurrences in the scientific literature. We, furthermore, demonstrate that the last decades have seen substantial changes in research direction, where the interest in pharmaceuticals has grown while the interest in biocides has declined. Several individual chemicals showed an especially rapid increase (e.g. ciprofloxacin, diclofenac) or decrease (e.g. lindane and atrazine) in occurrence in the literature. We also show that university- and corporate-based research exhibit distinct publication patterns and that for some chemicals the scientific knowledge is dominated by publications associated with the industry. This study paints a unique picture and provides quantitative estimates of the scientific knowledge of environmental chemical pollution generated during the last two decades. We conclude that there is a large number of chemicals with little, or no, scientific knowledge and that a continued expansion of the field of ecotoxicology will be necessary to catch up with the constantly increasing diversity of chemicals used within the society
