1,245 research outputs found

    The Speech Styles of a Pastor in a Public Anda Youth Service

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    This researched focused on the observation about the speech styles used by a Pastor in delivering the sermon in a Public Service and a Youth Service. In order to know the characteristics of speech styles used by the Pastor, this writer chooses the main theory of formal and informal Bahasa Indonesia as proposed by Tampubolon (1978) which are supported by the theory of lexical and grammatical characteristics for standard Bahasa Indonesia by Kridalaksana (1989). As results, this research shows that the Pastor mostly used informal style in both services because she wanted to more get closer with the Public and Youth Service congregation. However, the Pastor tended to use more formal style to the Public Service congregation than to the Youth Service congregation because she knew exactly that the Youth Service was supposed to be given more attention and clearer explanation about the message given

    The Refusal Strategies Used by the Old and Young Foremen in a Bakery in Surabaya

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    This study is mainly about the refusal strategies used by an old foreman and a young foreman in refusing request permission made by the workers. Specifically, it focuses on the comparison between how the old foreman and the young foreman employed the refusal strategies in refusing request. The findings show that both the old foreman and the young foreman mostly employed indirect strateg

    Code Choice Used by the Employees in the Communication with the Superior and the Co-worker

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    This study is about the choice of codes used by the employees in communicating with their superior and their co-worker. The thing that has caught the writer's attention and curiosity to write on this particular topic is the language that is used by the employees in a work place like switching when they talk to the superior and the co-worker. The aims of this study were to describe and to analyze the codes which were used by the employees, to find out the dominant code they chose, and to explain what factors affected their choice of code. Through the analysis, the writer found that the employees chose to use standard or casual Indonesian codes in communicating with their superior. Whereas they used Javanese codes in communicating among themselves

    The Communicative Criteria Found in 10th Year of Public Senior High School English Coursebooks

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    This thesis is a materials evaluation using communicative criteria. This topic is chosen considering that coursebooks are important teaching tools and communication ability is now a standard in pedagogical field. It aims to find the communicative criteria applied in the coursebooks. The writer attempts to find the criteria application and finds that the materials in the coursebooks apply to some extent the communicative criteria concerning the language knowledge, interaction, and language practice and use. The materials in the coursebooks are analyzed with constructed communicative criteria from Communicative Language Teaching principles by Larsen-Freeman and Anderson (2011). This study method is qualitative. The data are taken from English coursebooks for 10th Year of Public Senior High Schools in Indonesia. In conclusion, the coursebooks are fairly communicative because most materials apply one or more communicative criteria, except for materials in Vocabulary and Pronunciation sections. Further studies can be conducted on the materials suitability with students\u27 needs, the language skills and components and communicative competence taught

    Penerapan Konsep Bawah Laut Pada Interior Selam Rekreasi Di Surabaya

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    Interior Design of Recreational Scuba Training in Surabaya is a means that aims to meet the needs of the knowledge and training of divers. The background design is Surabaya city does not yet have a dedicated facility for dive training. The scope of this design as an area galleries, stores, cafes, travel, cinema, classroom training, office and support training area. The concept of "GROWTH" is used in the design, which is inspired by coral reefs which always grow to be larger. Theme design atmosphere: "UNDER THE SEA" is transformed into a training facility with interior design elements and character as are in the sea

    Meneropong Makna Penderitaan Manusia Menurut Konsep Teodise C.S. Lewis

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    Ketika berhadapan dengan fenomena penderitaan manusia, kecenderungan yang dilakukan oleh kaum injili adalah meneropong penderitaan manusia tersebut berdasarkan kacamata kedaulatan dan providensia Allah yang tidak terelakkan atas diri manusia. Sikap pasrah berkaitan dengan kedaulatan Allah yang mutlak tersebut, tanpa disadari sebenarnya telah memunculkan konsep “fatalisme praktis.” Akibatnya, relasi erat antara hukum alam dan tanggung jawab manusia pada akhirnya menjadi hal yang terabaikan. Studi tentang konsep teodise C.S. Lewis ini diharapkan mampu memberikan paradigma baru bagi kaum injili di Indonesia dalam memandang masalah penderitaan manusia. Paradigma baru tersebut adalah cara pandang yang aktif dan positif terhadap peran hukum-hukum alam sebagai wahyu umum di Balik fenomena penderitaan tersebut. Konteks natural kehidupan manusia dengan hukum-hukum alam yang tetap dan beraturan diharapkan dapat menjadi “kunci” untuk membuka “pintu rahasia” fenomena penderitaan manusia.  Kata-kata kunci: Clive S. Lewis, Teodise, Masalah Penderitaan, Hukum Alam, Wahyu Umum English : When faced with the phenomena of human suffering the default of the evangelical community is to examine human suffering through the lens of God\u27s sovereignty and providence which are inevitable forces faced by human beings. An attitude of fate, which arises as a direct response to God\u27s absolute sovereignty, actually leads to a concept of practical fatalism. The close relationship between natural law and human responsibility is ultimately neglected. It is hoped that a study of C. S. Lewis\u27 concept of theodicy can provide a new paradigm for the Indonesian evangelical community as it pertains to the problem of human suffering. This new paradigm proffers an active and positive estimation of the role of natural law as general revelation underlying the phenomena of suffering by positing the idea about the natural context of human life and the idea of fixed and uniform natural laws as a key to understanding the phenomena of human suffering. Keywords: Clive S. Lewis, Theodicy, The Problem of Suffering, Natural Law, Common Revelatio

    Fenomena Migrasi Tenaga Kerja Pertanian Dandampaknya terhadap Pemberdayaan Petani di Propinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Migration is one of the factors that influence population growth in a region. Migration reflects the inequality factor of economic growth is heavily influenced by factors of family economic conditions and limited natural resources. The purposes of this study are : 1). Analyzing the phenomenon of migration of agricultural labor in Central Java province, and 2). Knowing the impact of migration on the empowerment of farmers in Central Java province. The study was conducted in four districts in Central Java: Cilacap, Klaten, Sragen and Pati in 2016. The study used primary data by surveying 160 respondent as a farmers. The results of the study obtained information that in 2016 the total labor force (AK) is working and the number of AK that migration has increased compared to the data in 2010. The number of AK migration most in Klaten district as much as 19.6%. This kind of migration is mostly done by AK in Central Java is the migration of commutation of 54.12%, 26.09% permanent migration and migration of circulating 17.39%. The high rate of migration is an indication of the need for empowerment of farmers in the countryside. The mobility of labor from agriculture to non-agriculture sector followed by high urbanization demonstrated by the high growth of the urban population. There are two factors that cause migration, namely the driving factors and pull factors. The economic factor is a dominant factor causes of migration. To reduce the rate of migration should be pursued community empowerment programs directly related to farming in the countryside, so as to create new jobs

    Nikah Siri Dan Akibat Hukumnya Menurut UU Perkawinan

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    Pernikahan siri, yang secara agama dianggap sah, pada Kenyataannya justru memunculkan banyak sekali permasalahan yang berimbas pada kerugian di pihak perempuan . nikah siri sering diambil sebagai jalan pintas pasangan untuk bisa melegalkan hubungan nya, meski tindakan tersebut pada dasarnya adalah pelanggaran UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan. Tulisan ini berusaha mengungkap faktor-faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi seseorang melakukan pernikahan siri, disamping problem-problem dan dampak yang berimbas pada perempuan. Pada dasarnya pernikahan siri dilakukan karena ada hal-hal yang dirasa tidak memungkinkan bagi pasangan untuk menikah secara formal. Ada banyak faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya pernikahan siri, yang menurut penulis, semua alasan tersebut mengarah kepada pernkahan siri dipandang sebagai jalan pintas yang lebih mudah untuk menghalalkan hubungan suami isteri. Problem yang menyertai pernikahan siri yang paling nyata adalah problem hukum khususnya bagi perempuan, tapi juga problem intern dalam keluarga, problem sosial dan psikologis yang menyangkut opini publik yang menimbulkan tekanan batin bagi perilaku, problem agama yang perlu mempertanyakan lagi keabsahan nikah siri yang akhir-akhir marak terjadi di Indonesia. Dampak pernikahan siri bagi perempuan adalah secara hukum, istri tidak dianggap sebagai isteri sah, tidak berhak mendapat wariasan jika suami meninggal, tidak berhak mendapat harga gono-gini bila terjadi perpisahan. Dampak tersebut juga belaku bagi anak kandung hasil pernikahan siri