13 research outputs found

    Assessment of physical activity and eating habits among physiotherapy students.

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    Aktywność fizyczna oraz odpowiedni sposób odżywiania ma ogromny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka. Studenci zwłaszcza kierunków medycznych powinni być świadomi konsekwencji wynikających z braku aktywności fizycznej. Tryb życia młodzieży akademickiej jest nieregularny. Problem braku aktywności fizycznej dotyka ludzi na całym świecie. Wysiłek fizyczny wpływa korzystnie na: układ kostny, krwionośny, oddechowy, nerwowy, immunologiczny oraz hormonalny. Aktywne spędzanie wolnego czasu zwiększa szansę na bycie zdrowym fizycznie i psychicznie. Oprócz aktywności fizycznej ważnym czynnikiem wpływającym na zdrowie jest prawidłowe odżywianie. Nieprawidłowa dieta przyczynia się do powstawania wielu chorób cywilizacyjnych. Najczęściej obserwowane nieprawidłowości w odżywaniu to: brak regularnego spożywania posiłków, pojadanie miedzy posiłkami niezdrowych przekąsek, niedostarczanie odpowiedniej ilości płynów w ciągu dnia.Do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu człowieka niezbędna jest odpowiednia ilość snu, unikanie używek oraz nadmiernego stresu.Physical activity and proper diet have a huge impact on human health. Especially medical students should be aware of the consequences of physical inactivity. The lifestyle of academic youth is irregular. The problem of physical inactivity affects people all over the world. Physical effort has a positive effect on the skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, immune and endocrine systems. Active leisure activities increase the chance of being physically and mentally healthy.In addition to physical activity, an important factor affecting health is proper nutrition. Incorrect diet contributes to the emergence of many lifestyle diseases. The most frequently observed irregularities in nutrition are: lack of regular meals, eating between meals unhealthy snacks, not providing the right amount of fluid during the day. For the proper functioning of the human body, it is necessary to have adequate sleep, avoid drugs and excessive stres

    Macromycetes of the NW Sörkapp Land, Spitsbergen

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    Macromycetes of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)

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    Periodontitis-Related Knowledge and Its Relationship with Oral Health Behavior among Adult Patients Seeking Professional Periodontal Care

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    Background: Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that not only damages the stomatognathic system, but may also adversely influence other systems and organs. Patients with low oral health literacy levels are more prone to gingivitis/periodontitis and have a more severe disease course. Methods: A written questionnaire was carried out to assess the knowledge of patients of the Outpatient Clinic of Department of Periodontal and Oral Mucosa Diseases, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. The questions concerned knowledge regarding the causes of periodontal disease, its risk factors, and the connection between periodontal disease and general health status. To analyze the population, patients were divided according to gender, age and if they were first-time or regular outpatients. Results: Written questionnaires were completed by a total of 302 patients. In the studied population, we noted knowledge deficits, particularly related to weaker periodontal disease risk factors (stress, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity) and the genetic factor, which is the determinant of periodontitis. The patients’ awareness of the role of plaque bacteria and the effect of smoking on the periodontium was at a relatively high level. The respondents were also aware of the impact of periodontal disease on general health as well as the role of oral hygiene in preventing the disease. At the same time, few of them (26%) used interdental brushes or an irrigator (8%). Conclusions: We demonstrated that patients have an insufficient level of knowledge related to risk factors as well as the prevention of periodontal disease. Awareness of the extent of oral health literacy among patients will help to identify key issues connected with health education intervention