6 research outputs found

    Adaptasi Dan Stabilitas Hasil Galur-galur Aromatik Padi Sawah Di Sumatera Utara

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    This research was aimed to describe the yield stability and growth adaptation of elite lines of aromatic rice in rice production centers of North Sumatra. The experiments were conducted at 10 sites during dry season (DS) 2001 and DS 2002. Research materials consisted of 12 elite lines introduced from IRRI with IR64 as check variety. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Stability analysis was performed using methods of Eberhart and Russell, Finlay and Wilkinson, and Francis and Kanennberg. The results showed that the interaction of genotype x environment effect was very significant, indicating the presence of specific line adaptation on a particular environment. Genotypes which had the highest average yield were not always stable genotypes, as was shown by IR71137-49-1-2 which was more suitable to the sub-optimum environment. Lines IR71143-223-3-2-2-3, IR71146-97-1-2-1-3, IR65610-24-3-6-3-2-3, IR66696-49-1-2, IR71146-407-2-1-2-1, IR71146-122-1-1-2-1 were considered as stable genotypes according to the three analysis methods and each line showed high average yield. Those genotypes are suggested to be planted in the high productivity environments in order to obtain its optimum genetic expressivity on grain yiel

    Analisis Stabilitas Hasil Gabah Galur-galur Padi Melalui Pendekatan Parametrik Dan Nonparametrik

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    The failure of a genotype to perform relatively the same in different environments is defined as the interaction Genotype x Environment (G x E interaction). The existence of G x E is often causing breeders facing difficulty to select superior genotypes to be tested further. Efforts to quantify the interaction between the average yields of genotype with environment can be done by parametric and nonparametric approaches. Experiments were conducted at 16 sites in dry season of 2008 and 2009. A total of 14 rice genotypes were tested using randomized complete block design. Combined analyses of variances of 16 sites showed highly significant effects of locations, genotypes, and genotypes x locations. Parametric stability analysis using the coefficient of variability (CVi) showed 6 lines (BP1808-1F-25, BP1352-1G-KN, IR76510-24-3, BP1178-2F-26, OM 5240, OM 1490) were stable. Based on parametric analysis of variance stability (Sv), however only 3 lines namely BP1808-1F-25, S4616-PN-7-3, and IR76510-24-3 were stable. Cultivar superiority method of parametric stability showed that BP1808-1F-25, OM 5240 and OM 1490 were stable, while OM4495 was stable based on Nassar and Huehn nonparametric methods. Results of Spearman's correlation analysis showed that between CVi and Sv, and CVi and Pi were significantly correlated with r = 0.556, and r = 0.560, respectively. It indicated that those three stability parameters had equal strength for determining the stability of the lines or cultivars tested. Based on the three stability approaches BP1808-1F-25 was considered as stable line, while check cultivar Dodokan was unstable. Parametric stability was found more accurate than nonparametric ones, when assumption of the data distribution was fulfilled

    Regenerasi dan Aklimatisasi Kultur Antera Enam Persilangan F1 Padi Sawah

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    The breeding of rainfed rice tolerant to drought can be accomplished using anther culture. The objectives of this research were to determine regeneration abilities of six F1 anther culture and its acclimatization ability. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with 14 replications. The treatments consisted of six F1 derived from crossing: INPARI 18 x IR83140-B-11-B (G1), INPARI 18 x B12825E-TB-1-25 (G2), INPARI 18 x IR87705-14-11-B-SKI-12 (G3), INPARI 22 x IR83140-B-11-B (G4), Bio-R81 x O18b-1 (G5), Bio-R82-2 x O18b-1 (G6). Media for callus induction was based on N6 medium + 2.0 mg L-1 NAA + 0.5 mg L-1 kinetin + 1.0 mM putresin + 60 g L-1 sucrosa, media for regeneration was based on MS + 0.5 mg L-1 NAA + 2.0 mg L-1 kinetin + 1.0 mM putresin, and media for rooting was based on MS + 0.5 mg L-1 IBA + 30 g L-1 sucrosa. The result indicated that all six F1 had different ability in anther culture. Bio-R82-2 x O18-b1 (G6) and Bio-R81 x O18-b1 (G5) F1 genotype had good response both of callus induction and plant regeneration. These two F1 genotypes also gave the highest ratio of green planlet production to number of anther inoculated (GP:AI) were 5.50% and 4.65%, respectively. In this research, there were identified doubled haploid plants were developed from 4 F1 derived cross namely G2 (2 plants), G3 (4 plants), G5 (21 plants), and G6 (26 plants)

    Interaksi Genotipe X Lingkungan Untuk Hasil Gabah Padi Sawah

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    Grain yield of rice is determined by genotype (G), environment (E), and interaction between genotype x environment (G x E). Variety can achieve its maximum yield potential if it is grown in suitable environments. This study was aimed to determine the adaptability and the yield stability of rice genotypes grown in different environments. Sixteen rice genotypes were tested using RBD in 16 sites during the wet season of 2010/2011, and dry season of 2011. The tested rice lines were developed for resistance to pest and diseases. The experiment unit was 4 m x 5 m of plot, plants were fertilized with urea, SP36, and KCl at rates of 250 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha, and 100 kg/ha, respectively. Variable observed was grain yield per plot. Combined analyses of variance showed that there was no lines yielded higher than did check variety Conde. The AMMI analysis showed that the largest variation was contributed by the environment factors (76.49%), genotype x environment interactions (17.55%), and the smallest was contributed by the genotypes (5.97%). Data exploration using boxplot method indicated that the low contribution of the genotype x environment interaction variance in this study was due to the high degree of similarity of yield potentials among the genotypes, and due to high similarity of environmental conditions of the sites.Based on the analysis of AMMI 2, lines B12743 - MR-18-2-3-8, IPB107-F-82-2-1, and Conde was each classified as widely adapted genotypes, while G8, IPB107-F-27-6-1, and BIO111-2-BC-PIR-3714, each was considered as genotype having a specific adaptation

    Keragaman Ketahanan Padi Lokal Jawa, Sumatra, dan Sulawesi terhadap Patogen Hawar Daun Bakteri Patotipe III, IV, dan VIII

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    Hawar Daun Bakteri (HDB) disebabkan oleh bakteri patogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), yang merupakan salah satu penyakit penting tanaman padi. Salah satu pengendalian yang efektif yaitu dengan penggunaan varietas tahan. Koleksi aksesi padi local siperlukan unntuk mendukung program perakitan varietas tahan penyakit HDB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keragaman respons ketahanan padi lokal asal Jawa, Sumatra, dan Sulawesi terhadap penyakit HDB, patotipe III,IV, dan VIII. Materi genetik yang digunakan adalah seratus aksesi plasma nutfah padi local asal Jawa, Sumatera, Sulawesi dan biakan murni bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) patotipe III, IV, dan VIII. Evaluasi ketahanan dilakukan di Rumah Kaca BB Padi Sukamandi pada MT-1/MT-2 tahun 2016. Metode inokulasi dilakukan dengan pengguntingan daun dan skoring ketahanan berdasarkan SES IRRI tahun 2014. Evaluasi pada stadia vegetatif menunjukkan adanya keragaman respons ketahanan terhadap patotipe III (agak rentan−sangat rentan) dan VIII (rentan−sangat rentan). Sedangkan pada stadia generatif terdapat satu aksesi yang bereaksi agak tahan terhadap patotipe III yaitu Padi Terong (7782), yang merupakan aksesi padi lokal asal Jawa Barat. Padi lokal asal Jawa Barat terdeteksi memiliki keragaman respons ketahanan terhadap patogen HDB yang paling beragam