1,050 research outputs found

    The Concept of the Luxury Branding in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Series Through Triadic Modes of Sign

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    This thesis mainly deals with the iconisation of signs and naturalisation process in order to reveal the way Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is naturalised as a luxury product. This thesis also involves analysis of the luxury branding concept through the analysis of a product which conceptualises its advertisement using the concept of luxury identifiers. The focus of the writer's analysis is the advertisements themselves as the writer will use the triadic modes of signs, naturalisation process, and the concept of luxury identifiers which also involves process of signification, and metaphor in its analysis. Those theories will help the writer in analysing the meaning of the advertisement first, and then figure out the aim of the luxury branding strategy in the product, then figure out how the expressions are used in the luxury concept of advertisement. The writer analyses the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which was published in 2015. From the analysis, the writer found out that the luxury branding strategy of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge utilises naturalisation process to naturalise the luxury identity of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which is a masstige product. Using that as a basis, the expressions in the advertisement focus on selling the idea that Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a luxury product which is an innovative idea designed for professionals and to display superiority within the social group. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge aims to provide the user with a display of social superiority within the social group through the consumption of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. In that regards, the user will be seen as a person who is wealthy, stand out in terms of taste, and a professional who is fully aware of the technology

    Analisa Tingkat Kesehatan Keuangan pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur

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    Adanya bank yang dilikuidasi atau dalam kondisi bank yang tidak diperbolehkan beroperasi oleh pemerintah dikarenakan kondisi dan keadaan bank menurut penilaian BI telah membahayakan bagi kepentingan masyarakat dan perekonomian nasional khususnya pada sektor perbankan nasional. Bank yang telah tidak beroperasi atau bahkan dicabut izin USAhanya adalah bank yang dinyatakan tidak sehat, sedangkan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Kalimantan Timur Kantor Pusat Samarinda perlu menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian oleh pengelola dan pemecahan masalah segera mungkin sehingga tidak menghambat pada kegiatan lainnya. Perlunya melakukan kajian atas tingkat kesehatan bank yang dilakukan setiap saat agar kekurangan yang didapat segera diatasi serta menentukan arah untuk kemajuan bank. Untuk menilai kesehatab Bank maka penelitian ini menggunakan Analisa CAMEL yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan.Hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis pertama diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Capital Adquecy Sehat dengan nilai CAR >8%. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis kedua diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Asset Quality Sehat dengan nilai KAP antara 0-10,35%. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis ketiga diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Management Sehat dengan nilai NPM antara 33 – 40.Hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis keempat diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Earning's Sehat dan nilai ROA > 1,215%.dan nilai BOPO < 93,52%. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis kelima diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Liquidity Sehat dengan nilai LDR < 94,75

    Model Prediksi Kegagalan Bank Pasca Merger Berdasarkan Nilai Rasio Keuangan

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    By merging banks with one another, the government hopes to improve the general condition or quality of banks. However, after these mergers there are twenty banks that have been liquidated, and only nineteen remain operation. The aim of this paper is to construct a model in order to predict the failure of merged banks in Indonesia, based on financial ratios. The object of research consists of the financial ratios of either liquidated or successful ones. The data are collected from a published financial reports of those banks which have been audited and processed as financial ratios. These financial ratios are analysed by way of logistic regression. The research hypothesis proposed is that financial ratios can be turned into prediction models to establish the degree to which mergers have failed in Indonesia. The results show that the financial standard of performance of failed banks is indeed inferior to that of successful ones The results from the statistical test also indicate that the combination of RR and ROA financial ratios are the most significant ones to pass the compatibility or ”proper and fitness” test to predict the extent of failure of mergers between banks in Indonesia. The outcome of research may be exploited by society at large, observers of the banking world, and Bank Indonesia by way of an early warning system concerning the failure of mergers between banks in Indonesia. Keywords: Financial ratios, banking performance analysis, merge

    Bauran Pemasaran dan Kualitas Pelayanan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Texas Chicken Manado

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    Usaha restoran dewasa ini menunjukkan perkembangan yang relatif pesat, terbukti semakin banyaknya restoran asing yang siap saji merambah Manado. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa intensitas persaingan dalam bisnis restoran semakin kuat. Kecenderungan penduduk kota Manado bahwa makan di restoran fast food masih dinilai memiliki nilai sosial atau gengsi tersendiri, yang mampu mengangkat kesan akan statusnya. Peluang semacam ini dimanfaatkan oleh restoran untuk menyediakan model pelayanan jasa yang benar-benar dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat sekitarnya. Variasi produk dan sistem pelayanan restoran fast food pada Kenyataannya relatif dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian sehingga dapat tercipta kepuasan pelanggan yang maksimal. Restoran fast food Texas Chicken merupakan restoran asing yang masuk ke Indonesia dalam bentuk kemitraan bisnis dengan pola franchise. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh baik secara simultan dan parsial dari variabel bauran pemasarandan kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Desain penelitian menggunakan survei, dan metode penelitian adalah metode asosiatif. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan skala Likert, dan teknik analisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda, mengingat model tersusun atas sejumlah hubungan kausal antar variabel laten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran, dan kualitas pelayanan secara simultan dan parsial memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan Texas Chicken Sudirman Manado. Kata kunci: bauran pemasaran, kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan pelanggan


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    The importance of the teachers as role models for students is related to their personality to build the character of students. Character education can be carried out through existing programs in schools, such as integrating it in learning and implementing it through extracurricular activities. In addition, the curriculum influences all educational activities; without a curriculum, the learning process will not work well. In this case, the role of the teachers is not only to educate students following the curriculum demands but also to provide an example to students by becoming individual role models. Teachers who become role models will be able to show attitudes and behaviour following values and norms in daily life so that students can see and imitate them. Teacher as a role model will support the character education program and help students to have good characte

    Decision Support System Tool Untuk Penyelesaian Permasalahan Linear Berbasis Simplex Dan Revised Simplex

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    Pada permasalahan optimasi sumber daya, baik itu minimalisasi biaya ataupun maksimalisasi keuntungan,yang bersifat linear, dapat dibuat sebuah tool yang berguna untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahantersebut sehingga didapat hasil kombinasi sumber daya yang optimal. Sistem ini dirancang untuk dapatmenangani berbagai bidang permasalahan linier karena sifatnya yang terbuka. DSS tool ini akan menggunakanmetode penyelesaian simplex atau revised simplex dalam membantu penyelesaian permasalahannya. Namunsebelum menerapkan permasalahan linear yang dihadapi pada tool yang telah dibuat, terlebih dahulu perluuntuk melakukan pembentukan model matematika dari permasalahan tersebut. Dengan memanfaatkan DSS toolini, maka semua permasalahan linear akan dapat diselesaikan dengan tepat dan cepat

    The Role of Dukun Suwuk and Dukun Prewangan in Curing Diseases in Kediri Community

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    Finding a cure when people get sick is an important thing. One of the efforts done by Kediri people in finding for a cure is to come to a Dukun (Shaman/traditional healer) Suwuk and Dukun Prewangan. The purposes of this research are to know the profiles and methods of Dukun Suwuk and Dukun Prewangan, and their role in curing diseases. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The results of this research show that (1) the process of healing and problem solution performed by Dukun Suwuk uses prayer as a key source of power. And Dukun Prewangan uses the help of supernatural beings who become their working partners to cure or resolve the problem, (2) Dukun Suwuk and Dukun Prewangan has an important role in society because of their presence is needed and respected. In addition, Dukun Suwuk and Dukun Prewangan who have been offering the services had experienced a lot of things as a living experience, (3) healing process performed by Dukun Suwuk and Dukun Prewangan is one solution for patients to be free from the ambiguous conditions of liminal stage. Choosing to go to a traditional healer healing is a rational choice for each patient

    The Effect of High Environment Temperature on Physiological Condition and Productivity of Native Chicken

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    The optimal productivity of native chicken could be reached if reared on thermoneutral zone, a comfortable environment temperature. The comfortable environment temperature for the native chicken is still unknown, but it is predicted on around 18 to 25 °C. The native chicken placed on high temperature (25-31 °C) shows low productivity, including lower product and the weight of eggs, and also low growth rate. The decrease of egg number could reach 25% compared with those placed on comfortable environment temperature. The weight of 8 week-age ofnative chicken are also different i.e 257 g on high temperature, while on comfortable temperature could reach 427 g. This productivity decreased is mainly caused by the decreased of feed consumption, and also by the change of physiological condition of the chicken. The efforts to increase the native chicken production on high environment temperature are through selecting and crossing, manipulating environmental temperature, improving rearing management, and manipulating feedstuff and feed management. Manipulating feedstuff is the cheapest method, easy to do for increasing the amount of nutrient consumption. The method is by adding vitamine C, phosphor or giving sodium bycarbonate in the rations. The amount of vitamine C addition is 200-600 mg/kg ration on chicken producing eggs and 100-200 mg/kg ration to improve the chicken growth. Key words: High environment temperature, physiology, productivity, native chicke
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