8 research outputs found

    Estimating the Calorific Value and Potential of Electrical Energy Recovery of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste through Empirically Equations and Theoretically Way

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    This chapter aimed to estimate the calorific value and potential of electrical energy that can be generated from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste through mathematical models, bioconversion, and thermochemical approach. The calorific values were calculated using the empirical relationship between higher heating value and ultimate analysis data, stoichiometric manner, and thermochemistry concept. The potential of electrical energy that can be produced was calculated based on literature data on the specified power plant. The result showed that the calorific value and potential of electrical energy recovery of the thermochemical approach are higher than others


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kefektifan ecoenzyme Lemna minor dalam menurunkan kadar BOD pada air limbah laundry serta menganalisis parameter pendukung seperti perubahan warna, bau, pH dan TDS pada sampel tersebut. Dalam menentukan kadar BOD pada penelitian ini, diawali dengan menentukan kadar BOD pada air limbah laundry dan ecoenzyme, kemudian ditentukan kadar BOD pada air limbah yang ditambahkan ecoenzyme dengan variasi komposisi ecoenzyme:limbah (1:1; 1:2; 1:3; 2:1 dan 3:1) dan waktu kontak (1.5.10, 15, 20, 25 hari) dengan menggunakan instrumen DO meter, kadar TDS dianalisis dengan TDS meter serta nilai pH dianalisis dengan pH meter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar BOD pada ecoenzyme berada di kisaran 5 – 0,4 mg/L, lalu untuk air limbah berada di kisaran 61 – 69 mg/L dan kadar BOD pada sampel aplikasi mengalami penurunan sekitar 87% yaitu sekitar 0,55 mg/L. Kadar TDS dan pH pada ecoenzyme dan sampel aplikasi mengalami penurunan, sedangkan kadar TDS pada air limbah mengalami peningkatan seiring waktu kontak. Ecoenzyme Lemna minor dan sampel aplikasi mengalami perubahan warna dan bau semakin lama semakin tidak menyengat, sedangkan untuk air limbah laundry tidak mengalami perubahan warna, tetapi bau yang dihasilkan semakin lama semakin membusuk

    Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment

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    This study aims to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from urban organic waste management. Three management system scenarios were considered as the basis for the analysis. Scenario 1, centralized composting part of the organic waste and the rest being stockpiled in a controlled landfill as a representation of current conditions. In scenario 2, apart from increasing the amount of waste being managed, it also involves home composting. In scenario 3, part of landfill gas in scenario 2 is burned openly. Operational data on municipal solid waste (MSW) management by Buleleng Regency Environmental Office (DLH) by Buleleng Regency was used in this study in addition to the databases available in the IPCC model and other literatures. In scenario 1, 2562 Gg CO2-e comes from gas landfills emission. The centralized composting can only contribute to the avoidance of emissions by 0.158 Gg. In scenario 2, emissions were generated from landfills are 5896 Gg CO2-e with avoided emissions obtained from the application of compost of 0.252 and 0.044 Gg CO2-e respectively for compost produced from centralized composting and home composting. The contribution from landfills is greater in scenario 2 compared to scenario 1 in line with the amount of waste collected and managed. If 50% of landfill gas from scenario 2 is collected from gas collection facilities and then burned (scenario 3), then the avoided GHG emission from this system is 2929.5 Gg CO2-e. This shows that the avoidance contribution of burning or utilizing landfill gas is much greater than that of composting. Keywords: Greenhouse gas, organic fraction of municipal solid waste, landfill, composting DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-5-02 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Analysis of Waste Management in Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Tourism

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    This research was conducted in Central Lombok Regency the aims of the research are: (1) to know how the tourism waste management system, (2) to analyze the condition of facilities and infrastructure and (3) to analyze the participation of the community and tourists, and tourism business actors in waste management in Central Lombok Regency. The research population includes all society areas in Central Lombok Regency which was selected by scope sampling technique. The research sample involved key informants consisting of the Head of the Environmental Service, the head of the tourism office, and the Village Head managing the Tourism Village. The data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show: (1) the tourism waste management system in Central Lombok Regency is still carried out traditionally (collect-transport-dispose), (2) the condition of waste management facilities and infrastructure is still very limited, (3) and the role and involvement of the community, tourists, and business actors in the tourism sector in waste management are still relatively low. Based on indicators of tourism waste management, waste management in Central Lombok Regency is currently unable to support the implementation of sustainable tourism. Keywords: Waste, Waste management, Tourism, Sustainable tourism, Central Lombok DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-8-05 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Perception of and Adaptation to Climate Change by Farmers: Case Study in Highland and Lowland Agro-Ecology in Buleleng Regency of Bali Province

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    This study aims to explore the farmer’s perception of climate change, adaptation strategies are implemented by farmers, and the factors that influencing it. Ninety-seven respondents in Pancasari and Panji Anom village, Buleleng regency of Bali Province were interviewed based on a questionnaire. Both villages are considered as representative highland and lowland agro-ecological areas. The size of respondents in each ecological area were determined proportionately. These respondents were selected by accidental sampling technique. The data collected were about farmer’s socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, infrastructure related to agricultural activities, technology and institutions that were accessible by farmers, the right of property by farmers, the farmer’s perception on climate change, and the adaptation strategies adopted. Data profile and perceptions of farmers were presented with descriptive statistics, whereas, the factors that influence farmer’s perception and their strategies employed to adapt were analyzed by econometric approach using binary logistic regression. The results showed that climate change has been felt by most of farmers. It was shown by the majority of respondents (73.2%) said that there has been rising in temperature, 28.87% said it has been the uncertain rainfall patterns, and 36.08% of the farmers have a perception that climate change as a result of natural factors and humans. The result also showed farmer’s perception of climate change were significantly related to education, income, and agro-ecology. However, experience, income, irrigation conditions, access to credit, access technologies, and ecological areas were factors that significantly influencing adaptation strategies of farmers. Keywords: Farmer, climate change, perception, adaptatio

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