779 research outputs found

    Swearwords Used by Gangsters in the “Alpha Dog” Movie

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    Many people assume that swearwords is a rude word and should be avoided. Those words are used to insult, to curse, to offend or to mock at something when the speaker has strong emotion (Hughes, 1991,05). To swear at someone or something is to insult and deprecate the object of abuse, as well as to use other kinds of dysphemism (Allan & Burridge, 2006,76). Apparently some experts and scholars have been able to prove that swearwords also has a purpose and a meaning beside the one as commonly held. Therefore, the writer took the "Alpha Dog" movie as an example of the analyzed cases. Examples have been found by the writer including the categories of epithets derived from tabooed bodily organs, epithets derived from bodily effluvia, epithets derived from sexual behaviours, dysphemistic epithets that pick on real physical characteristics that are treated as though they are abnormalities, imprecations and epithets invoking mental subnormality or derangement. Finally, the writer also managed to find a purpose or a reason for the people to use swearwords in real life

    A Marketing Booklet for Brotherwood Decoration: a Way to Promote This New Company and Its Products to Its Prospective Customers

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    Brotherwood Decoration is a new decoration company based in Surabaya which uses recycled wood as the main material. This Company was just recently established in June 2014. As a new decoration company, there are only a few people who know about this company. Moreover, there are also some decoration companies which are bigger and more experienced than Brotherwood Decoration. Unlike its predecessors, Brotherwood Decoration, as a new company, is less known. Because of that, it does not have as many customers as its predecessors. Therefore, it is better for Brotherwood Decoration to start showing its strengths to more people. To accomplish the goal, a marketing booklet is the best solution to solve the problem in Brotherwood Decoration. There are four parts in this marketing booklet: table of contents, company overview (“About Brotherwood Decoration”), products (“Products”), and company contact information (“Contact Us”). By having these information, the marketing booklet will be able to help Brotherwood Decoration in introducing its hotel, getting more customers, increasing its revenues, and becoming a big decoration compan

    Pengaruh Kapital dan Human Capital terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto di Indonesia Tahun 1970-2005

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    The article was aimed to analyze the influence of capital and human capital to the gross domestic product (GDP) in Indonesia during 1970-2005. The result, using Engle-Granger's Error Correction Model, shows that in the short term there is only one variable that have influence to GDP, that is, capital. In the long term estimation, both variables that are capital and human capital have influence to GDP

    Identifikasi Pengembangan Wilayah Kabupaten-kabupaten Anggota Lembaga Regional Barlingmascakeb

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    This study aims, first, identify the economic position of each district in terms of economic growth and Barlingmascakeb per capita income level. Second, identify the dominant different districts of the economic structure Barlingmascakeb. Third, Identify differences in the economic structure of the district members Barlingmascakeb. This study used the period 1995-2002, secondary data consisting of regional gross domestic product (GDP), including oil and gas on the basis of constant prices of 1993, Fourthly, identify the districts that have the most advantageous position in terms of levels of accessibility. This study uses secondary data for the period 1995-2002, which consists of gross regional domestic product (GRDP), including oil and gas based on constant prices of 1993, total population, distance inter district/city, number of tourists housed in hotels, the amount of bus company and the number of vehicles, number of hotel. This research uses Klassen typology analysis, growth models (MRP) analysis, the location quotient analysis (LQ), Divergence Index Krugman analysis, and connectivity analysis quotient data (CQ). The results of the study, Cilacap is included in the classification of fast forward and fast-growing. Purbalingga included in the classification of areas of rapid growth. District Banjarnegara, Banyumas and Kebumen district included in the classification of relatively left behind areas

    Analisis Struktur Ekonomi Empat Kabupaten Wilayah Barlingmascakeb

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    This research was aimed to observe exist or not the difference of economics structure the regencies of BARLINGMASCAKEB members. This research use secondary data with observation period 1995-2002. Data used in this research include gross regional domestic product (PDRB) with oil and gas based on the constant price in 1993. The analysis instrument used in this research is Krugman's regional divergence index analysis. Based on the Krugman's regional divergence index analysis can be known that there is a huge difference on the economic structure between the Cilacap Regency with the regencies of another BARLINGMASCAKEB members. The Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas and Kebumen Regency has relative equal economic structure

    Convergence of Gdrp Per Capita and Economic Growth Among Indonesian Provinces, 1988-2008

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    In this paper, we analyze the condition among province in Indonesia especially about the convergence or divergence in gross domestic regional product. This research usedsecondary data for the 1988-2008 periods. We divide the periods as four episodes, based on the presidential terms. They are 1988-1999, 1999-2001, 2001-2004, and 2004-2008.Entrophy Theil index, coefficients of variation, Kuznets' hypothesis test, absolute convergence, and conditional convergence were used in this research. This research foundthat the convergence in gross domestic regional product happened in every period of the presidential leadership in Indonesia. We also found that regional economic growth inIndonesia is determined by gross domestic regional product per capita, oil and gas resources, general allocation funds and revenue sharing funds

    Antara Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan

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    This paper describes the linkage between economic development and environmental degradation, while economics growth being the center of national economic development indicators. The degradation of natural resources is not the unique attribute of advanced Western industrial economic. But, it happens on Eastern economics bloc and the low growth economics countries also. The searching of win-win solution is tried by economic agents – government, entrepreneur, and societies, to create the balancing decision that stimulate all advantages on development policy application

    Alat Ukur Tinggi Badan Manusia Portabel

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    Pada saat ini perkembangan teknologi semakin pesat sehingga memberikan banyak kemudahan bagi semua orang untuk melakukan aktivitas di berbagai bidang. Dalam bidang kesehatan banyak orang menggunakan peralatan ukur untuk mengetahui kondisi badan mereka setiap saat terutama dalam mengukur tinggi badan. Saat ini untuk mengukur tinggi badan biasanya dilakukan dengan bantuan orang dengan alat ukur panjang biasa. Dengan demikian pengukuran yang dilakukan akan sedikit terganggu karena perlu bantuan orang lain (kurang efisien). Maka dalam penelitan ini dirancang sebuah alat ukur tinggi badan manusia portabel yang mempermudah pengukuran tinggi badan seseorang secara digital sehingga info tentang tinggi badan dapat langsung dilihat di LCD dan didengar melalui speaker. Alat pengukur tinggi badan ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik sebagai media untuk memperoleh data pengukuran. Pada alat pengukur tinggi badan ini diperlukan speaker untuk menunjukkan error dan hasil pengukuran tinggi. Hasil pengukurannya akan ditampilkan pada LCD dan terdengar melalui speaker. Semua proses diatur melalui Mikrokontroler AT89S5
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