8 research outputs found

    Linking Zoopharmacognocy with Ethnomedication, an Evidence Base From Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan Indonesia

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    The ability of animal to perform self-medication has been studied decades, as well as their relationship with medication practices by communities. Long-term observation of Orangutans\u27 behaviour (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), by communities surround Sebangau National Park, has suggested as their modes to today ethno-medication practice. The study was aimed to study the relationship of Orangutans self-medicate behavior with ethno-medication practice, in Sebangau area. The research was conducted in Punggualas, SNP, from 29 April to 03 October 2017. A number of 13 traditional healers (TH) from Karuing (n = 4), Baun Bango (n = 4), and Jahanjang (n = 5) have been interviewed. All plants are listed and photograph. Plants parts, and their mechanism of utilization were also kept for record. Meanwhile, the behavior followed the Orangutan protocol, with focus on their feeding behavior. All data were analyzed descriptively, while the relationship was analyzed using chi-square and F test. We have recorded a total 131 plants at various life forms, in Baun Bango (n = 59), Jahanjang (n = 41), and Karuing (n = 21). Plants that were found similar among three villages, removed, were only 95 left. We observed one female, showing the ability to perform self-mediaction. It is characterized by selectively choosing young leaves of Mezzetia sp., pulp of the Dyera lowii and Ilex cymosa, and lastly chew the entire leaves of Belang Handipek. It suggests a form of prevention against fatigue conditions, and the combination of these three plants species assume to be relating to fitness. This study shows that there is a relationship between the plant part used by the traditional healer and the orang- utan (x2 = 43,887; n = 115, df = 11, p-value = 0.0000), the relationship between the use of plant parts utilized by the traditional healer and orangutans (x2 = 15, 647; n = 50, df = 8, p-value = 0.0000). Furthermore, there is a relationship between the practice of traditional healer treatment using plant parts and Orang-utan (F1, 113 = 230.158; p-value = 0,000). The study urges to isolate secondary metabolites for further investigation, especially in terms of phyto-pharmacy

    The Role of Coenzymes on Mercury (Hg2+) Bioremediation by Isolates Pseudomonas Aeruginosa KHY2 and Klebsiella Pneumonia KHY3

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    Mercury pollution is dangerous to health. Previous research was found two potential Gram-negative bacteria for mercury bioremediation, from gold mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. These isolates were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa KHY2 and Klebsiella pneumonia KHY3. Mechanisms of mercury bioremediation had not known yet by these isolates. This study purposed to test the role of coenzymes on mercury bioremediation by these isolate and to determine the coenzymes best level of mercury bioremediation. Experimental design was Completely Randomized Design in a laboratory. Treatment factors were coenzymes obtained from vitamins B1, B6, B12, with 6 levels of treatments, included 1 control. All treatments were done in Luria Broth media that contain 12 ppm of mercury. Mercury was measured by AAS Shimadzu AA-6200. The results showed that coenzymes effect was very significant to improve mercury bioremediation by P. aeruginosa KHY2 and K. pneumonia KHY3. Supplementation of vitamin B12 in culture media, more enhance of mercury bioremediation compared with vitamin B1 and B6. These result above, indicated the mechanism of mercury bioremediation in both isolates, were the enzymatic process

    The Role of Coenzymes on Mercury (Hg2+) Bioremediation by Isolates Pseudomonas Aeruginosa KHY2 and Klebsiella Pneumonia KHY3

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    Mercury pollution is dangerous to health. Previous research was found two potential Gram-negative bacteria for mercury bioremediation, from gold mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. These isolates were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa KHY2 and Klebsiella pneumonia KHY3. Mechanisms of mercury bioremediation had not known yet by these isolates. This study purposed to test the role of coenzymes on mercury bioremediation by these isolate and to determine the coenzymes best level of mercury bioremediation. Experimental design was Completely Randomized Design in a laboratory. Treatment factors were coenzymes obtained from vitamins B1, B6, B12, with 6 levels of treatments, included 1 control. All treatments were done in Luria Broth media that contain 12 ppm of mercury. Mercury was measured by AAS Shimadzu AA-6200. The results showed that coenzymes effect was very significant to improve mercury bioremediation by P. aeruginosa KHY2 and K. pneumonia KHY3. Supplementation of vitamin B12 in culture media, more enhance of mercury bioremediation compared with vitamin B1 and B6. These result above, indicated the mechanism of mercury bioremediation in both isolates, were the enzymatic process

    Pengembangan LKS Blended Learning Berbasis Web pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya guru yang masih melakukan proses pembelajaran secara tekstual dengan menggunakan LKS yang masih memiliki keterbatasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan proses sains siswa menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran LKS Blended learning berbasis web materi pencemaran lingkungan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Prosedur penelitian mengadaptasi model pengembangan ADDIE. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021 di SMPN 3 Menthobi Raya Kabupaten Lamandau pada siswa kelas VII. Peningkatan keterampilan proses sains siswa siswa diukur dengan tes objektif dan dianalisis dengan N-gain. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa N-gain keterampilan proses sains siswa mencapai rata-rata 0,72 uji skala kecil dan 0,84 uji skala besar. LKS blended learning berbasis web pada materi pencemaran lingkungan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa

    Komposisi Serangga yang Terperangkap pada Kantong Atas dan Kantong Bawah Nepenthes Rafflesiana di Sungai Koran Resort, Sebangau Hulu

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    Sungai Koran Resort di Sebangau Hulu merupakan daerah hutan yang terbuka dengan tingkat kelembaban yang rendah sehingga pada daerah tersebut banyak ditemui tanaman kantong semar khususnya Nepenthes rafflesiana. Tumbuhan/tanaman kantong semar merupakan salah satu tanaman yang digolongkan dalam tanaman karnivora sehingga serangga dapat terperangkap di dalam kantong semar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui famili serangga yang terperangkap pada kantong atas dan kantong bawah Nepenthes rafflesiana di Sungai Koran Sebangau Hulu. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan survei secara deskriptif eksploratif. Hasil dari penelitian ini, komposisi serangga pada kantong atas lebih banyak menangkap serangga daripada kantong bawah. Kantong atas terdapat sembilan individu serangga dan kantong bawah terdapat empat individu serangga. Kantong atas lebih banyak menangkap serangga terbang (bersayap), kantong bawah lebih banyak menangkap serangga tanah (semut). Famili serangga pada kantong atas lebih banyak daripada kantong bawah. Kantong atas terdiri dari enam famili yaitu, Formicidae, Cynipidae, Tephritidae, Myrmeleontidae, Arcrididae dan Culicidae. Kantong bawah terdapat dua famili yaitu, Formicidae dan Myrmeleontidae