2 research outputs found

    Effects of the linear polarization of polariton condensates in their propagation in codirectional couplers

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    We report on the linear polarization of polariton condensates in a codirectional coupler that allows evanescent coupling between adjacent waveguides. During the condensate's formation, polaritons usually acquire a randomly oriented polarization, however, our results reveal a preferential orientation of the linear polarization along the waveguide propagation path. Furthermore, we observe polarization-dependent intensity oscillations in the output terminal of the coupler, and we identify the mode beating between the linear-polarized eigenmodes as the origin of these oscillations. Our findings provide an insight into the control of the polarization of polariton condensates, paving the way for the development of spin-based polaritonic architectures where condensates propagate over macroscopic distancesThis work has been partly supported by the Spanish MINECO Grant Nos. MAT2017-83722-R and PID2020-113445GB-I00. A.Y. and I.A.S. were financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation through Megagrant Number 14.Y26.31.0015 and Goszadanie No. 2019-1246. I.A.S. acknowledges also the support from theIcelandic research fund, Grant No. 163082-051. The Würzburgand Jena group acknowledges financial support within the DFGProject Nos. PE 523/18-1 and KL3124/2-1. The Würzburggroup acknowledges financial support by the German ResearchFoundation (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy−EXC2147 “ct.qmat” (Project No. 390858490) and is grateful forsupport by the state of Bavari

    Giant optical polarisation rotations induced by a single quantum dot spin

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    This dataset contains the measured data, and their corresponding simulated values (fits), used in the analysis of our experimental results. Normalized intensities and corresponding Stokes components are included for all six polarisations (H, V, D, A, R, L), as a function of the detuning between the incoming laser and the QD transition