46 research outputs found

    Comparison of psychopathology in the mothers of autistic and mentally retarded children.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate anxiety, depression, alexithymia, and general psychological symptoms in the mothers of autistic children in comparison with those in the mothers of mentally retarded children. Forty mothers of autistic children and 38 mothers of mentally retarded children were included in the study. After a clinical interview, psychometric tests were performed for depression, anxiety, alexithymia, and Symptom Distress Check List (SCL-90) for general psychological symptoms. Non-depression rates was 27.5% in the mothers of autistic children whereas the rate was 55.3% in the mothers of mentally retarded children. There was no difference regarding anxiety and alexithymia between the two groups. The psychopathology in the mothers of autistic children was more frequent than in those of mentally retarded children in all sub-scales of SCL-90 (somatization obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, anger-hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid thought, psychotism, and extra scale). The mothers of autistic children experienced more psychological distress than those of mentally retarded children. Our findings indicates that the assessment of autistic and mentally retarded children should include psychological assessment of their mothers

    Early left ventricular functional alterations in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Background: The knowledge regarding myocardial alterations in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in the absence of any known cardiovascular disorders including hypertension is limited. The aim of this study was to assess the early alterations of left ventricular (LV) functions caused by OSAS before the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular manifestations of OSAS.Methods: Eighty consecutive patients who underwent polysomnography (PSG) were enrolled in the study. Patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus or any other known cardiac diseases were excluded from the study. Subjects were separated into two groups by their apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) (group 1: AHI < 15, and group 2: AHI ≥ 15). Fourty-three patients with normal polysomnographic examination or mild OSAS (group 1) and 37 patients with moderate to severe OSAS (group 2) were compared. After PSG examination, LV functions were assessed by using the conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiographic methods.Results: The mean age was similar between the groups. The ratio of male patients was higher in group 2 (male/female: 31/12 in group 1 vs. 34/3 in group 2, p = 0.04). Body mass index was higher in group 2 (p = 0.05). Conventional echocardiography showed that interventricular septum thickness was 9.5 ± 1.1 mm in group 1, and 10.5 ± 1.4 mm in group 2 (p = 0.02). Mean left atrial diameter was 35.6 ± 4.1 mm in group 2, and 33.8 ± 3.1 mm in group 1 (p = 0.04). Ratio of early to late transmitral diastolic velocities was lower in group 2 (p = 0.01), indicating that impairment of diastolic function was more frequent in moderate to severe OSAS patients. Tissue Doppler echocardiography showed that early diastolic myocardial velocity was lower ingroup 2 (21.1 ± 5.6 cm/s in group 1 vs. 18.3 ± 5.3 cm/s in group 2, p = 0.01).Conclusions: Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, LV hypertrophy and left atrial dilatationoccur in patients with OSAS even before the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases

    In vitro susceptibility of e.faecalis and c.albicans isolates from apical periodontitis to common antimicrobial agents, antibiotics and antifungal medicaments

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro antimicrobial activity of 4 antibiotic agents (for E.faecalis) and 4 antifungal agents (for C.albicans) by agar dilution method. Additionally, modified strip diffusion method was used for detection of in vitro antimicrobial activities of 5% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl, 17% EDTA and 2% CHX and agar diffusion method for detection of in vitro susceptibilities of three intracanal medicaments for 18 E.faecalis and 18 C.albicans isolates from primary and secondary root canal infection. Isolates were recovered from 231 endodontic samples of patients, with the need of root canal treatment and retreatment. All tested E.faecalis isolates showed resistance to antibiotics. For irrigation solutions, 2% CHX was more effective in eliminating E.faecalis but 5% NaOCl showed larger inhibition zone than 2.5% NaOCl, 17% EDTA and 2% CHX. For intracanal medication, Ca(OH)2-CHX worked efficiently in killing E.faecalis isolates compared to Ca(OH)2-Steril saline solution, Ca(OH)2-Glycerin. For C.albicans, 18 isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B, nistatin, fluconazole but showed resistance to ketoconazole. 5% NaOCl was more effective in eliminating and produced larger inhibition zone compared to 2.5% NaOCl, 17% EDTA and 2% CHX. Ca(OH)2-Glycerin intracanal medication was better in eliminating C.albicans isolates and produced larger inhibition zone compared to other Ca(OH)2 medicaments

    Polymerase chain reaction of enterococcus faecalis and candida albicans in apical periodontitis from Turkish patients

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of two important pathogenic microorganisms associated with endodontic infections, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans, in root canal samples from patients with necrotic pulps or failed canal therapy by polymerase chain reaction method. Methodology: Microbial samples were obtained from 117 teeth with necrotic pulp tissues and 114 teeth with failed endodontic treatment. Results: E.faecalis were identified in 16% of the necrotic and 10% of the retreated root canal infections by PCR. C.albicans genome were identified in 20% and 11% of the necrotic and retreated root canal infections, respectively, by PCR. The frequencies of microbiota were not statistically different between necrotic and retreatment groups (p > 0.05, chi squared test). Conclusions: PCR analysis of teeth with periapical lesions revealed that E.faecalis was found in fewer patients than in previous studies. The C.albicans prevelance was consistent with previous reports. No statistical difference was found between primary and secondary root canal infections for C.albicans or E.faecalis

    Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and renal functions in children with a solitary kidney

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the blood pressure (BP) profile, microalbuminuria, renal functions, and relations with remaining normal kidney size in children with unilateral functioning solitary kidney (UFSK). Sixty-six children with UFSK were equally divided into three groups: unilateral renal agenesis (URA), unilateral atrophic kidney (UAK), and unilateral nephrectomy (UNP). Twenty-two age-, weight-, and height-matched healthy children were considered as a control group. The serum creatinine level and first-morning urine microalbumin and creatinine concentrations were determined by the standard methods. Also, the BP profile was determined by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). We found that the serum creatinine level was higher and creatinine clearance was lower in each patient groups compared to those of the control group (p < 0.05). Compared with the controls, each group of patients had mean office, 24-h, daytime, and night-time systolic and diastolic BP values similar to those of the controls (p > 0.05). An inverse correlation was found between the renal size standard deviation scores (SDS) of normal kidneys and 24-h systolic and diastolic BP load SDS in all of the patients (p < 0.05; r = −0.372, r = −0.295, respectively). The observed relationship between renal size SDS and 24-h mean arterial pressure (MAP), systolic and diastolic BP load SDS suggests that children with UFSK should be evaluated by using ABPM for the risk of hypertension

    Comorbidities of Migraine Results of Turkish Headache Database Working Group

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    WOS: 000343369500009Aim: Realizing migraine comorbidities is particularly important for physiopathology, treatment, and progress of the disease. In the present study, we aimed to assess the comorbid conditions in patients with migraine. Method: This retrospective study was conducted by the Turkish Headache Database Study Group, at 23 headache centers. Diagnosis of migraine was established by a physician based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders-II criteria. Comorbidities of migraine were determined based on the patients' self reports. Results: A total of 3478 cases, which have been diagnosed with migraine were evaluated. (mean age 43.5 +/- 11.2, 81.8% female). Comorbidity was detected in 55.7% (n:1937) of overall cases. Psychiatric diseases have been reported to be the most prevalent comorbidity in these patients (31.5%, p 0.0001).<= 0.0001). Patients with comorbidities were more sensitive to migraine triggers and accompanied symptoms were more severe (p <= 0.0001). Conclusion: Comorbidity of migraine is the important component of complex nature of the disease. The present study is important in terms of being the first multicenter study exposing migraine comorbidities and their reflections in clinical practice.Turkish Headache Study GroupThis work was in part supported with a section grant from the Turkish Headache Study Grou

    Migren Komorbiditesi Türk Başğarısı Veritabanı Sonuçları

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    Amaç: Migren komorbiditesinin farkında olunması özellikle hastalığın fizyopatolojisi, tedavi seçenekleri ve seyri açısında önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada migren tanısı almış hastalarda komorbid durumların değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Bu çalışma Türk Başağrısı Veritabanı Çalışma Grubu tarafından retrospektif olarak 23 başağrısı merkezinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Migren tanısı ICD-II tanı ölçütlerine göre konulmuştur. Migren komorbiditesi hasta verilerine dayanılarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Migren tanısı almış toplam 3478 olgu değerlendirilmiş (ortalama yaş 43.5±11.2, %81.8 kadın hasta), %55.7 (n:1937) oranında komorbid durum saptanmıştır. Bu hastalarda en yüksek oranda komorbid durum olarak psikiyatrik hastalık belirlenmiştir (%31.5, p?0.0001). Auralı migrenli olgularda kardiyovasküler hastalık (%16.5) ve hipertansiyon (%16.3) daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Nörolojik hastalık komorbiditesi de auralı migrenlilerde yüksek olup; bu hastaların %4.6'sında vertigo, %1.5 epilepsi saptanmıştır. Uykuya dalma zorluğu olguların %35.4'ünde (p?0.0001), başağrısı olmayan ağrı prevalansı %2.9 (p>0.000) belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Migren komorbiditesi hastalığın karmaşık doğasının önemli komponentidir. Bu çalışma migren komorbiditesini ve onun klinik pratiğe yansımalarının ortaya konduğu ilk çok merkezli çalışma olma özelliği nedeniyle önem taşımaktadır.Aim: Realizing migraine comorbidities is particularly important for physiopathology, treatment, and progress of the disease. In the present study, we aimed to assess the comorbid conditions in patients with migraine. Method: This retrospective study was conducted by the Turkish Headache Database Study Group, at 23 headache centers. Diagnosis of migraine was established by a physician based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders-II criteria. Comorbidities of migraine were determined based on the patients' self reports. Results: A total of 3478 cases, which have been diagnosed with migraine were evaluated. (mean age 43.5±11.2, 81.8% female). Comorbidity was detected in 55.7% (n:1937) of overall cases. Psychiatric diseases have been reported to be the most prevalent comorbidity in these patients (31.5%, p?). Cardiovascular diseases (16.5%), and hypertension (16.3%) have been found to be more prevalent in migraine with aura. Prevalence of neurological comorbidity, also, was higher in migraine with aura. Epilepsy (1.5%) and vertigo (4.6%) were detected in migraine with aura cases. Difficulty in falling asleep was found in 35.4% of the cases (p?). Prevalence of non-headache pain was found to be 2.9% (p>0.0001).?). Patients with comorbidities were more sensitive to migraine triggers and accompanied symptoms were more severe (p?). Conclusion: Comorbidity of migraine is the important component of complex nature of the disease. The present study is important in terms of being the first multicenter study exposing migraine comorbidities and their reflections in clinical practice

    Social problem solving and coping skills of medical students

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate medical students' social problem solving and coping skills. Material and Methods: In this correlational descriptive study, data were gathered from 457 medical students. Social Problem Solving Inventory and Social Problem Coping Behaviours Inventory were used. Results: The most preferred activities when the students face a problem were talking with friends (87.1%), talking with special persons (85.4%), sleeping (82.6%), talking with family members (81.6%), and eating (79.8%). The ratio of the behaviors that can be deemed risky were exhibiting aggressive and violent behaviors (18.9%), drinking alcohol (18.7%), smoking (17.6%), playing games of chance (16.9%), and using substance (3.8%). There was a positive relationship between total scores of Social Problem Solving Inventory and Social Problem Coping Behaviours Inventory. It is found that immature social problem solving ability has increased the risk of unfavourable behaviours by 3.1 fold. Conclusion: Social problem solving ability is significantly correlated with coping behaviours and may predict it. Medical students who are the doctors and the role models of the future need to develop their social problem solving skills in addition to clinical problem solving skills. [Cukurova Med J 2016; 41(4.000): 721-731

    Investigation of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (Esbl) in Nosocomial Gram-Negative Bacterial Isolates by Different Test Methods

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the existence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) in nosocomial Gram-negative bacteria isolates and to compare different test methods that detecting ESBL. The strains producing the largest quantities of these enzymes are Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae), Klebsiella spp., and Escherichia coli (E. coli). [Med-Science 2015; 4(3.000): 2431-40