49 research outputs found

    Wavelength-selected Neutron Pulses Formed by a Spatial Magnetic Neutron Spin Resonator

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    AbstractWe present a novel type of spatial magnetic neutron spin resonator whose time and wavelength resolution can be de- coupled from each other by means of a travelling wave mode of operation. Combined with a pair of highly efficient polarisers such a device could act simultaneously as monochromator and chopper, able to produce short neutron pulses, whose wavelength, spectral width and duration could be varied almost instantaneously by purely electronic means with- out any mechanical modification of the experimental setup. To demonstrate the practical feasibility of this technique we have designed and built a first prototype resonator consisting of ten individually switchable modules which allows to produce neutron pulses in the microsecond regime. It was installed at a polarised 2.6Å neutron beamline at the 250kW TRIGA research reactor of the Vienna University of Technology where it could deliver pulses of 55μs duration, which is about three times less than the passage time of the neutrons through the resonator itself. In order to further improve the achievable wavelength resolution to about 3% a second prototype resonator, consisting of 48 individual modules with optimised field homogeneity and enlarged beam cross-section of 6 × 6cm2 was developed. We present the results of first measurements which demonstrate the successful operation of this device

    Investigating SSH Research and Publication Practices in Disciplinary and Institutional Contexts. A Survey-Based Comparative Approach in Two Universities

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    In this paper, we comparatively analyze, present and discuss the results from a survey on increasing the visibility of research achievements in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) that was carried out at the University of Vienna (Austria) and the University of Navarra (Spain) in 2016 and 2017. Covering four major topics—searching and finding literature, publishing, the visibility of research, and the assessment of research outputs—we ask the following questions: are there disciplinary differences to be identified, and how do they present themselves in the two institutional contexts? Discussing the results, we showcase how disciplinary and institutional traditions and contexts are important factors that influence research and publication practices in the SSH. Our results indicate that the practices of searching and finding literature as well as publication practices and behavior are shaped by disciplinary traditions and epistemic cultures. On the contrary, assessment and valuation of research outputs are influenced by institutional and national contexts in which SSH research is organized and carried out

    Circulating B-vitamin biomarkers and B-vitamin supplement use in relation to quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer: results from the FOCUS consortium

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    Background: B vitamins have been associated with the risk and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC), given their central roles in nucleotide synthesis and methylation, yet their association with quality of life in established CRC is unclear.Objectives: To investigate whether quality of life 6 months postdiagnosis is associated with: 1) circulating concentrations of B vitamins and related biomarkers 6 months postdiagnosis; 2) changes in these concentrations between diagnosis and 6 months postdiagnosis; 3) B-vitamin supplement use 6 months postdiagnosis; and 4) changes in B-vitamin supplement use between diagnosis and 6 months postdiagnosis.Methods: We included 1676 newly diagnosed stage I-III CRC patients from 3 prospective European cohorts. Circulating concentrations of 9 biomarkers related to the B vitamins folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and cobalamin were measured at diagnosis and 6 months postdiagnosis. Information on dietary supplement use was collected at both time points. Health-related quality of life (global quality of life, functioning scales, and fatigue) was assessed by the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire 6 months postdiagnosis. Confounder-adjusted linear regression analyses were performed, adjusted for multiple testing.Results: Higher pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) was cross-sectionally associated with better physical, role, and social functioning, as well as reduced fatigue, 6 months postdiagnosis. Associations were observed for a doubling in the hydroxykynurenine ratio [3-hydroxykynurenine: (kynurenic acid + xanthurenic acid + 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid + anthranilic acid); an inverse marker of vitamin B6] and both reduced global quality of life (beta = -3.62; 95% CI: -5.88, -1.36) and worse physical functioning (beta = -5.01; 95% CI: -7.09, -2.94). Dose-response relations were observed for PLP and quality of life. No associations were observed for changes in biomarker concentrations between diagnosis and 6 months. Participants who stopped using B-vitamin supplements after diagnosis reported higher fatigue than nonusers.Conclusions: Higher vitamin B6 status was associated with better quality of life, yet limited associations were observed for the use of B-vitamin supplements. Vitamin B6 needs further study to clarify its role in relation to quality of life

    ESSS 2010: A review of the inaugurational European Summer School for Scientometrics in Berlin

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    Sichtbarkeit und Open Access in den GSK

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    Sichtbarkeit und Einschätzung von Forschungsleistung in den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (GSK) ist gegenwärtig international ein topaktuelles Thema. 2016 erfolgte an der Universität Wien zu dieser Thematik eine Onlinebefragung, die auch mehrere Open Access spezifische Fragestellungen enthielt. Die Teilnehmenden waren aufgefordert, nach welchen Kriterien wählen Sie Zeitschriften aus, in denen Sie publizieren, den Bekanntheitsgrad der Open Access Policy der Universität Wien sowie ihre bisherigen Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Open Access Modellen (Green, Gold und Hybrid) anzugeben. Im Vortrag werden die Ergebnisse sowie abgeleitete Empfehlungen kurz vorgestellt. Eine systematische Kenntnis der Spezifika in den jeweiligen Wissenskulturen ist erforderlich, um bedarfsgerechte Maßnahmen und Services für die Forschenden zu entwickeln

    Executive Summary. Sichtbarkeitssteigerung in den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (GSK)

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    Dieser Report gibt einen Überblick über die Befragung zur Sichtbarkeitssteigerung in den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (GSK), die 2016 an der Universität Wien durchgeführt wurde. Diese richtete sich an das wissenschaftliche Personal aller dieser Disziplinen zugeordneten Fakultäten. Die Teilnehmenden wurden zu folgenden Themenbereichen befragt: Suchen und Finden; Publizieren; Sichtbarkeit; Einschätzung von Forschungsleistungen (Publikationen). Die in diesem Kontext durchgeführte Befragung diente der Erhebung der unterschiedlichen Publikationskulturen in diesen Disziplinen und stellt somit die Basis für eine Optimierung der notwendigen Infrastruktur und Serviceangebote gemäß den geäußerten Bedürfnissen der befragten Forschenden dar