883 research outputs found

    Optimization of Reaction Conditions in the Production of Gadolinium Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetate-Folate

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    A previous study has performed the laboratory-scale synthesis and characterization of Gadolinium Diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-Folate. Some parameters associated with the synthesis have been defined. In current study was focused on establishment the parameters for scaling up the production of Gadolinium Diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-Folate as a targeted MRI contrast agent. For the purpose of subsequent scaling up the synthesis, the parameters particularly those determining the yield of the reaction product should be established. This report presents the use of The Placket Burman Design and the Response Surface Methodology in establishing the parameters. Thus, following the Placket Burman Design, a number of synthesis reactions were carried out, each with different reaction conditions, with respect to parameters to include: mole ratio of reactants (i.e mole of Gd3+ to DTPA-Folate), time of reaction, temperature, stirring rate, pH and solvent volume. Using this method, a conclusion could be drawn that the three factors were found to be significant. To get final conclusions on the optimal synthesis reaction conditions, the Response Surface Methodology was then applied. For this purpose, again, some synthesis reactions experiments were performed. These were done, in accordance to the Response Surface Methodology, verified by analysis of countour plots, helped to locate the optimal value of the factors. The resulted data showed that for optimal yield of the synthesis reaction there were three dominant parameters. They were mole ratio of reactants, stirring rate process, and the volume of water

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Gesit Nusa Tangguh

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    Compensation and employee discipline is important to note that the company continues to increaseemployee performance in achieving the company's goals. In this case you need to know whether therewas an effect of compensation and disciplined work on employee performance. For data analysis wasconducted using a sample of 50 respondents, which were collected by distributing questionnaires.Once the data is valid and reliable, prepared by the method of multiple linear regression analysis,using SPSS. From the analysis found that the Compensation (X1) positive effect on employeeperformance and the Discipline of Work (X2) has positive influence on employee performance (Y)

    Pengembangan Model Laboratorium Virtual Berorientasi pada Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Bagi Calon Guru Fisika

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sebuah model laboratorium virtual yang berorientasi pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah bagi calon guru fisika. Penelitian ini direncanakan dilaksanakan selama tiga tahun. Pada tahun pertama ini, penelitian difokuskan pada studi pendahuluan, pengembangan dan validasi model laboratorium virtual hingga ujicoba terbatas yang melibatkan mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan model ini diperlukan untuk mendukung pembelajaran fisika, khususnya yang terkait dengan kegiatan eksperimen di laboratorium. Laboratorium virtual tidak dikembangkan untuk menggantikan eksperimen riil di laboratorium, melainkan untuk mendukung atau melengkapinya. Laboratorium virtual yang dikembangkan selanjutnya dikelompokkan dalam beberapa tema fisika seperti mekanika, gelombang, optika, termodinamika, listrik dan magnet. Selanjutnya, model yang dikembangkan divalidasi untuk mendapatkan masukan dari pakar terkait teknologi yang digunakan, desain maupun konten fisika dalam model yang dikembangkan. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa model ini layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika dan dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Dalam ujicoba terbatas yang telah dilaksanakan, terdapat beberapa fitur, pilihan gambar, dan beberapa simulasi yang perlu disempurnakan untuk menghindari kesalahan interpretasi calon guru terhadap konsep fisika yang direncanakan. Mahasiswa calon guru yang terlibat dalam ujicoba lebih termotivasi untuk terus belajar dan melakukan pembuktian-pembuktian terkait konsep yang sudah dipelajari. Model ini selanjutnya akan diujicoba pada skala lebih luas untuk mengukur pengaruhnya terhadap penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah bagi calon guru fisika

    Enhancing Brand Loyalty by Increasing Experiential Value Through Customer Satisfaction in Boka Buka Restaurant Pondok Indah Mall

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    This research was conducted at Boka Buka Restaurant. Boka Buka Restaurant is a casual French dining restaurant in Pondok Indah Mall. The objectives of the research are to examine if the experiential value contributes to customer satisfaction in Boka Buka Restaurant and t examine if the experiential value and customer satisfaction contributes partially and simultaneously to brand loyalty in Boka Buka Restaurant. The methods of the research are Pearson Correlation and Path Analysis. The data is obtained from the questionnaires which are distributed to the customers at Boka Buka Restaurant to measure the level of the Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Brand Loyalty, using a Likert scale. From the analysis of the data, it obtains structural equation Y = 0.812X + 0.5839ε1 where Experiential Value contributes significantly to Customer Satisfaction of 65.9% and Z = 0.255X + 0.582Y + 0.5958ε2 where Experiential Value and Customer Satisfaction simultaneously contribute significantly to the Brand Loyalty of 64.5%

    Effect of Temperature and Mole Ratio on the Synthesis Yield of Rhenium-Tetrofosmin

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    Technetium-99m (99mTc) tetrofosmin is widely used in nuclear medicine as a diagnostic agent for myocardial perfusion and as a tumor imaging agent. As a parenteral preparation it requires an evaluation of its pharmacokinetics and stability in-vivo. Since 99mTc has a short half-life and is only available in very low concentrations, it is impossible to characterize its chemical properties and presence in the body. Due to this reason, only technetium-99 (T1/2 = 5 × 105 years), which is available in macro quantities, or natural rhenium can be used for this purpose. In this study rhenium-188 (188Re) tetrofosmin will be synthesized and applied, because non-radioactive Re can be easily obtained. Synthesis and radiochemical purity analysis of carrier-added 188Re-tetrofosmin were carried out as a model to study the in-vivo stability of technetium-99m tetrofosmin. Rhenium-188 was used as a tracer to identify the formation of rhenium tetrofosmin. Rhenium gluconate was synthesized first prior to the formation of rhenium tetrofosmin. The quality of labeling for both rhenium gluconate and rhenium tetrofosmin was analyzed using paper- and thin-layer chromatography, respectively. Rhenium gluconate can be synthesized with high labeling yield within 1 hour, whereas rhenium tetrofosmin was synthesized both in room temperature and in an elevated temperature with various tetrofosmin-to-rhenium mole ratios.The results showed that heating at 95oC led to a higher yield of more than 90% within 30 minutes. Rhenium tetrofosmin could be produced in high radiochemical purity using an excess of tetrofosmin with mole ratio of 2000. It is concluded that rhenium tetrofosmin could be synthesized through the formation of rhenium gluconate, and a higher yield could be obtained in a shorter time by heating process. Received: 04 October 2014; Revised:14 April 2015; Accepted:15 April 201

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Assure Dan Pengetahuan Awal Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA-Fisika Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 22 Mataram

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    This is an experimental research. This research aim to examine the effect of ASSURE learning model and prior knowledge on science learning outcome in class VIII of SMPN 22 Mataram. The population is entire students in class VIII SMPN 22 Mataram with VIIIB as experiment class and VIIIC as control class. Both divided into high and low prior knowldege group. This research use factorial design 2x2. Hypothesis test use two ways anava. We got that (1) learning model take significant effect on learning outcome that ASSURE model get higher score than konventional model, (2) prior knowledge take significant effect on learning out come that higher prior knowledge get higher score than the low one, and (3) there is no interaction between learning model and prior knowledge on learning outcome. N-Gain test shown that high prior knowledge of ASSURE class get most improvement result and low pior knowledge of conventional class get worst. It is better to continue this ASSURE learning model in research using another student characterictic analyze. High prior knowledge experiment class get improvement result in all sub-chapter. Low prior knowledge experiment class and high prior knowledge control class get most improvement in wave characteristic. Low prior knowledge control class get most improvement in vibration characteristic

    Crystallite Size and Microstrain Measurement of Cathode Material after Mechanical Milling using Neutron Diffraction Technique

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    The measurements of neutron diffraction patterns of commercially product and 10 hour mechanically milled cathode material lithium cobaltites (LiCoO2) have been performed. Rietveld analysis using FullProf does not show the change of crystal structure due to milling process, but the diffraction pattern has a lower intensity and the diffraction-line was broadening. The results of line-broadening study on milled sample using Rietveld methods detected that the microstrain was occurred in the sample with value 0.127080(35) % and the average crystallite size was 424.78(20) Ã….Received: 7 October 2010; Revised: 31 October 2010; Accepted: 1 November 201
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