93 research outputs found

    Hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes and related materials

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    Adsorption of hydrogen at 300 K has been investigated on well-characterized samples of carbon nanotubes, besides carbon fibres by taking care to avoid many of the pitfalls generally encountered in such measurements. The nanotube samples include single- and multi-walled nanotubes prepared by different methods, as well as aligned bundles of multi-walled nanotubes. The effect of acid treatment of the nanotubes has been examined. A maximum adsorption of ca. 3.7 wt% is found with aligned multi-walled nanotubes. Electrochemical hydrogen storage measurements have also been carried out on the nanotube samples and the results are similar to those found by gas adsorption measurements

    Hydrogel route to nanotubes of metal oxides and sulfates

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    A tripodal cholamide-based hydrogel has been employed as a template to synthesize inorganic nanotubes. Besides nanotubes of oxides such as SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2, WO3 and ZnO, nanotubes of sulfates such as the water-soluble ZnSO4 as well as of BaSO4 have been obtained using this method. An advantage of the use of the hydrogel is that metal alkoxides are not required for the synthesis of the oxide nanotubes. The nanotubes have been characterized by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy

    Electrical properties of inorganic nanowire-polymer composites

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    Composites of nanowires of ZnO, RuO2 and Ag with polyaniline (PANI) as well as polypyrrole (PPy) have been prepared, for the first time, by an in-situ process, in order to investigate their electrical properties. Characterization by electron microscopy and IR spectroscopy indicates that there is considerable interaction between the oxide nanowires and the polymer. The room-temperature resistivity of the composites prepared in-situ varies in the 0.01-400 Ω cm range depending on the composition. While the resistivities of the PANI-ZnONW and PPy-ZnONW composites prepared by the in-situ process are generally higher than that of PANI/PPy, those of PANI-RuO2NW and PANI-AgNW are lower. Composites of ZnONW with polyaniline prepared by an ex-situ process exhibit a resistivity close to that of polyaniline

    Shear stress rosettes capture the complex flow physics in diseased arteries

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    Wall shear stress (WSS) is an important parameter in arterial mechanobiology. Various flow metrics, such as time averaged WSS (TAWSS), oscillatory shear index (OSI), and transWSS, have been used to characterize and relate possible WSS variations in arterial diseases like aneurysms and atherosclerosis. We use a graphical representation of WSS using shear rosettes to map temporal changes in the flow dynamics during a cardiac cycle at any spatial location on the vessel surface. The presence of secondary flows and flow reversals can be interpreted directly from the shape of the shear rosette. The mean WSS is given by the rosette centroid, the OSI by the splay around the rosette origin, and the transWSS by its width. We define a new metric, anisotropy ratio (AR), as the ratio of the length to width of the shear rosette to capture flow bi-directionality. We characterized the flow physics in controls and patient specific geometries of the ascending aorta (AA) and internal carotid artery (ICA) which have fundamentally different flow dynamics due to differences in the Reynolds and Womersley numbers. The differences in the flow dynamics are well reflected in the shapes of the WSS rosettes and the corresponding flow metrics

    Analytical and numerical analyses of the micromechanics of soft fibrous connective tissues

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    State of the art research and treatment of biological tissues require accurate and efficient methods for describing their mechanical properties. Indeed, micromechanics motivated approaches provide a systematic method for elevating relevant data from the microscopic level to the macroscopic one. In this work the mechanical responses of hyperelastic tissues with one and two families of collagen fibers are analyzed by application of a new variational estimate accounting for their histology and the behaviors of their constituents. The resulting, close form expressions, are used to determine the overall response of the wall of a healthy human coronary artery. To demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method these predictions are compared with corresponding 3-D finite element simulations of a periodic unit cell of the tissue with two families of fibers. Throughout, the analytical predictions for the highly nonlinear and anisotropic tissue are in agreement with the numerical simulations

    The unexplained success of stentplasty vasospasm treatment

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    Background Cerebral vasospasm (CVS) following subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs in up to 70% of patients. Recently, stents have been used to successfully treat CVS. This implies that the force required to expand spastic vessels and resolve vasospasm is lower than previously thought. Objective We develop a mechanistic model of the spastic arterial wall to provide insight into CVS and predict the forces required to treat it. Material and Methods The arterial wall is modelled as a cylindrical membrane using a constrained mixture theory that accounts for the mechanical roles of elastin, collagen and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). We model the pressure diameter curve prior to CVS and predict how it changes following CVS. We propose a stretch-based damage criterion for VSMC and evaluate if several commercially available stents are able to resolve vasospasm. Results The model predicts that dilatation of VSMCs beyond a threshold of mechanical failure is sufficient to resolve CVS without damage to the underlying extracellular matrix. Consistent with recent clinical observations, our model predicts that existing stents have the potential to provide sufficient outward force to successfully treat CVS and that success will be dependent on an appropriate match between stent and vessel. Conclusion Mathematical models of CVS can provide insights into biological mechanisms and explore treatment approaches. Improved understanding of the underlying mechanistic processes governing CVS and its mechanical treatment may assist in the development of dedicated stents

    Role of Crosslinking and Entanglements in the Mechanics of Silicone Networks

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    The goal of this study is to investigate the applicability of different constitutive models for silicone networks using comprehensive multiaxial experimental tests, including non-equibiaxial mechanical tests which introduce differential constraints on the networks in the two orthogonal directions, on samples prepared using various crosslinking densities. Uniaxial stress-strain experiments show that a decrease in crosslinker amounts used in the preparation of silicone networks lead to more compliant material response as compared to that obtained using higher amounts of crosslinker. Biaxial data were used to obtain fits to the neo- Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin, Arruda-Boyce and the Edward-Vilgis slip-link constitutive models. Our results show that the slip-link model, based on separation of the individual contributions of chemical crosslinks and physical entanglements, is better at describing the stress-strain response of highly crosslinked networks at low stretches as compared to other constitutive models. Modulus obtained using the slip-link model for highly crosslinked networks agrees with experimentally determined values obtained using uniaxial tension experiments. In contrast, moduli obtained using coefficients to the other constitutive models underpredict experimentally determined moduli by over 40 %. However, the slip-link model did not predict the experimentally observed stiffening response at higher stretches which was better captured using the Arruda-Boyce model

    A thermodynamic criterion for selection of gas compositions for diamond deposition

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    Isoactivity lines for carbon with respect to diamond as the standard state have been calculated in the ternary system C-H-O at 1223 K to identify the diamond deposition domain. The gas composition is calculated by suppressing the formation of all condensed forms of carbon using the SOLGASMIX free-energy minimization program. Thirty six gas species were included in the calculation. From the gas composition, isoactivity lines are computed using recent data on the Gibbs energy of diamond. Except for activities less than 0.1, the isoactivity lines are almost linear on the C-H-O ternary diagram. Gas compositions which generate activity of diamond ranging from 1 to 100 at 1223 K fall inside a narrow wedge originating from the point representing CO. This wedge is very similar to the revised lens-shaped diamond growth domain identified by Bachman et al., using inputs from experiment. The small difference between the calculated and observed domains may be attributed to variation in the supersaturation required for diamond deposition with gas composition. The diamond solubility in the gas phase along the isoactivity line for a(di)=100 and P=6.7 kPa exhibits a minimum at 1280 K, which is close to the optimum temperature found experimentally. At higher supersaturations, non-diamond forms of carbon, including amorphous varieties, are expected. The results suggest that thermodynamic calculations can be useful for locating diamond growth domains in more complex CVD systems containing halogens, for which very little experimental data is available