72 research outputs found

    Умный бассейн

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    Ключевые слова: бассейн, система управления, автоматизированная система. Объектом исследования является автоматизированная система управления переносным бассейном Цель работы – проектирование автоматизированной системы управления переносным бассейном, которая обладает функциями нагрева и фильтрации воды автоматически. Благодаря этому вода в бассейне сохраняет температуру, чистоту и прозрачность в течении длительного периода времени. В процессе исследования проводилось создание структурной схемы и проектирование щита управления данной системы. В результате исследования была спроектирована система управления переносным бассейном. Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характTags: swimming pool, management system, automated system. The object of research is a portable automatic pool control system The purpose of the work - design portable automated pool management system which has the functions of heating and filtration of water automatically. With this keeps the pool water temperature, transparency and cleanness for a long period of time

    Повышение надежности линейной части магистрального газопровода

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    Цель работы – повышение надежности линейной части магистрального газопровода путем проведение капитального ремонта участка газопровода 372 – 383 км. Задачи работы: обоснование необходимости проведения капитального ремонта участка газопровода; разработка технологии проведения капитального ремонта маги-стрального газопровода; провести расчеты толщены стенки трубы, проверка трубопро-вода на прочность, проверка трубопровода на пластические деформации.The aim of the work is to increase the reliability of the linear part of the main gas pipeline by overhauling the section of the 372 - 383 km gas pipeline. Work tasks: necessity substantiation for major overhaul of the gas pipeline section; technologies for capital repairs of the mainstream gas pipeline development; Calculate the pipes wall thickness, check the pipeline strength, check the pipeline for plastic deformation

    Quantification of intramuscular fat in patients with late-onset Pompe disease by conventional magnetic resonance imaging for the long-term follow-up of enzyme replacement therapy

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate a quantitative method based on conventional T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to assess fatty muscular degeneration in patients with late-onset Pompe disease and to compare it with semi-quantitative visual evaluation (the Mercuri score). In addition, a long-term retrospective data analysis was performed to evaluate treatment response to enzyme replacement therapy with alglucosidase alfa. METHODS: MR images of the lumbar spine were acquired in 41 patients diagnosed with late-onset Pompe disease from 2006 through 2015. Two independent readers retrospectively evaluated fatty degeneration of the psoas and paraspinal muscles by applying the Mercuri score. Quantitative semi-automated muscle and fat tissue separation was performed, and inter-observer agreement and correlations with clinical parameters were assessed. Follow-up examinations were performed in 13 patients treated with alglucosidase alfa after a median of 39 months; in 7/13 patients, an additional follow-up examination was completed after a median of 63 months. RESULTS: Inter-observer agreement was high. Measurements derived from the quantitative method correlated well with Medical Research Council scores of muscle strength, with moderate correlations found for the 6-minute walk test, the 4-step stair climb test, and spirometry in the supine position. A significant increase in the MR-derived fat fraction of the psoas muscle was found between baseline and follow-up 1 (P = 0.016), as was a significant decrease in the performance on the 6-minute walk test (P = 0.006) and 4-step stair climb test (P = 0.034), as well as plasma creatine kinase (P = 0.016). No statistically significant difference in clinical or MR-derived parameters was found between follow-up 1 and follow-up 2. CONCLUSIONS: Quantification of fatty muscle degeneration using the semi-automated method can provide a more detailed overview of disease progression than semi-quantitative Mercuri scoring. MR-derived data correlated with clinical symptoms and patient exercise capacity. After an initial worsening, the fat fraction of the psoas muscle and performance on the 6-minute walk test stayed constant during long-term follow-up under enzyme replacement therapy

    Технология сборки и сварки защитной гильзы ротора центробежного насоса

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    В процессе работы проводилась разработка и усовершенствование технологического процесса сборки и сварки защитной гильзы ротора. В результате исследования и сравнения приемлемых способов сварки была заменена ручная дуговая сварка неплавящимся электродом в среде защитного газа на автоматическую сварку неплавящимся электродом в среде защитного газа, выбрано сварочное оборудование, сварочные материалы, посчитаны параметры режима сварки.In the process of work, the development and improvement of the technological process of assembling and welding the rotor protective sleeve was carried out. As a result of research and comparison of acceptable welding methods, manual arc welding with a non-consumable electrode in a protective gas environment for automatic welding with a non-consumable electrode in a shielding gas environment was selected, welding equipment, welding materials were selected, and the parameters of the welding regime were calculated. The technical and economic analysis of the manufacturing process of the protective sleeve of the centrifugal pump rotor is carried out

    Stimulation of commercial coal seam methane production aimed at improving mining technology

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    The relevance of the current research is due to the urgent need to revise the existing normative bases and procedures involved in intensive development of coal-methane deposits and commercial production of coal seam methane. The article presents the analysis of data on coal production volume and amount of methane emitted into the atmosphere in Kuzbass. There is a need to develop the exploration techniques that would allow implementing pre-mining gas drainage of coal seams and provide the companies with the guidance on coal seam methane drainage in very gassy coal mines. Commercial production of methane should become an integral part of economy and energy balance of the Russian Federation, which, in its turn, would enhance environmental protection due to reducing methane emissions, the largest source of greenhouse effect

    Технологические решения для строительства эксплуатационной наклонно-направленной скважины глубиной 2850 метров на Игольско-Таловом нефтяном месторождении (Томская область)

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    Объектом работы эффективный являются эксплуатационная работы скважина для добычи нефти. Цель работы - продуктивный разработка техники и конструкция технологии бурения буровой эксплуатационной скважины технологии глубиной 2850 метров на Игольско-Тaловом месторождении. Работа разработка выполнена по сроки геологическим материалам Игольско-Тaлового месторождения.Ob"yekt raboty effektivnyy - ekspluatatsionnaya rabota skvazhina dlya dobychi nefti. Tselevaya rabota - produktivnaya razrabotka i razrabotka tekhnologiy bureniya burovoy ekspluatatsionnoy skvazhiny tekhnologii glubinoy 2850 metrov na Igol'sko-Talovom mestorozhdenii. Rabota razrabotka po pogodnym geologicheskim materialam Igol'sko-Talovogo mestorozhdeniya