3 research outputs found
Multivariate Analysis Approach to Factor-Affected Tuberculosis Disease
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by infection with the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Tuberculosis attack organ besides the lung, such as the pleura, lining of the brain, lining of the heart, lymph gland, bones, joint, skin, intestines, kidney, urinary tract, and genital. This disease is found in densely populated settlements with poor sanitation, lack of ventilation and sunlight and lack of rest. Moreover, the factors that will be analyzed in this research are Population Density (X1), Number of HIV/AIDS (X2), number of toddlers who experience nutrition (X3), Number of toddlers who experience BCG immunization (X4), number of toddlers who get exclusive breastfeeding (X5), Total families with PHBS (X6), number of residents with healthy homes (X7), number of families with clean water facilities (X8), number of families with ownership of latrine sanitation (X9), number of families with have landfills (X10), number of families have management waste place (X11), number of elementary education facilities (X12), Number of junior school education facilities (X13), Number of senior school education facilities (X14), Number of institutions fostered by neighborhood health (X15), Number of Posyandu (X16), Number Life Expectancy (X17), Literacy Rate (X18), Human Development Index (X19), Number of Tuberculosis sufferers (X20). This research aims to analyze what variables influence each other on the prevalence rate of tuberculosis in the city of Surabaya. The method used in this research is a multivariate analysis using factor analysis, cluster analysis, biplot analysis and discriminant analysis. This discriminant analysis determines accuracy by calculating the value (1-APER). The resulting research the Number of HIV/AIDS, number of residents with healthy homes, and Number of families with ownership of Sanitation (latrine, landfills, waste management) have a high correlation with the spread of tuberculosis in Surabaya. Meanwhile, areas with a high rate of tuberculosis are Tambaksari, Wonokromo, Sawahan, and Semampir. The classification analysis accuracy level was 90.32% and the accuracy of the resulting model or discriminant function was very high. So that discriminant analysis can be used for predicting the accuracy of tuberculosis prevalence rates
Analisis Saham LQ45 Menggunakan Metode Vektor Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (Studi Kasus Data Harga Saham Sektor Property pada LQ45)
Model VARMA adalah kombinasi dari model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) dan
model Vector Moving Average (VMA). Model VAR adalah kombinasi dari
beberapa model Autoregressive, sedangkan VMA adalah kombinasi dari beberapa
model Moving Average. Dalam mengidentifikasi model VARMA didasarkan
pada Matriks Cross Correlation Function dan Matriks Partial Autoregression
Function. Matriks Cross Correlation Function dilakukan untuk menunjukkan orde
model VMA dan Matriks Partial Autoregression Function digunakan untuk
menentukan orde model AR. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis data saham LQ45.
Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah harga saham penutupan dari PT.
Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk (PTPP), PT. Wijaya Karya (WIKA) dan PT.
Waskita Karya Tbk (WASKITA). Untuk menentukan model terbaik
menggunakan kriteria RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) yang terkecil pada data
out-sample. Pemodelan yang digunakan adalah model VARIMA (1,1,0) dan
VARIMA(1,1,1). Kriteria model terbaik untuk saham PTPP dan WIKA ada pada
model VARIMA(1,1,0) dan perusahaan WASKITA ada pada model
VARMA model is a combination of Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and Vector
Moving Average (VMA). VAR model is combination of Autoregressive model,
while VMA is a combination of Moving Average. Idenfiying VARMA model
based on Sample Cross Correlation Matrix Function and Partial Autoregression
Matrix. Sample Correlation Matrix Function use to orde VMA model, Partial
Autoregression Matrix use to orde AR model. The research analyze of stock price
of property score on LQ45. Data used in the research are closing price with PT
Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk (PTPP), PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) dan PT
Waskita Karya Tbk (WASKITA). The best of model for this research is the
smallest RMSE value (Root Mean Square Error) for out-sample. Modelling in
this research are VARIMA(1,1,0) and VARIMA(1,1,1). Criteria for the best
model of PTPP and WIKA are VARI(1,1) model, while WASKITA is
VARIMA(1,1,1) model
Pemetaan Penyakit Tuberkulosis Di Kota Surabaya Tahun 2012, Analisa Statistik Multivariatat
Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Menurut World Health Organizations (WHO), Angka prevalensi kasus penyakit tuberkulosis paru di Indonesia 130/100.000, setiap tahun terdapat 539.000 kasus baru dan jumlah kematian sekitar 101.000 orang pertahun, angka insidensi kasus Tuberkulosis paru BTA (+) sekitar 110/100.000 penduduk. Jumlah penderita Tuberkulosis Kota Surabaya sebanyak 4.212 orang dari jumlah penduduk Kota Surabaya sebanyak 2,801,409. Hal ini membuat penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang pemetaan penyakit tuberkulosis di Kota Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan penyakit tuberkulosis di Kota Surabaya serta mengetahui faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi penyakit tuberkulosis. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis multivariat. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kepedatan penduduk, penderita HIV/AIDS, ASI Ekslusif, Imunisasi BCG, Gizi, PHBS, Rumah Sehat, Sarana Air Bersih, Sanitasi, Jumlah Sarana Pendidikan, Ju mlah Posyandu, Bina Kesehatan, Angka Harapan Hidup. Angka Melek Huruf, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, Penderita TB Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat, kecamatan di Kota Surabaya di bagi atas 3 kelompok,kelompok 1 (Sukomanunggal, Tandes, Tegalsari, Bubutan, Simokerto, Krembengan, Kenjeran, Gubeng, Rungkut, Sukolilo, Mulyorejo) merupakan merupakan daerah potensi rawan penyebaran penyakit tuberkulosis. Kelompok 2(Asemrowo, Benowo, Pakal, Sambikerep, Lakasantri, Genteng, Pabean Cantikan, Bulak, Tenggilis, Gunang Anyar, Karang Pilang, Dukuh Pakis, Wiyung, Gayungan, Wonocolo, Jambangan) merupaka daerah bebas penyebaran penyakit tuberkulosis. Kelompok 3(Semampir, Tambaksari, Wonokromo, Sawahan) merupaka daerah kerawanan penyakit tuberkulosis tinggi.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. According to the World Health Organizations (WHO), the prevalence rate of cases pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesia 130/100.000, every year there are 539,000 new cases and 101,000 deaths around the yearly, the incidence of cases of pulmonary tuberculosis smear BTA (+) about 110/100.000 population. Number of patients tuberculosis in Surabaya as 4,212 people of the population of the city of Surabaya as much as 2,801,409.It makes the writer interested to doing research mapping tuberculosis disease in the city Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to map the disease tuberculosis in Surabaya and factors that affect tuberculosis. The analytical method using a multivariate analysis. The variable in this study are population density, HIV / AIDS disease, exclusive ASI, BCG immunization, nutrition, PHBS, Healthy of Homes, Water, Sanitation, Education Facility Amount, Total posyandu, Health Development, life expectancy of birth, adul t literacy rate, Human Development Index, TB Patients Based on the result of multivariate analysis, districts in the city of Surabaya there are three groups, group 1 (Sukomanunggal, Tandes, Tegalsari, Bubutan, Simokerto, Krembangan, Kenjeran, Gubeng, Rungkut, Sukolilo, Mulyorejo) is a potential are prone to the spread of tuberculosis. Group 2 (Asemrowo, Benowo, Pakal, Sambikerep, Lakasantri, Genteng, Pabean Cantikan, Bulak, Tenggilis, Gunang Anyar, Karang Pilang, Dukuh Pakis, Wiyung, Gayungan, Wonocolo, vases) is a spread of tuberculosis-free area. Group 3 (Semampir, Tambaksari, Wonokromo, Sawahan) is the highest area of vulnerability to tuberculosis